The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2957: Tianzun? demon!

Tianzong looked embarrassed, and the guardian **** was indeed blessed with unique conditions.

The human race didn't know about the fusion of all worlds at first, but the guardian **** always knew it.

Moreover, the Seven Heavenly Venerables also taught them how to integrate the power of the strongest, which can cultivate countless strongests.

No matter from which point of view, the guardian **** has the best conditions.

As a result, such a good hand was beaten by them.

Not only failed to defeat the Human Race, but was also defeated by the Human Race, and it was indeed embarrassing to end in this way.

"Master Tianzun, Su Yang is really too cunning!"

"For some reason, he was able to cultivate the strongest by himself."

"Furthermore, he also devised a strategy to cheat us, which led to our fiasco."

Tianzong trembled.

"Don't say how cunning they are, it's just your incompetence!"

Tianzun's cold voice came.

Tianzong's expression was sullen, and he whispered, "Master Tianzun is incompetent."

"However, my father was seriously injured."

"I also ask Master Tianzun to open the net and save my father. We are willing to return to the big world and fight the human race to the death!"

Tianzun was furious: "You still have the face to let me save him?"

"Do you know how much resources you have wasted on us!"

"The result is still like this. Do you dare to come here and let us waste resources?"

"Besides, he is already a useless person, why do you save him? It's better to abolish him completely!"

After that, a ray of light suddenly rushed out of the coffin and directly dragged the first **** into the coffin.

Tianzong's expression changed sharply, and he quickly said, "Master Tianzun, you...what are you doing?"

"I know I was wrong, I...I will definitely make up for it in the future, please spare my father..."

No one answered in the coffin. On the contrary, there were creaking noises, like teeth gnawing on bones, as if someone was chewing on something.

Tianzong panicked, what exactly is Tianzun eating this time?

"Master Tianzun, forgave my father!"

"I'm going to kill all the members of the clan, the head of Tisuyan will come to see you!"

"Master Tianzun, give us a chance."

No one answered, but the crunching sound continued.

Tianzong begged loudly, but no one ignored him.

Tianzong was extremely anxious, he didn't know what happened inside. But listening to this voice, it seems that the **** inside is eating the first god?

Is this Tianzun or a beast?

After begging for a while, seeing that Zun never answered that day, Tianzong's heart was even more flustered.

He hesitated, suddenly gritted his teeth, and said loudly, "Master Tianzun, please return my father to me!"

"If you want to condemn it, you can drop it all on me."

"These battles are all led by me, and have nothing to do with my father!"

"It's all my fault, please spare him..."

Still no one answered, Tianzong was extremely angry. He gritted his teeth again and said loudly: "Master Tianzun, if you don't answer, then I think you are acquiescing."

"In that case, I will come in and take my father away!"

The sound of chewing paused for a while, followed by an extremely weak voice: "Don't come in, hurry... run away..."

It is the voice of the first god!

Listening to his father's voice, Tianzong's face was suddenly full of tears.

He doesn't know what kind of pain his father has endured. Maybe Tianzun is really eating his father.

And the First God suffered such pain, but didn't say a word, just because he was afraid that he would worry.

As a result, when Tianzong was about to rush in, he issued such a warning.

Even though the first **** has been in the world for millions of years, the love of the father is like a mountain and will never change!

"Master Tianzun, you are offended!"

Tianzong roared, suddenly flew over and rushed directly into the coffin.

From the outside, the coffin is only a small one.

However, when he really entered the coffin, Tianzong only discovered that inside the coffin was actually another world.

This world is very quiet, with beautiful scenery and beautiful scenery.

And on this quiet lawn, Tianzong saw a scene that broke his canthus.

His father, the first god, only had a small half of his body, lying on the lawn.

And around the lawn, there were a dozen things that looked like rats, gnawing his body.

Most of his body was eaten by these mice.

He heard the crunching sound just now, it was the sound of these rats chewing the bones of the First God!

Tianzong is almost mad, his father's first **** is horizontal and ancient, his strength is against the sky, and he is one of the most powerful existences among the strongest.

As the guardian god, it can be said that he has tried everything.

Guarding the fairy palace for millions of years, fighting against the human race with all his strength, is the leader of the guardian **** against the human race.

As a result, it ended up in the end.

A hero, but became food for these mice?

Tianzong is not reconciled, dissatisfied, disgruntled!

Is this the end of doing things for Tianzun?


Tianzong let out a stern roar, rushed down suddenly, knocking the mice away with all his strength.

He thought that these mice would be crushed by him directly.

But in fact, these mice were just knocked into the air, but there was no sign of injury at all.

Tianzong was taken aback for a moment, and then shot again, screaming loudly: "Die me!"

The mice were knocked into the air again, but they were still unharmed.

Tianzong is dumbfounded, what kind of mouse is this?

At this moment, the first **** raised the remaining half of his head and said weakly: "Tianzong, shouldn't come in..."

" go, you go..."

Tianzong shook his head flatly: "Impossible!"

"To go, I also want to take you away!"

With that, Tianzong flew over and carried the first **** on his back.

"I...I can't go..."

"You go, we can't all die here..."

The First God, with only half of his body left, used the only half of his arm to push Tianzong hard.

Tianzong's eyes were full of tears, he raised his head, looked at the sky in the sky, and shouted: "Tianzun, why don't you dare to see me!"

"Are you the incarnation of the rules of heaven!?"

"I see how you seem to be a demon!"

"We have done so many things for you, just because of one failure, are you doing this to us?"

"Heaven is selfless, you are obviously selfish, you are not the incarnation of the rules of heaven at all!"

Hearing these words, the first **** panicked: "Tianzong, no... don't say any more..."

"Keep your life, keep your life..."

"Lord Tianzun, the child is speechless, you forgive him."

"The old man is willing... willing to take all the responsibilities, you killed me, everything has nothing to do with him..."

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