The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 280: Destroy Chen Biao

Su Yang returned to Chen Biao and his son, and Chen Biao's subordinates were still here. Seeing Su Yang coming, he immediately became a bird and beast.

Without a word, Su Yang took Chen Biao and his son into Beizun Entertainment.

Pulling out a few silver needles, Su Yang pressed Chen Biao on the chair and said coldly, "Where is the killing star?"

Chen Biao gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "Surnamed Su, do you still want me to tell you this? If you want to kill or slash, if I snort, even if I am not capable! "

Su Yang didn't talk nonsense, and cut off Chen Kun's ear with the knife in his hand.

"What are you doing!" Chen Biao said anxiously, and Chen Kun almost fainted with pain.

"I asked you once, if you don't answer, I will remove an organ from your son." Su Yang said coldly: "Your son has a lot of organs. You can hold on a few times!"

" are too mean!" Chen Biao said anxiously: "This is a matter between us..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Su Yang said coldly: "Where is Killing Star? How to contact? These are two questions. If you don't answer, I will take two of his organs!"

Seeing Su Yang picked up the knife again, Chen Biao finally softened and said in a trembled voice: "I said, can you spare us our lives?"

Su Yang didn't answer, and again, he raised the knife and dropped Chen Biao's other ear.

Chen Biao immediately shouted: "I said, I said, Killing Star is located in Pingnan Province, a secret organization. There are not many people who know them. If you want to find Killing Stars, you must first contact their messenger. I only Knowing the location of the messenger and where the Killing Star is, I...I really don't know!"

"Where is the messenger!" Su Yang asked.

Chen Biao didn't dare to delay, and quickly said the location and name of the messenger.

Su Yang remembered it in his heart, and then looked at Chen Biao coldly: "Boss Chen, Wu Tianxiong has already sent over five hundred million yuan. I will keep him safe for his life. As long as he doesn't do things that hurt the world, no one can do anything to him kind."

"Xie old ghost, he wants to resist, I asked him one billion. Although most of his properties are gone, but the remaining money is enough for him to live for a few lifetimes, and he can be a simple rich man. ."

"I originally only wanted you 1.5 billion, but you would rather spend 500 million please killer than give me money. If this is the case, then I can only kill you, and then swallow all your property!"

Chen Biao was stunned. In fact, thinking about what he did is asking for trouble.

If he had taken five hundred million in the past, he would now be protected by Su Yang. You know, Su Yang is now a pivotal figure in the top ten families. In a word, it can make him unimpeded in Pingnam Province.

Wu Tianxiong has climbed Su Yang's high branch, so now his business has begun to extend to nearby cities. No, after the collapse of Xie Laogui, Wu Tianxiong gradually reached out to Xie Laogui's site, all because of Su Yang.

Now Chen Biao regrets it to the extreme, five hundred million, what can the killer do? It was directly given to Su Yang, and that was a completely different result. Isn't this a court death?

"Well, let's stop here!" Su Yang casually slapped Chen Biao's forehead, and Chen Biao fell directly to the ground.

Chen Kun still wanted to struggle and was also beheaded by Su Yang on the spot. These two people were also swallowed by Su Yang's magic swallowing the world, and there was no bone scum left.

After doing it, Su Yang left as if nothing was wrong.

Outside, Chen Biao's little brothers were stunned, and no one dared to stop them at all. They were completely frightened.

As soon as Su Yang walked out of the entrance of Beizun Entertainment, a car suddenly rushed over. A man grabbed a woman's hair and got out of the car.

This man and woman are the same couple who went to the hospital for a check-up, Yueyue and her boyfriend.

Seeing how the two are fighting each other, it is estimated that the results of the examination are not satisfactory.

The man dragged Yueyue to Su Yang forcibly, and fell to his knees with a thud, and said, "Brother Su, I just wanted to thank you. If it weren't for you, I didn't know that she had done so many things behind my back. If it weren't for you, the green hat of my life, I don't know when I will wear it. You saved the rest of my life!"

Su Yang smiled, patted the man on the shoulder, looked at the dusty Yueyue, and whispered, "Why? It's a moment of invigoration, and it's worthwhile to delay my life."

Yueyue burst into tears, and she knew she was over. The man called her family just now, and the family members directly told her not to go back. It is impossible for a man to accept her anymore. How will she live in the future?


The next morning, Ling Zi's people rushed to Zhongchang City. Next, the boss of Chen Biao was gone in Zhongchang City, and Ling Zi could swallow this place unscrupulously.

Of course, this is also Su Yang's property, and Ling Zi is just taking care of it!

At noon, Su Yang and the others went to the Dongzi's house again, for their last meal, Su Yang and the others were about to return to Nanluo City.

Aunt Wu and Dongzi bid farewell to each other, and Xie Min kept inviting Aunt Wu and them to stay. After all, they had seen Su Yang's ability thoroughly, so what dare they say!

As for Zhao Kai, after he woke up this morning, Xie Min finally seized the opportunity and told him about Su Yang's skills.

Zhao Kai almost didn't faint, and immediately called some of his buddies to tell them not to provoke Su Yang again.

As a result, he heard more shocking news. Chen Biao and his son seemed to have been killed by Su Yang.

When Chen Biao entered the house yesterday, Zhao Kai had basically drunk the fragments. Hearing what these people said now, he only vaguely remembered that Chen Biao went into the house to kneel last night, and this time he was even more scared to pee.

He finally knew that he really provokes someone who should not be offended.

Therefore, when I saw Su Yang at noon, he was as honest as a quail, he didn't dare to say a word, and sat beside him honestly.

After drinking for three rounds, Su Yang smiled and turned to Zhao Kai with a glass of wine: "Come on, lower case, have a drink together?"

Zhao Kai almost vomited. Su Yang had been stunned by Su Yang for the past two days, and now he was scared to see the wine.

"Brother Su, I...I really can't drink anymore..." Zhao Kai cried.

"Really?" Su Yang smiled: "Is he not allowed to drink, or dare not to drink..."

"I...I..." Zhao Kai looked extremely embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"Haha..." Su Yang smiled, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said: "Zhao Kai, I want you to remember. This is a lesson. Your dad is now cooperating with Nanjia, and Nanjia is not that easy to talk to. If it's because of you If your dad’s behavior is unfavorable, the Nanjia will withdraw this cooperation, do you understand?"

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