The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 284: I arrange your wedding!

"Oh, old Qi, you are not pretty in this business!"

The uncle immediately said: "Six wedding cars? Two have not been decided yet? The host of ceremonies, all are outsourced. The hotel where the maiden family lives has not been arranged yet. What are you doing? Are you getting married? You are simply a pitfall. People!"

"This...this..." Zhao Laoqi sweats profusely, he is just an honest farmer, how can he have this ability and arrange so much.

"Tsk tsk, old seventh ah old seventh, my son will get married this time, how can you do it like this!" The second uncle also said bitterly, "Look at me, and leave the best to my son. What about you, what you are. It’s too embarrassing for our Zhao family. Even if we don’t say it, what do you say to the family?

"Lingling's family won't say anything, they are all very nice!" Zhao Tao said quickly.

"If people don't tell me, you can take it seriously?" The aunt said directly: "Taozi, you have been so unreliable when you were a child. This is a big matter of marriage, what are you going to do, let people live on the street? Really, you are too shameless!"

"I..." Zhao Tao suddenly concluded: "I...I am also making arrangements..."

The third uncle sneered and said: "How to arrange? The whole city ran to find the cheapest hotel? Oh, you really are, is this interesting? That is a small hotel you are looking for!"

Zhao Laoqi was sweating profusely and didn't know how to talk.

At this moment, Su Yang suddenly said: "Taozi, you want to get married, so don't tell me. Our own brothers, I will help you arrange these things!"

"Huh?" Zhao Tao was stunned, and everyone was stunned.

The aunt, uncle and others all looked at Su Yang in amazement, thinking in their hearts, is Su Yang's brain sick? Dare to say such big things?

"Xiao Yang, no... don't bother you, I can handle it myself..." Zhao Tao whispered. He thought Su Yang was a hero and worried that his friend would lose face.

"It's okay, the team, the wedding, the host, the scene, and the place to live, I will arrange it for you!" Su Yang said.

"This..." Zhao Tao was stunned, Su Yang's confident expression didn't seem to be joking.

"Are you here to arrange?" The second uncle laughed suddenly: "Su Yang, what do you arrange? Arrange people to live in your house? You also arrange a team, arrange a wedding, arrange a host, arrange a scene, you have such a big deal Skills, how many years do you use to go out and run?"

"Hey, second child, don't say that, Su Yang is still a bit capable!" The aunt smiled: "I heard that he was taken by a rich man here, and his daughter was married to him. Maybe. , I ran to ask his future father-in-law for help!"

"Hahaha, this is a soft meal before we get married!"

"Not all of their Su family are like this. How did his dad marry our Zhao family?"

"Hahaha, dogs really can't change eating shit..."

Everyone laughed constantly, and the eyes of Su Yang were full of contempt.

Su Yang looked indifferent, and when everyone stopped, he whispered softly: "I didn't make a marriage. The marriage when I was a child has already been cancelled. So, don't talk about it again in the future!"

"Oh, it's relieved, that rich man finally woke up!" The second uncle laughed, and everyone laughed.

"Xiao Yang..." Zhao Tao whispered: "What happened, Lin... Boss Lin is very kind to you, how could it be relieved..."

"It's okay!" Su Yang smiled and patted Zhao Tao on the shoulder, turned to the aunt and the others, and said loudly: "I'll let you know, your team, I'm using it. You quickly find a way to find another car, the wedding tomorrow Or can continue!"

"Ah?" Everyone was taken aback, and the second uncle immediately said angrily: "What do you mean by the surname Su? What do you call our team? I tell you, I will not borrow any of the cars here. Give you!"

Su Yang ignored him and smiled at Zhao Tao: "Your wife's family is here, right? Don't go to the hotel, stay at my house. After all, the house is still a little more comfortable. I will let you arrange it."

"This..." Zhao Tao looked embarrassed, and whispered: "This is not suitable, there are thirty or forty people from my wife's family..."

"It's okay, I can live!" Su Yang smiled.

"Huh?" Zhao Tao was stunned, thirty or forty people, which house can accommodate so many people?

"Haha, thirty or forty people, can you still live? Su Yang, you let someone go to your house to build an Arhat!" The second uncle laughed.

Su Yang ignored him and said to Su Ping and Zhao Xuefen: "Dad, I have eaten well, we will leave first, you continue!"

After speaking, Su Yang took Zhao Tao and left, not staying here at all.

When he went out, Zhao Tao quickly grabbed Su Yang and said in a low voice: "Xiao Yang, don't be kidding, those are all elders. Your parents' work is arranged by them. This... don't make this happen. What's wrong..."

"It's okay!" Su Yang smiled: "Wait a moment, I will arrange it for you first."

Su Yang stepped aside and called Lingzi first: "Lingzi, let me know. Tomorrow my brother gets married, I will requisition all the good cars in Nanluo City. My brother's name? Zhao Tao! And, Please help me arrange the wedding location. I don’t care wherever it is. Anyway, it must be spacious so that the car will not get blocked again."

Zhao Tao was stunned to hear from a distance, is this too strong? Requisition all the good cars in Nanluo City, do you think you are the number one in Nanluo City?

After hanging up the phone, Su Yang smiled at Zhao Tao, called Nan Wudi again, and said the same thing to him. It's just that this time I want a car from the provincial capital. Also, find the best host from the provincial capital to host the wedding.

After that, Su Yang hit Wu Tianxiong, Li Tianlong, Qin Haishan, and some of the top ten families.

Everything was arranged properly, Su Yang returned to Zhao Tao and said with a smile: "Okay, the outside affairs are arranged, now take your wife's family to my place!"

"Xiao Yang, you... are you serious?" Zhao Tao's lips trembled.

"You are my brother, can I not be serious?" Su Yang smiled lightly and took Zhao Tao away.

In the private room, these relatives of Zhao Xuefen were still losing their temper. Su Yang's rudeness made them very angry. In their opinion, Zhao Xuefen's family is a shame to the Zhao family, and it is already a charity to ask them to eat. These people don't know how to learn about Entupa, and they dare to say such things, it is really damn!

However, their tempers didn't last long before the aunt's cell phone rang suddenly.

The aunt took a look at the phone, and immediately answered the phone with a smile: "Hey, boss Zhou, why do you call me so free?"

Soon, her complexion changed, and she said anxiously: "Huh? What happened? did this suddenly change? This will get married tomorrow, you, hey!"

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