The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2973: Excited Dragon King

Everyone was shocked by this situation, in other words, they were so excited that they couldn't keep up.

Just seeing the plants is exciting enough.

Now, seeing the live animals, the excitement of everyone can be imagined.

The Supreme Dragon Emperor waved his claws, sealing off the nearby space, and then he said: "Okay, now I can talk."

"How about it, isn't it amazing?"

"Do you know why I crushed the jade pendant?"

"Because I really don't want to leave, I will go back to find you, and I have to bring you over again, maybe a few years. When I come back, I don't know what happened here!"

"So, I just keep it here, crush the jade pendant, and wait for you to come and find me, so that you can see what I find."

"By the way, did you find anything?"

Everyone looked at each other and shook their heads, but none of them found anything.

The Supreme Dragon Sovereign suddenly became proud: "So, only I found life?"

"Hey, didn't you look for it?"

"You have to search for life with your heart."

"One by one, sloppy, like a goose, what can you find?"

Everyone was speechless for a while, this Supreme Dragon Emperor is now proud.

The eternal **** emperor couldn't help saying: "Come on, you can only say that you are lucky and have found the right direction!"

The Supreme Dragon Emperor triumphantly said: "Don't tell me, this luck is also part of success."

"If you have this ability, why not be as lucky as me?"

Everyone was itchy with hate, if it wasn't for this guy who just made a big discovery, everyone really wanted to go up and beat him up.

At least expose its two scales and let it know what true strength is.

Human Emperor said: "No matter what, this discovery is very important!"

"Finally life is born, and from then on, the big world will no longer be silent!"

The eternal **** emperor sighed: "Unfortunately, many of these lives are destined to be the resurrection of the strongest."

"Once they grow up, the situation in the big world will become more complicated!"

Everyone nodded, and life was born, which is certainly worth celebrating. But the future complex situation is still worrying.

The Emperor suddenly asked, "Leader Su, what do you think?"

At this time everyone noticed that Su Yang hadn't spoken from start to finish, and he was frowning all the time, as if thinking about something.

Hearing the people's questions, Su Yang whispered: "From the time when the world is full of spiritual energy to the present, it will only take a few hundred years, not even a thousand years."

"You guys, do you think that in such a short period of time, no matter how abundant aura is, life might be born?"

Everyone was stunned, this question made them all silent.

Yes, how can life be born in such a short time?

The birth and evolution of life is a very slow process.

This has a great relationship with the abundance of aura and the suitability of the environment.

Even in the most suitable environment, beside the heaven and earth, it takes at least ten thousand years to give birth to life.

The birth of such a living thing is even more difficult, and it will take at least tens of thousands of years to do it.

But now, in less than a thousand years, such a life like a dragon tortoise has been born. How is this not surprising?

"Could it be that the existing auras nourish life more than ours?" The Supreme Dragon Emperor wondered.

Su Yang glanced at him and said helplessly, "No matter what the aura is, there are always only two sources, either from heaven or earth."

"And the purest aura is the aura that comes directly from heaven and earth."

"No matter how good this aura is, is it comparable to the aura of heaven and earth?"

"But, even if I put the land here, it is impossible to nourish such a life in such a short time!"

Everyone looked at each other, and the emperor frowned and said, "Leader Su, do you mean that this is also the handwriting of the Seven Heavenly Venerates?"

Su Yang shook his head: "It may not be the handwriting of the Seven Heavenly Venerables, but I think this situation is related to those blood shadows!"

Everyone wondered: "Oh? Why do you say that?"

Su Yang whispered, "Do you still remember those light cocoon worlds?"

Everyone nodded and wondered at the same time, I don't know how Su Yang suddenly spoke of those light cocoon worlds.

Su Yang said: "Those cocoon worlds are actually the remnants of those worlds after the blood shadow was broken up, and the people who died nearby were merged to give birth to new lives."

Everyone nodded. At this point, they had grasped the guardian gods before, and they also learned about the situation from the guardian god's mouth.

The Supreme Dragon Emperor wondered: "But, what does this have to do with the current situation?"

"We are talking about the life born here, this is not the world of light cocoon!"

Su Yang glanced at him and said softly, "How do you know that these lives are different from the lives in the world of light cocoon?"

"Do you guys still remember?"

"After the formation of the Cocoon World, the speed of the birth of those lives inside is actually extremely fast!"

"Because the lives in that world are all remnant souls resurrected after the broken blood shadow, absorbing the power that originally belonged to them."

"The speed of the birth of life is basically the same as the speed of the birth of life we ​​are seeing now!"

Hearing this, everyone's complexion changed.

The Supreme Dragon Emperor said anxiously: "You mean, this... this is actually a world of light cocoon?"

Su Yang helplessly: "I'm not saying that this is the light cocoon world, what I am talking about is that the life born here is the same as the life born in the light cocoon world."

"I suspect that the lives born here, like the lives in the world of light cocoon, are the lives of the remnants of the remnants of the soul after the blood shadow is broken!"

The Supreme Dragon Emperor's eyes widened: "No way?"

Everyone also looked at each other, shocked.

However, shocked and shocked, but everyone still recognized what Su Yang said. Because the two situations are indeed very similar!

The Supreme Dragon Emperor looked at everyone and said, "How can this be similar?"

"This is not the Light Cocoon World, this is just a planet!"

"Leader Su, take a look, this is a normal planet, not a world of light cocoon, could you make a mistake?"

Su Yang shook his head: "This is the problem."

"I've been thinking before, why should a light cocoon world be born, and why can't they resurrect directly on a certain planet?"

"Now, I finally want to understand."

"It's not that they don't want to resurrect on a certain planet, but the environment of the big world at that time is too bad, they can't resurrect like that!"

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