The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2949: Su Yang's plan

After listening to Su Yang's plan, everyone nodded.

"This plan, I think it's feasible!" The Emperor said with joy: "We will do everything we can. They couldn't think of it. We didn't use their methods. When they saw the chaos inside us, they definitely felt that this was an opportunity and would not be guarded at all. "

The Supreme Dragon Emperor also looked happy: "Yes, that's it."

"Give them another surprise attack. Grandma has a leg. It's cool to think about it!"

Su Yang said: "However, we have to grasp a certain degree of this matter."

"First of all, only some of the people on our side know this plan. There are others who cannot let them know about this plan."

The Emperor looked at Su Yang: "You are talking about Feihe's group of people?"

Su Yang nodded: "I am not suspicious of Feihe, but there are too many people in their group."

"Although I rescued them in the past, in fact, I don't know what happened to them."

"If some of them have already contacted the Guardian God, then our plan will not let them know. Once it is leaked, wouldn't it be a waste of all previous efforts?"

"Furthermore, even if no one of them is in contact with the Guardian God, we don't know if the Guardian God has other ways to leave something on them to observe our situation."

"For so many years, I have been cultivating the strongest in the world tree, and for this reason, I cannot let the guardian **** know our situation here."

"This time, it may be the last battle with the Guardian God, and it is also a battle that determines the outcome. There must be no mistakes."

"So, I must be foolproof. Even if I worry too much, I must take all the circumstances into consideration!"

The people nearby nodded again and again. They all agreed with this point.

In dealing with the guardian god, you really can't be careless.

Human race has been at a disadvantage for so many years.

Now is the last battle and the time for a decisive battle.

It is simply the best thing for Human Race to have this situation.

At this time, if the guardian **** discovers their plan again, and the final plan fails, it is really not worthwhile.

Therefore, even though Su Yang was a little too cautious this time, everyone didn't think there was a problem, but thought it should be.

Next, Su Yang described the plan in detail to everyone.

The key to the plan is not only the civil strife on the human side.

More importantly, they have to know when the guardian **** will come to the human race.

This requires the emperor.

The emperor's magic circle skills are invincible in the world, even the guardian **** is far inferior to him.

Su Yang's dignitaries set up many magic circles near the human race area.

The power of these circles is not strong, but they are sharp.

As long as the strongest pass by, the magic circle will be immediately activated, and the human race can get news immediately.

The most important thing is that the guardian **** can't detect the existence of this circle, which is also the most difficult part of this plan.

After listening to Su Yang's request, the Emperor Human's expression was calm: "Don't worry, you want me to trap a few strongest people with a magic circle. I may not be able to do it. However, setting up such a magic circle is easy!"

Su Yang nodded, the hardest part was completed, and the rest was easy.

On the Terran side, Su Yang will let the strongest people he cultivated in the World Tree attack the Terran at a critical moment.

At that time, it will be the people Su Yang summoned here today to fight against these strongest people.

They will play a lot of momentum, but in fact, neither side will spend much effort, just acting for the guardian god.

The reason why the Feihe group of people are not allowed to fight in person is because they are worried that they don't understand the situation, and then go up and fight with the group of people sent by Su Yang, which is embarrassing.

When the guardian **** took the bait and went deep into the battlefield, it was time for them to fight back.

After all the plans were properly arranged, Su Yang invited these newly cultivated Xeons into the World Tree again.

Next, is waiting for the guardian **** to kill.

After the emperor returned, he took a dozen Xeons with him, saying that he was going out to continue looking for other Xeons.

In fact, they went out to set up the magic circle.

As early as when this Human Race base was arranged, Human Sovereign had already arranged a magic circle.

However, the distance of the magic circle is relatively short, unable to meet Su Yang's current requirements.

When the Emperor of Humanity went out this time, he had to set up a magic circle in a large area to prevent the guardian **** from killing him.

It took the Emperor of Humanity almost thirty years to arrange such a huge array.

On the Human Race side, waiting for nearly a hundred years, there has been no movement.

Just when everyone thought that the guardian **** would not be killed, on this day, the human emperor's circle was finally touched.

After receiving the information, the Emperor rushed to find Su Yang and told Su Yang of the situation.

According to the original plan, Su Yang immediately sent Feihe's group of people to the outskirts of the human base.

The position of the human emperor's circle was almost half a month away from the human base.

In other words, Su Yang still has ten days to make arrangements.

In the past ten days, he has begun to spread to everyone that the strongest people cultivated in his world tree are abnormal, and people's emotions are panicked first.

In this way, when the Xeons come out, they will not be too abrupt, nor will they be in a hurry, leading to an accident in the end.

Everything was arranged properly, and the time for the guardian **** to reach the human race was estimated.

On this day, Su Yang opened the World Tree and released the strongest inside.

After these Xeons came out, they immediately began to besie Su Yang, still clamoring for Su Yang's revenge.

Feihe and others outside didn't know what was going on. After listening for a while, they roughly understood the situation, and they were all shocked to the extreme.

Especially Feihe, Tianzong's method, he told Su Yang.

Unexpectedly, after the fusion of the power of the strongest and the members of the human race, it turned out to be the resurrection of the previous strongest.

In this way, wouldn't it have cultivated many enemies for the human race?

Seeing this, Feihe flew over immediately and shouted: "If you want to kill the leader of Su, you have to pass me first!"

"Brothers, our lives were saved by the leader of the Soviet Union. Today, it is time for us to report back to the leader of the Soviet Union, kill!"

Feihe took the lead, and the others who had been rescued by Su Yang also rushed over with a roar.

Half of these people are grateful to Su Yang, and the other half deliberately acted in front of Su Yang.

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