The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2978: Pursuing the Emperor

The soul of the strongest can be scattered everywhere in the body.

Unless the Xeon is completely crushed, the soul of the Xeon will be immortal!

However, if Dao Zun's soul is not crushed, what is the situation of Dao Zun now? If his soul is still there, why would he lose control?

In doubt, other people also rushed here.

Seeing Dao Zun's situation, everyone was shocked.

No one would have thought that a strong person would become like this.

What's more, he is still a peak-level powerhouse like Dao Zun!

"What's the situation?" Wan Du asked in astonishment.

Everyone shook their heads, and none of them knew what was going on.

Qi'er looked worried and quickly ran to Su Yang: "Brother Su, I... where is my father?"

"Did he really pursue this matter?"

Su Yang nodded helplessly: "The Emperor's situation is unknown, I am going to find him personally."

"Everyone, you have seen the situation of Dao Zun."

"Except for the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns, that can cause such a situation, I really can't think of other possibilities."

"So, we don't rule out the situation where the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns may have to directly attack us."

"For the sake of safety, I decided that, on our human side, we must now start to prevent attacks from the Seven Heavenly Lords!"

"In the next period of time, the Terran side will be tightly guarded, and you should not leave the Terran stronghold for now."

"Let's not let the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns have any opportunity to take advantage of!"

Everyone nodded, and when they saw Dao Zun's situation, they knew how serious things were.

Even the most powerful person like Dao Zun can fall to this point, and the situation of other people will not be much better!

Qi'er said anxiously: "Brother Su, I'll go find my father with you!"

Su Yang glanced at her, hesitated slightly, and nodded: "Alright, you come with me!"

"Other people, don't leave the human race."

"In case of any unexpected situation, I will contact you as soon as possible."

"Also, you strictly guard the human race here. Once you encounter an accident, immediately crush the jade pendant, and I will naturally rush back!"

Everyone nodded in agreement. At this time, it is even more shocking than the previous situation of the Guardian God's attack. Who dares to be careless?

Su Yang made all arrangements properly and directly took Qi'er on the road.

On the way, Su Yang also brought another person, the strong one who came to spread the letter to the human race before.

The strongest man was called Confused, and he was an old man with white beard and white hair.

Among the strongest, it should belong to the middle level.

Not as good as the human emperor, but also stronger than the supreme dragon emperor.

According to him, he was one of the few people the Emperor knew when he was traveling outside. He has a good relationship with Human Emperor, and he is also ready to help Human Race.

Later, they happened upon the traces left by Dao Zun and followed them.

As a result, in an extremely remote place in the big world, I met Dao Zun who became the same now.

At that time, Dao Zun had already killed two nearby strong men, looking for people to slaughter everywhere like a beast.

The Emperor Human arrived at that time and originally wanted to say a few words to Dao Zun. But Dao Zun was already crazy at the time and directly attacked the Emperor.

Human Sovereign really has no choice but to join forces with a few other people to stop Dao Zun, and then let the deceiver come to the Human Race to move the soldiers, and then there will be things that follow.

Qi'er said anxiously: "My father found some traces, what traces are they?"

"What did he pursue?"

The puzzler shook his head: "I don't know about this, either."

"When we met Dao Zun at the time, everyone just started fighting."

"Then I came to Human Race to move rescue soldiers."

"As for what happened in the middle, I don't know at all."

"I don't know what the traces the Emperor said are!"

Qi'er was even more worried. She didn't even know the specific situation. Her father just took the risk. Who knew what would happen?

Once he encounters Dao Zun's situation and becomes like Dao Zun, what can he do?

Su Yang saw Qi'er's worry and said softly: "Qi'er, don't worry too much."

"Ji people have their own heavens, and the emperor will be fine!"

Qi'er sighed. She knew that Su Yang was comforting her. However, in this situation, what is the use of comfort, she is really worried about her father's situation!

Su Yang quickly traversed the space through the chaotic sparrow positioning, and soon reached the position where the Emperor and the others discovered Dao Zun.

Here, Su Yang and the others really found traces of fighting.

The destructive power is extremely strong, and the fighting aura still exists, one of which is the emperor's.

Su Yang felt everything around the battlefield, and wanted to find the traces the Emperor said.

However, in the end he still found nothing.

He didn't find the traces mentioned by the Emperor Human. Apart from the traces of battle, there is no other special situation here.

"Where did my father chase?" Qi'er asked anxiously.

The confused person pointed in the direction of Yuankong, and Qi'er quickly flew towards there.

Su Yang followed closely, and he worried about what danger Qi'er would encounter.

The three of them flew a long distance forward, without finding anything.

They could feel the aura left by the human emperor, but they couldn't find the human emperor at all, and there was no special discovery.

After searching for a long time, nothing was found.

However, at this moment, the puzzler stopped suddenly.

"Leader Su, something is wrong here!" said the puzzler.

"What's wrong?" Su Yang flew over immediately.

The confused person pointed not far away and whispered: "The space there is overlapping."

Su Yang glanced, he had noticed when he passed by. However, space overlap is a very common situation, and there is nothing special.

"What's wrong with the overlapping of spaces?" Su Yangqi asked.

"This is space, it seems to be deliberately overlapped by people!" The puzzler said: "There is a trace of man-made!"

"Artificial?" Qi'er was surprised, he didn't feel anything.

"Let's take a look!" Qi'er said.

Su Yang nodded, he walked ahead, quietly observing the overlapping space in front.

In the big world, spatial overlap is very common.

However, if the space is artificially overlapped, then of course it is worth noting that there may be any traces inside.

Walking near this overlapping space, Su Yang discovered that the surrounding environment was changing rapidly.

This is the characteristic of overlapping spaces. If you take one step at random, you may enter different spaces, and different spaces naturally have different situations, so the surrounding conditions will change rapidly.

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