In fact, Su Yang did not intend to escape to the end.

The reason why he chose to escape was because under the circumstances at the time, if he fought hard with the guardian god, they would definitely suffer.

The escape process is actually the process of Su Yang collecting the chaos gap.

To deal with these guardian gods, Su Yang could only use the rules of chaos to deal with them. The best way is to use the chaos gap to disperse these people.

These people are very powerful, and ordinary chaos gaps have no meaning to them. What can really limit these guardian gods is the more powerful chaos gap.

Su Yang ran away in the chaos, looking for a more powerful chaos gap.

In this chaos, those powerful chaotic gaps are actually very rare.

When Su Yang came in before, Chaos Sparrow told him the location of some powerful chaotic gaps. Su Yang collected those chaotic gaps, and then he had the trap to deal with the guardian god.

However, those chaotic gaps were left by Su Yang in the previous trap, and there was no time to take them away. Now that it is so far away from that place, there is no way to rush back to use those chaotic gaps, Su Yang can only collect it himself.

After running away for several years, Su Yang did not encounter a powerful chaos gap. However, he collected a lot of small chaos gaps. Combining these small chaotic gaps together can form a powerful chaotic gap.

After successfully fusing this chaotic gap, Su Yang winked at the four Supreme Dragon Emperor.

The four of them were too unwilling to escape again, and they suddenly understood Su Yang's wink.

As he was running, the Supreme Dragon Emperor suddenly disappeared, as if he had accidentally fallen into the chaos gap.

The eyes of the guardian gods behind brightened. This is an opportunity. There is one less person on the human side. Isn't that the best time to besiege them?

In fact, Su Yang and the others stopped quickly because of the sudden disappearance of the Supreme Dragon Emperor, and looked nervously at the place where the Supreme Dragon Emperor disappeared.

"Hurry up, catch up!" Tianzong roared anxiously, and directly took out the Heavenly Dao jade pendant, flashed a ray of light, and pushed forward abruptly.

This Heavenly Dao Jade Pei, possessing the power of Heavenly Dao, can fill the chaos gap. He did this to prevent Su Yang from setting any trap here. After all, he suffered too much under Su Yang's hands before, and he is now the shadow of the snake.

However, this time Su Yang did not set any traps. Tianzong rushed all the way, without encountering any obstacles, and soon arrived in front of Su Yang.

"Stop them!" Tianzong roared frantically: "Kill them! Kill them!"

Those guardian gods were also full of anger, and now they seized the opportunity and rushed up, surrounded the four Su Yang, and at the same time began to attack and kill the four Su Yang with all their strength.

Su Yang's four people are also full of anxiety at the moment, the three of the immortal Titans blocked the surrounding attacks in a panic, while Su Yang rushed to the place where the Supreme Dragon Emperor just disappeared, as if trying to find the Supreme Dragon Emperor. .

"Don't let them run away!" Tianzong roared, and hurriedly urged the power of Tiandao to push him over, preparing to repel Su Yang.

At this time, there are also three guardian gods behind, attacking Su Yang from behind.

These three guardian gods are still a little away from Su Yang. Seeing that they are about to rush to Su Yang, they suddenly disappeared!

"What's the matter?" Tianzong's eyes widened, and his expression instantly turned pale: "The surnamed Su, set a trap again?"

Su Yang smiled, this time the gain was not small, he even tricked all the three guardian gods into it.

This chaotic gap was merged by Su Yang with those small chaotic gaps. It was not stable, and the range was very small, so it could only be used once.

Su Yang was still thinking before that if the two guardian gods could be sent away, it would be considered a very good situation. Unexpectedly, if the three guardian gods were sent away directly this time, their situation would be better.

On the Guardian God's side, there were now seven people left, which made Su Yang's pressure much less.

"Tianzong, it's not the first time you have fought with me, why are you so careless?" Su Yang smiled lightly.

Tianzong turned blue with anger, quickly expanded the scope of the power of the heavens again, and roared: "Su Yang, today, I will kill you!"

Heavenly power swept all around to destroy those chaotic gaps.

But in fact, Tianzong was completely wasting his energy in doing so. After the three guardian gods were sent away by Chaos Gap, there was no Chaos Gap here, and it didn't make any sense for him to do so.

"Want to kill me? It depends on whether you have this ability!" Su Yang sneered: "Master Tianzong, it is not a day or two for you to kill me. This time, I'm afraid you will not succeed!"

"Hmph, don't think you can really fight us if you send the three people away from me." Tianzong gritted his teeth: "The strength of the people who can come here is almost the same. However, we now have seven people here. There are only four of you, why are you fighting with us!"

"Really?" Su Yang smiled, and suddenly waved, the Supreme Dragon Emperor rushed out of the chaos not far away.

This is the last small chaos gap left by Su Yang, which is used to hide the Supreme Dragon Emperor. He had also sent the Supreme Dragon Emperor into this chaos gap just now, and temporarily locked him in it before he caused the guardian **** behind to catch up.

And Tianzong thought that the Supreme Dragon Emperor was also teleported away, so he said such arrogant words.

Seeing the Supreme Dragon Emperor come out, Tianzong's complexion became even more ugly.

In this way, there are five people on Human Race. On their side, there are only seven left. Although there are two more people, the problem is that Su Yang's strength is too strong. There are seven of them, and it is really a little difficult to deal with Su Yang's five.

However, things have reached this point, it is impossible not to fight. After being scattered for this period of time, they have lost so many guardian gods. If they don't fight again this time, when they meet again, they don't know how many guardian gods will remain.

"Kill!" Tianzong let out a roar, and rushed to Su Yang first.

The other guardian gods also rushed up, and one of them followed Tianzong to besiege Su Yang. As for the remaining five, they fought with the four of the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

One-on-one, Human Race's strength is slightly better. However, if the five guardian gods are fighting against the four strong human races, the human race must fall into a disadvantage.

On the other side, Tianzong took a guardian **** to besiege Su Yang, and the two of them attacked and killed Su Yang frantically, but Su Yang retreated steadily.

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