The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2728: Mighty Suyang

The real power of the Eye of Chaos is that he can call the power of Chaos, merge with his own power, and transform it into a more powerful force.

And this kind of power is extremely terrifying.

Among the ancient warriors, the attack power of Chaos Eye is also the first person under the strongest. His offensive power can shake the strongest!

Now, although the Eye of Chaos has not recovered its peak combat power, it does not mean that his attack power is weak. On the contrary, in the same realm, his attack power is still the strongest.

With the blessing of the ascetic Buddha's radiant light, the attack power of the Eye of Chaos has been enhanced a lot. When the eyes were opened and closed, a ray of light burst out. And those guardian gods, as long as they were hit by this light, there was no one who would not be shattered to pieces.

If you are lucky, you can escape the soul and save your life. Those with bad luck were directly blasted to death, which was extremely miserable.

Also raging among the guardian gods is the huge immortal Titan.

The Immortal Titan is physically invincible, and most of his attacks are ineffective to him. Coupled with his infinite power, he rushed into the crowd of the guardian god, like a big killer, crushed all the way, extremely crazy.

Other strong human races, under the light of the ascetic Buddha, madly confronted the guardian gods.

Although there are these four powerhouses on the human side. But in fact, Terran is still at a disadvantage.

The number of guardian gods is more than ten times that of them. Moreover, many of them are extremely powerful, able to compete with the guardian **** of the four powerhouses.

Not long after the war broke out, these powerful guardian gods rushed over and stopped the four powerhouses. The other guardian gods rushed over like a tide, and they besieged the strong human race here.

Although there is the golden light of the ascetic Buddha, the human race is barely protecting itself. The difference between the numbers of the two sides is too great.

Su Yang's opponents are the thirteen guardian gods, among the guardian gods are extremely powerful existences, and they were once able to compete with the eternal gods and emperors.

Tianzong stands on the periphery and will attack Su Yang from time to time. He has been hit hard by Su Yang, and now he has no capital to fight Su Yang, he can only stand on the periphery and try to sneak attacks.

It was also that Su Yang found a way to integrate the secret method of the Buddha's Skykiller, otherwise, Su Yang would not be able to fight this battle.

The strength of these 13 people is actually not much worse than Su Yang.

However, Su Yang relies on the magical secrets of the Buddha's Skykiller, and every time he makes a shot, he can exceed people's expectations. For a while, these thirteen people were suppressed by Su Yang, and they were beaten by Su Yang and ran in a panic, embarrassing.

Tianzong stood on the periphery, seeing this situation, his face was even more angry.

You know, even if he shot himself and was besieged by these thirteen people, there was no chance of winning.

As a result, Su Yang has beaten these thirteen people into chaos, isn't that even more proof that his strength is far worse than Su Yang.

Looking at the secret methods Su Yang displayed, Tianzong was extremely curious. He has never heard of these secret methods. Where did these secret methods come from? Could it be Su Yang created it himself?

He didn't know that these secret methods were actually the result of the fusion of the secret methods of the Buddha and the secret methods of Skykiller recorded in the Destiny Book.

Su Yang's immortal golden body was tempered by the Buddha for an era. And his indestructible bone has been tempered by the Skykiller for another era.

It can be said that Su Yang's physical bones are far superior to anyone, including the strongest.

After all, these differences are all tempered by the strongest, how can it be simple?

The secret method used by Su Yang is a fusion of the secret method of the Buddha and the Skykiller.

The secret method of a single Buddha, or the secret method of a single skykiller, is already powerful enough. And the fusion of these two secret methods is even more terrifying.

The Buddha and the Skykiller are the same body, although the two practice methods are completely different. But in fact, after all, it comes from one body. The secret methods created by the two seem to be mutually exclusive, but in fact, they complement each other. After the fusion of the two secret methods, the power is increased several times or even dozens of times compared to before. This is what makes people really scary.

Although the strength of the thirteen guardian gods is strong, how can they fight against such a mysterious and unpredictable secret method and the power is so terrifying?

After fighting for a while, eight of the 13 people were injured.

Tianzong's complexion became even more ugly. According to this situation, continue to fight, these 13 people, maybe they will be killed by Su Yang. Su Yang's strength is really terrifying!

The thirteen guardian gods are also extremely frustrated, their strength is not weak, but facing Su Yang, they can only passively defend like this, which is really something they did not expect.

After a while, two more were injured. According to this situation, these 13 people will be severely injured by Su Yang sooner or later, and then beheaded one by one by Su Yang.

Tianzong gritted his teeth and suddenly roared: "Set the heavens!"

The thirteen people were all taken aback, turning their heads to look at Tianzong, their faces full of unbelievable expressions.

The four powerful people of the aerial human race also looked over, all with vigilant faces.

"Frozen what, put the heavens in a big array!" Tianzong roared.

The thirteen people looked at each other, still hesitating whether to act.

"Leader Su, be careful!" Nine-headed Demon Yuan hurriedly shouted: "Heavenly Dao Great Array, you can borrow the power of Heavenly Dao. Once you fall into the circle, you will encounter the power of Heavenly Dao. Unless you can blast through the power of Heavenly Dao, otherwise , There is no way to escape this circle!"

Su Yang couldn't help but stunned. Although he had restored his previous memories, he really didn't know what the Heavenly Dao Formation was.

"The Heavenly Dao Stone Tablets are all broken, where is the power of Heavenly Dao?" Su Yang asked.

At this moment, Tianzong made a move. He stretched out his hand and grabbed several guardian gods from far away, directly beheading these guardian gods, throwing their flesh and blood into the air.

"What are you doing in a daze?" Tianzong roared: "Hurry up and set the array!"

Only then did the thirteen people react, and one after another shot to melt the flesh and blood in the air. At this moment, a faint mist appeared around Su Yang, slowly enveloping him.

The voice of the nine-headed demon element also came at this time: "Every guardian **** has the power of heaven in the body. The stone stele of heaven is broken, but the power of these heavens is still in them. There is no stone stele of heaven. They can only use the guardian **** as a sacrifice, and use the heavenly power in the guardian **** to set the array!"

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