The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2914: Pan Gu Axe

This axe is an artifact made by Su Yang imitating the Pangu axe.

Su Yang observed the birth of five light cocoon worlds, and observed Pan Gu Axe up close for a long time.

This artifact that can open up the world is indeed terrifying.

However, with Su Yang's strength, it is impossible to reproduce the full power of Pan Gu Axe.

The Pangu axe he refined was not as powerful as one-thousandth of the Pangu axe.

However, the power of this ancient axe has surpassed that of Heaven Slashing Blade.

Su Yang has always kept this axe in his body, nurtured by the true source of his life, and never used it easily.

Now that the battle with the guardian **** has completely broken out, it is time to use this axe!

An axe passed, and the nearby space was directly shattered.

Tianzong was caught in this space debris, and he was struggling, as if he was stuck in a quagmire, unable to escape.

Seeing this axe slashing over, Tianzong couldn't help being shocked.

Although the power of this axe has not yet arrived, he can clearly feel how terrifying the power of this axe is.

Once hit by this axe, his body would be shattered again.

"Help me!" Tianzong hurriedly shouted.

When the four people nearby saw this, they all flew over. The Lord of Light and Lord of Darkness attacked Su Yang from behind, trying to force Su Yang to stop.

The First God and the Lord God both shot at the same time, trying to stop Su Yang's blow.

Tianzong also accumulated all the strength, and created a huge light shield in front of him, trying to block Su Yang's blow.

Su Yang ignored the main **** of light and the main **** of darkness, and forcibly took the blow from these two people. But with this axe, he still smashed it down.

The Lord God and the First God joined forces to resist, but failed to block the power of the axe, and the two were knocked out at the same time.

This axe still smashed into Tianzong, falling on the light shield in front of Tianzong, directly smashing the light shield.

Of course, the power of the axe is basically gone at this time.

However, Tianzong was also knocked upside down and flew out, vomiting blood smoothly.

This was the first time Su Yang used this axe against an enemy, and Su Yang was quite satisfied with the power of the axe.

It can be said that this blow requires the cooperation of the best of the three Xeons to carry it!

Of course, this is also because Su Yang's head hangs on the World Tree, which has the power of the World Tree.

The five members of Tianzong were completely frightened. When the five of them suppressed Su Yang just now, they felt that Su Yang was nothing more than that.

But now when Su Yang really took out the artifact, they only knew how terrifying Su Yang's strength was!

"What kind of artifact is this?" Tianzong looked shocked: "Why is the power more powerful than the Blade of Heaven?"

Su Yang sneered: "This is a divine weapon specially trained for killing the gods. Now it is used on you, and it is a little overkill!"

"However, it is an honor for you to die under my pangu axe!"

Tianzong's face was gloomy, gritted his teeth and looked at the axe in Su Yang's hand, his face full of disbelief.

He really couldn't understand why Su Yang could get such a powerful artifact.

In the past, the Heaven Slashing Blade was the most powerful artifact in the Three Thousand Great Worlds, but now, Su Yang has come up with an artifact that is countless times stronger than the Heaven Slashing Blade. How can people accept this?

"Kill him!" Tianzong gritted his teeth and roared: "Everyone join forces and kill him!"

When the guardian gods in the sky got the news, a dozen or so strong men were immediately vacated, and they rushed down to assist the five of Tianzong.

The number of the strongest in the guardian **** is hundreds more than the human race.

It is too easy to vacate a dozen Xeons, and there is no way for Human Race.

These guardian gods united with the five members of Tianzong and rushed over to besiege Su Yang.

"Brother Su, be careful!" Qi'er exclaimed. She wanted to help Su Yang, but she really couldn't help.

Various shocks were still coming from within the Yuling Palace, and the dozen or so strong men she trapped inside were now enveloped by the light of the god-killing fusion of endless blood.

Today's endless sea of ​​blood already has the strength of the strongest. Moreover, its sea of ​​blood merges with the light of killing gods, and its power is even more terrifying, and it can melt the strongest.

The dozen or so strong men were trapped in the Yuling Palace, unable to leave. The light of killing the gods wrapped the Yuling Palace again, so that the dozen or so strong men could not rush out, so they could only wait for death inside.

These dozen or so strong people also know the danger, so they are all struggling desperately now, wanting to rush out of the Yuling Palace.

Although the endless blood sea can dissolve the Xeon, it cannot trap all the dozen Xeons in it.

Therefore, it can only use Qier's Yuling Palace to trap a dozen strongest people.

Now it and Qi'er are teaming up. Once Qi'er came to help Su Yang, the dozen or so strong men would be able to get out of trouble, and the pressure would be even greater for the human race.

And the endless blood sea couldn't leave either. Once it left, Shan Yu Linggong couldn't kill the dozen or so strong.

As for the others, they were all tightly entangled, and they couldn't come to assist Su Yang at all.

Seeing the ten or twenty guardian gods of the strongest besieging Su Yang, everyone looked extremely anxious.

No matter how strong Su Yang is and besieged by so many people, can he still be able to hold it?

However, Su Yang looked confident.

Holding a self-made Pangu axe, he rushed to the dozen or so strong men head-on.

"Give it to me!" Su Yang yelled, and slashed with an axe.

The first to bear the brunt was the three strongest men. They couldn't dodge, they could only join forces to resist Su Yang's blow.

However, the three of them are not as powerful as the three of Tianzong.

This blow directly shattered the guardian power of the three. At the same time, the body of the leader was also directly split, and the two people behind were knocked into flight at the same time. One had broken his left arm and the other had broken his leg. They were all seriously injured!

Fortunately, other strong people rushed to help quickly. Therefore, these three talents have time to recover their bodies.

However, in this way, these three people are also injured.

Seeing this situation, the five members of Tianzong knew that these people could not resist Su Yang directly. Compared with the five members of Tianzong, their strength is too far apart!

Therefore, the five of them rushed over quickly and blocked Su Yang frontally, lest Su Yang attacked others.

As for the dozen or so strong, they attacked and killed Su Yang behind.

Although the power of Su Yang's Immortal Golden Body and Immortal Bone was terrifying, the Primordial Buddha, the Ancient Sky Slayer, the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone were not unbroken.

They firmly believe that everyone can work together to completely shatter Su Yang's body!

Under such circumstances, Su Yang fell into a passive position instead.

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