The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2923: Not neutral

Feihe looked embarrassed, and quickly said: "Master Tianzong, we really want to remain neutral!"

"Counting out, our world is restored by Su Yang's supply of spiritual energy, and we can be considered Su Yang's resurrection."

"However, we don't help Su Yang. Doesn't this show our sincerity?"

"We didn't participate in the First World War, just to show our sincerity."

"Otherwise, if we went to fight at that time, I'm afraid we haven't finished the fight yet!"

When Feihe said so, he was actually threatening Tianzong.

He was hinting that Tianzong, if they were pressed into a hurry, they would switch to the human race, and the guardian **** would have no advantage at all.

Tianzong's complexion was cold, and he dared to threaten me at this time. This would not put our guardian **** in his eyes!

Guardian gods have always been relatively arrogant, and Tianzong is the absolute king of guardian gods, even more arrogant.

He didn't even put Su Yang and the Skykiller in his eyes, let alone the others.

In his opinion, Feihe and others are the remnants of the previous resurrection of the World Tree. It is a group of trash that can't even hold their own world, even if they are the strongest, they are not qualified to talk to him.

Now, Feihe even dared to threaten him with such words. Isn't this seeking his own death?

"In that case, do you still occupy a dominant position in the battle between the Guardian God and Human Race?"

Tianzong sneered: "With you, will our guardian **** be completely defeated?"

Feihe didn't hear the voice-over of Tianzong, and smiled and said, "That's not what I meant. The main reason is to tell Lord Tianzong that we really want to be neutral!"

"We don't mix things with the human race and the guardian god. Even if Su Yang resurrects us, we will not help them. This is our position and our attitude!"

"Master Tianzong, if you want to chase and kill the human race, it is too late to chase it now, there is no need to waste time outside!"

Tianzong was furious: "Hmph, you people, what you say is nice."

"But these lies, you can't fool me!"

"I still said that, there are only two choices for life in this world."

"Either we are our own people, or our enemy!"

"I give you a chance now. If you are willing to choose to become the guardian god, then you are our own people. In the future, when my guardian **** controls everything, you will also become the veteran of the guardian god. Have your status!"

"If you don't know how to promote, then you are the enemy of our guardian god!"

"Hmph, our guardian god, never be merciful to enemies!"

As if responding to the words of Tianzong, the guardian gods behind them also climbed up, and their power went straight down, shocking Feihe and others.

The faces of Feihe and others became extremely ugly. They didn't expect that they would end up like this when they met with such a smile.

Tianzong actually wants them to choose between the guardian **** and the human race, how do they choose?

They didn't help the human race from the beginning, just didn't want to blend in the war between the human race and the guardian god.

If they have to blend in this battle, they also have to choose the human race, not the guardian god.

After all, it was Su Yang who resurrected them. This kindness is there.

Secondly, the rules of the human race are more suitable for them. The rules of the guardian **** are too strict, and they don't want to be the guardian god.

Furthermore, behind the Guardian God, there are seven Heavenly Sovereigns, who are the ones who truly control everything.

In other words, as the strongest, as the strongest who has reached the end of their cultivation.

If they are on the side of Human Race, they still have absolute right to speak. However, once they go to the guardian god, not only must they obey the rules of the heavens, but they must also be driven by the seven heavenly lords. This is the thing they are least willing to accept!

Feihe was silent for a moment, and said solemnly: "Master Tianzong, we have no intention of being an enemy of the guardian god, why are you so strong?"

"We just want to be neutral, impartial, can't even this work?"

"No!" Tianzong replied straightforwardly: "Am I not clear enough?"

"With my guardian god, there is no neutral saying. Either it is one's own or our enemy!"

Feihe looked angrily: "Master Tianzong, are you sure you want to force us so hard?"

"We have no intention of being an enemy of the guardian god, but if Lord Tianzong must force us to dominate. Humph, as the strongest, we are not afraid to fight!"

The people below all expressed their support and their attitudes.

Tianzong smiled: "Don't be afraid to fight?"

"So, do you want to fight our guardian god?"

"That's great!"

"Since you are all seeking death, then we will give you this opportunity!"

"Everyone, kill!"

Following Tianzong's order, the guardian gods all around rushed down, and directly surrounded the group of people below, rushing over aggressively.

Feihe's complexion changed drastically. He just wanted to scare Tianzong. He didn't want to go to war with the guardian god.

After all, they now only have more than a hundred people, and there are five or six hundred people on the guardian god.

Does this battle start, do you have to say the results? They must be the ones who suffer!

"Master Tianzong, I didn't mean that!" Feihe said anxiously: "Don't be excited, what's the matter, why don't we sit down and discuss it slowly?"

"Nothing to say!" Tianzong shouted: "Either you surrender to my guardian god, or you die under the hands of my guardian god, there is no other way to go!"

"If you don't want to die, kneel now, and I can spare you not to die!"

"Those who don't kneel, kill without mercy!"

Tianzong issued an order, and the guardian **** immediately screamed and rushed to kill, directly fighting with everyone below.

Feihe was also rushed out by a strongest person. He hurriedly avoided the strongest person, flew back in front of Tianzong, and said anxiously: "Master Tianzong, we do not help Human Race or the Guardian God, just want to be neutral. That's it!"

"You force us like this, aren't you afraid that we will switch to the human race?"

Tianzong sneered: "Hmph, if you switch to Human Race, you also have to go out!"

"Today, if you don't submit to my guardian god, don't even want to leave alive!"

The guardian gods all around sealed off this area, and Feihe and others were even more desperate. With their strength, how many people will eventually be able to break out of this encirclement?

Feihe gritted his teeth: "Tianzong, do you have any benefits for the guardian **** if you go your way like this?"

"Kill us, you have to pay a lot of money."

"One trades and the other grows, can you still be opponents of Human Race in the future?"

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