The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2817: Dragon Emperor Promoted

Hearing the Buddha's words, everyone gathered around and looked at the Supreme Dragon Emperor excitedly.

It is the first time that most people have seen the birth of the Xeon with their own eyes. This is enough to shock everyone.

The body of the Supreme Dragon Emperor shattered and shattered completely, and in the end it almost became a molecule, invisible to the naked eye.

Suddenly, these molecules, as if being involved by some force, quickly gathered together and quickly merged together.

Everyone watched, in the black hole, a light spot appeared first. The spot of light gradually increased, and a black shadow appeared inside, and the black shadow also grew larger.

Finally, the light spot turned into an aperture, and at this time people finally saw the dark shadow inside, which was a little dragon.

The dragon seemed to be bred in this aperture, only one foot long, and it looked a little cute.

However, no one dared to underestimate the power of this little dragon. Because the surrounding aperture is slowly shrinking, slowly blending into this little dragon's body.

This aperture is a symbol of the strongest.

Xiaolong merged with this aperture, and he can completely become the strongest!

Everyone watched this scene excitedly, and they are now witnessing the birth of the strongest.

At this time, the Skykillers also flew out from the World Tree, guarding the surroundings from a distance.

When the strongest are promoted, they are the least able to withstand interruptions, and they must guard against Tianzun coming to interrupt.

In fact, Tianzun also felt the situation here. The five coffins also rushed over, floating in the distance, as if they were observing the situation here.

The Skykillers stood in the middle, isolating the five coffins, preventing them from affecting the promotion of the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

In the end, none of the five coffins approached, maybe they knew they couldn't do anything.

The aperture was completely absorbed and merged by the little dragon, and the little dragon's body finally grew larger, restoring the appearance of the former Supreme Dragon Emperor.

However, everyone can clearly feel that the current Supreme Dragon Emperor has changed a lot in terms of aura and breath.

After a long time, the Supreme Dragon Emperor finally opened his eyes.

Two eyes, like the sun and the moon, shine brightly.

Everyone around was excited to see, the Supreme Dragon Emperor finally succeeded, and it was finally promoted to the strongest!

"Congratulations to Dragon King!" The Skykiller flew over and said loudly.

Several other Xeons also rushed to express congratulations to the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

As for the monsters outside, they all bow down to the ground one after another, shouting again and again: "Meet the Dragon King!"

Those strong human races inside also all smiled and bowed to the Supreme Dragon Emperor to express their greetings.

This is true even for the eternal gods, this is the respect for the strongest!

The light in the eyes of the Supreme Dragon Emperor slowly recovered, it smiled, and said loudly: "From today onwards, my monster beast clan is no longer an outcast. My monster beast clan can also be born into the strongest! "

The members of the group of monsters cheered, and the other human races also smiled and nodded. The combination of monsters and humans, they can give birth to the strongest, it is also a happy event for humans.

The Supreme Dragon Emperor chatted with the Skykillers for a while, then returned to the monster clan and talked with each monster himself.

It can be seen that the excitement of the monster clan will last a long time. After all, since the time immemorial to the present, it is the first time that the Monster Beast clan has appeared as the strongest.

After finishing the outside affairs, the Supreme Dragon Emperor flew back to the World Tree. They greeted the Skykillers, and flew slowly in front of the eternal gods.

"Why, Lao Wan, big eyes, big man, bald donkey, Dragon Lord, am I right?" Supreme Dragon Emperor was full of pride: "I said I want to be promoted to the strongest before you, Dragon Lord, I When it comes to speaking, isn’t it great?"

The eternal **** emperor and several people were speechless and silent. Although this supreme dragon emperor had been promoted to the strongest, he did not change at all.

In the next period of time, the Supreme Dragon Emperor was still absorbing aura to enhance his strength. However, when it absorbed the spiritual energy, it still went around around the eternal **** emperor, saying those undue words that caused the eternal **** emperor to stare.

Seriously, even Su Yang wanted to beat it. This supreme dragon emperor was also promoted to the strongest, otherwise, he would have been beaten long ago.

After another five hundred years, the Eternal God Emperor was finally promoted to the strongest, attracting the attention of countless people.

The first thing the Eternal God Emperor did when he was promoted to the strongest was to have a fight with the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

Su Yang could tell that the eternal **** emperor had been holding back for 500 years. After the Supreme Dragon Emperor was promoted to the strongest, he was particularly owed. Not only the Eternal God Emperor wanted to beat it, but the others, who didn't want to beat it.

However, the eternal **** emperor had just been promoted to the strongest, and he was not the opponent of the supreme dragon emperor at all.

The supreme dragon emperor is shameless enough, using supreme power against the face of the eternal emperor. Although the injuries were not serious, the blue and purple ones were not so easy to eliminate, and the eternal **** emperor almost vomited blood, and almost went to Ye Wantong to join hands to repair the supreme dragon emperor.

After beating the eternal **** emperor, the supreme dragon emperor became even more desperate. However, its good days did not last long.

After two hundred years, Eye of Chaos was promoted to the strongest. The first thing after promotion is to find the Eternal God Emperor and jointly beat the Supreme Dragon Emperor.

Chaos Eye didn't fight alone, and he was not stupid. After these two hundred years, the Supreme Dragon Emperor would go to fight with the eternal emperor after he had been on their side, and the eternal emperor would have been beaten for two hundred years.

The Eye of Chaos was only promoted to the strongest, and he was definitely not the opponent of the Supreme Dragon Emperor, so he asked the Eternal God Emperor for help.

The eternal **** emperor was naturally very happy, and the two joined forces and severely beat the Supreme Dragon Emperor. The immortal Titan and the ascetic Buddha repeatedly applauded, showing how deep their grievances were.

After this incident, the Supreme Dragon Emperor converged much, at least not dare to go to the Eternal God Emperor and Chaos Eye to provoke. However, occasionally I would go to the Immortal Titans and the Ascetic Buddha to get some serenity.

However, in the next three hundred years, the immortal Titan and the ascetic Buddha have been promoted to the strongest one after another, and the Supreme Dragon King has no place to be seduced, which makes it lament.

So far, Human Race is equivalent to five more Xeons.

In fact, there are still some people on the human side, who are also rapidly advancing.

Once the human race was at the peak of the sky level, there were only a few people such as the Eternal God Emperor. And now, there are dozens of people at the top of the sky, close to a hundred people.

According to this situation, at least 30% of these dozens of people will be promoted to the strongest!

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