The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2846: Skykiller leaves

Dao Zun yelled and rushed over, aggressively trying to kill the blood shadow.

Su Yang quickly stopped him and said anxiously: "Don't kill, don't kill, you go first, I know these two blood shadows!"

"You know!?" The four of them were dumbfounded, staring at Su Yang with wide eyes in confusion.

Su Yang said this casually, pointing to Yuankong and said: "Okay, you go first, go there, other people are over there, you go and meet them. I have solved these two, and I will go with them soon. When you meet, I will explain to you slowly at that time!"

The four looked at each other. Although they were very confused, they didn't ask much, and left in the direction pointed by Su Yang.

Su Yang stopped the two blood shadows, until the four of them were far away, the blood shadows gradually recovered.

After that, as before, the two blood shadows slowly turned and left, leaving only Su Yang on the scene.

Su Yang rushed over to rendezvous with everyone. At this time, the four had already rendezvous with others. After some conversation, they all knew the origin of those blood shadows.

Seeing Su Yang coming over, Dao Zun immediately asked: "Leader Su, you just said that you know those two blood shadows, are you talking nonsense?"

Su Yang curled his lips: "Of course it's nonsense, otherwise, wouldn't both of those blood shadows be killed by you!"

"The two blood shadows, completely unconscious, will attack any life they see. If so, then you shouldn't keep them!" Dao Zun: "Even if you let them go this time, you will meet them again in the future. They will still attack you. It's hard to beat them like that. Why don't you just kill them?"

Su Yang said: "Okay, those two are not your enemies. They are just the spirit bodies condensed from the remnants of the life of the world tree before. They just don't have the consciousness. They will attack all the lives they see. As for this, they will kill them all. !"

"It's not life or consciousness, so what's the saying that rushes to extinction?" Dao Zun shrugged: "Leader Su, you wouldn't be kind to this kind of thing, right?"

"It's not kind, but I don't think it is necessary." Su Yang waved his hand: "Okay, don't waste time on this topic. Let me talk about your situation first, why are you here?"

According to normal circumstances, the position of Dao Zun Mo Zun and Human Sovereign Qi'er would take about seven or eight years to fly.

Even if these two groups of people are rushing in the direction of each other, under normal circumstances, they will encounter the blood shadow on the road, and they will be stopped by the blood shadow, basically there is no way to meet together.

If they can meet each other, then they don't know how many blood shadows will be drawn along the way. There shouldn't be only two blood shadows besieging them. This situation is really hard to understand.

"I know what you are thinking!" Demon Venerable smiled: "You don't look at who I am with. Dao Venerable is notoriously cautious. Along the way, when we meet those stars, he doesn't Let me explore the situation inside, fearing that it is the trap of the guardian god. Therefore, we came along all the way and did not bring out these blood shadows. The two blood shadows were brought out by the emperor and Qier, and we helped them deal with it. These two blood shadows!"

Su Yang suddenly realized that the place where they met was so close to Human Emperor and Qi'er. It turned out that Dao Zun and Mo Zun were not hindered along the way!

"The four of you are quite capable. You almost killed those two blood shadows!" The Supreme Dragon Emperor said with emotion: "We were almost killed by that blood shadow at the time!"

"The strength of the blood shadow is really strong, but it is not much stronger than us." Human Emperor said: "Furthermore, there is enough aura in Qi'er's world tree for us to use. We only need to have a steady stream of energy. With his aura, there will be constant power available. Dealing with those two blood shadows is really not a difficult task."

Everyone suddenly realized that Qi'er's world tree could provide everyone with aura, which is the most important thing.

In the past, the eternal gods and the supreme dragon kings, as well as the eyes of chaos and the ascetic Buddha, were defeated mainly because they did not have aura and could not restore their strength.

Of course, the aura of the World Tree was also the aura that was absorbed before the great change. This world tree is different from the heavens and the earth. The aura inside is limited and cannot be regenerated. It will run out after a long time.

The heaven and earth are capable of producing aura by themselves, so this aura is endless.

Qi'er was carrying the World Tree, which could make them hold on for a while. Once the aura in the world tree is exhausted, it will be over.

After meeting Su Yang now, there is no need to worry about the exhaustion of aura, Qi'er and the others are also very happy.

Now, the strongest of the human race, only the Skykiller and the Buddha have not reunited.

According to Su Yang's plan, the next step is to find the Skykiller and the Buddha. However, it is estimated that the difficulty is not low if you want to join the two.

The Heaven Killer is extremely powerful, and when he is with the Buddha, the combat effectiveness of the two is doubled.

With this kind of combat power, except for encountering Tianzun, or being surrounded and suppressed by the strongest of the guardian god, there is basically no danger.

In addition, the Skykiller always likes to take risks, and he does things more simply and decisively.

Under such circumstances, he is very likely to explore the world with the Buddha, instead of waiting in place or looking for other people.

Therefore, the probability of Su Yang and the others wanting to find the Skykiller and the Buddha is actually not high. The situation of these two people is completely different from that of the other Xeons.

However, since this time has come, Su Yang and the others don't know where to find the Skykiller and Buddha, so they simply go to the location where the Skykiller and Buddha were before.

Anyway, there is no other place to go now. Once these two people do not leave there unexpectedly, they can be found directly. Wouldn't it be better?

The Heaven Killer and the Buddha were before the break, so their distance is also the farthest.

It took almost ten years for everyone to find the past according to their previous directions, before they rushed to the location of the Skykiller and the Buddha.

There are traces of the Heaven Killer and Buddha, but these two people are no longer here.

"Obviously, the two of them have already run away. They must have gone to the Great World to investigate!" The Supreme Dragon Emperor spread his paws and said.

Su Yang ignored him, thinking carefully about their situation along the way.

Along the way, Su Yang and the others specially selected the Mozun and Daozun who are closest to the Heaven Killer and Buddha.

By doing so, it is also to prevent the heaven killer and the Buddha from looking for the demon and the Taoist, and go to the wrong position, leading to miss each other.

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