The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2899: Su Yang's method

After this incident, Su Yang could see it.

It is simply impossible to take away the blood shadow with the spatial magic weapon.

Although this blood shadow did not attack Su Yang, it did not mean that Su Yang could dispose of it at will.

The blood shadow just didn't shoot Su Yang, but it still had an instinctive sense of resistance.

Once trapped in another space, it will immediately resist.

It was basically impossible to take away the blood shadow, so Su Yang gave up this idea.

He circled around the blood shadow, recalling the words left by the Skykiller.

The Skykiller reminded him of the fact that he had entered this world tree to be reborn, and then deduced whether the powerhouses in these blood shadows could return.

Su Yang has been unable to find a clue, even when he sees this blood shadow, Su Yang still can't think of a way.

However, Su Yang was not in a hurry.

He circled around the blood shadow a few times, but couldn't think of a way, so he simply sat down beside the blood shadow cross-legged.

Think carefully about the memories of your past life, and think about the things you have experienced.

After a long time, Su Yang suddenly opened his eyes.

During this process of contemplation, he unexpectedly thought of some memories of his past life, how he entered the big world and how to get a new life.

This blood shadow is formed by the condensing of the remnant thoughts of all the lives in a world tree. To a certain extent, the lives of this world tree are all gone.

There is only one way to resurrect the strong in this blood shadow, and that is to use the existing life to bring the strong inside back to life.

In other words, if you want to resurrect a strong person, you must use a new life as a carrier, so that the remnant thoughts of the strong person can be reborn in this carrier.

This is the case with those light cocoons that broke the star field before.

As Su Yang guessed, in those places, the blood shadow was shattered. At that time, many guardian gods died in those places. As a result, the remnant after the blood shadow shattered was attached to the dead guardian gods, thus being reborn.

As many guardian gods die, as many lives are reborn.

Therefore, Su Yang and the others could only find those light cocoons, but not other light cocoons.

The reason why the guardian **** came to **** the light cocoon of the human race was also for this purpose. They knew that no new light cocoon could be born.

And now, Su Yang has thought of a new method.

With this method, there is no need to kill the blood shadow, nor to sacrifice too many lives.

Su Yang's method can extract the remnant thoughts of the strong from the blood shadow. Then, inject this remnant thought into a life body, so that this strong man can be reborn with the help of this life.

And in this process, it is the most difficult to extract the remnant thoughts of the strong from the blood shadow.

Others can't get close to the blood shadow at all. Once they meet the blood shadow, it will definitely be a deadly situation.

And Su Yang was able to get close to Blood Shadow, and Blood Shadow was not hostile to him yet, he was the most suitable to do this.

Su Yang slowly walked to the blood shadow, stretched out his hand to press on the blood shadow, closed his eyes and began to feel everything inside the blood shadow.

The blood shadow did not move, as if Su Yang was not pressing it.

There was chaos in the blood shadow, and Su Yang could not feel anything at first.

However, as Su Yang slowly calmed down, he also gradually cleared the situation in the blood shadow.

Although the blood shadow is very chaotic, it is after all condensed from the remnants of all the lives of a world tree. As long as you meditate and feel it, you can still tell the difference between these remnants.

Next, Su Yang would choose the strongest among them, and then draw out the remnant thoughts of the strongest.

This process is the most troublesome. If you want to find the strongest person's Cannian among so many cannians, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

After all, what is left is after Cannian, the Cannian of the strongest is not much different from that of ordinary people, and there is no difference in power. Su Yang can't screen it on a large scale.

The only difference is that Cannian of the strongest is more tenacious than ordinary Cannian.

Su Yang gently used his strength to stimulate these remnant thoughts, and then compared the reactions of these remnant thoughts and slowly screened them.

It took almost a year before Su Yang finally selected Cannian of the strongest.

Next, it is necessary to use strength to capture this strand of remnant thought and draw this strand of remnant thought out of the blood shadow.

This process is more troublesome, because this Can Nian has no power. If Su Yang wanted to capture this Cannian, he had to wrap it up with strength.

And in this process, a slight difference, Su Yang's power will shatter this remnant thought, and let a strongest person fall like this.

Su Yang carefully led out this ray of remnant thought, and it took almost a day before Su Yang finally did it.

Su Yang's remnant thought of a strongest man was drawn out.

Next, Su Yang opened his portable space and grabbed a guardian **** from it.

This guardian **** was full of hostility towards Su Yang from the very beginning. If it wasn't for his lack of strength, I'm afraid he would have taken action against Su Yang long ago.

After entering Su Yang's portable space, this guardian **** has been urging other guardian gods to plot to break Su Yang's portable space and escape.

Su Yang knew all these things, but he ignored them.

It is impossible for this guardian **** to transfer to the human race. Therefore, keeping it is always a curse, and always has to solve him.

Now, just a life is needed to carry the remnant thoughts of this strongest person, then this guardian **** is the most suitable person.

This guardian **** was caught by Su Yang, and he was still confused: "Leader Su, what are you doing?"

Su Yang said: "It's nothing, borrow your life for a use!"

The guardian god's complexion changed, his eyes were a little grim, and his face still sneered: "Leader Su, don't be kidding."

"I'm just an ordinary guardian god, and my strength is only heavenly."

"You are the strongest human being, the strongest among the strongest."

"Kill me, aren't you afraid of dirtying your hands?"

Su Yang glanced at him: "Do you think I am joking?"

The guardian god's expression changed drastically, and he said anxiously: "Leader Su, you...what do you mean?"

"Since you are going to kill us, why take us out?"

"Why, before dying, do you want to fool us?"

Su Yang sneered: "Whatever you want!"

The guardian **** said angrily: "The surname is Su, you are strong, I can't do anything with you. If you want to kill or slash, whatever you want, grandpa, I will never frown!"

"But, you remember. My guardian **** also has the strongest."

"You can kill us, the strongest of our guardian god, and you can kill those of your human race."

"What have you done to me, the strongest of our guardian god, will eventually get it back for me!"

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