The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3003: The thing outside the bead

Su Yang originally thought that the black mist was condensed by the jade pendant.

After seeing this this time, Su Yang realized that he had made a mistake.

In other words, he guessed wrong from the beginning.

The jade pendant is not a jade pendant, but a bead surrounded by a bunch of strange things.

In fact, the beads did not move, only the strange thing outside.

Su Yang saw it really, this strange thing slowly revolving, and the black mist around it seemed to be affected, and it began to condense, forming a huge pillar, rushing into that space.

Immediately afterwards, the guardian force of the space counterattacked and rushed towards the jade pendant.

When the two were about to collide, the strange mass immediately dispersed, revealing the beads inside.

At this time, Su Yang also discovered an unexpected situation.

After the strange thing was scattered, the beads inside actually moved, and it seemed that they were planning to leave the strange thing.

But it just so happened that the guardian power of the space rushed over, slammed directly on the string of beads, and rushed the string of beads back, making the string of beads unable to leave the strange thing.

After the guardian power was absorbed, the mass immediately wrapped the string of beads and quickly left the black fog.

Su Yang was shocked when he witnessed the whole process.

The strange thing outside the string of beads is the key to all this?

But what is the strange thing outside that string of beads?

With doubts, Su Yang quickly chased and flew over, trying to figure out what was outside the string of beads.

However, when he hurried outside, the jade pendant had already released his power, returned to the black mist, and began to absorb power again.

Su Yang quickly chased it back, but looking at it from afar, he still couldn't figure out what this strange thing was.

Seeing it as transparent, with some faint golden yellow, and some blood, it feels very weird, and people can't figure out what it is.

Su Yang frowned, so far away, it seemed impossible to see exactly what this mass was.

If you want to figure out the real situation of this group of things, it seems that only if you are close to this group of things can you have a chance.

However, this is very dangerous.

This group of things can wrap this string of beads and can also absorb such a powerful force, which shows how powerful this group of things is.

Su Yang approached so hastily, once he was hit by this group of things, could his immortal golden body and indestructible bones withstand the attack of this group of things?

Although he had saved his life just now under the attack of the guardian power, it was just a scratch at the time, and it was not a positive impact at all.

Su Yang had no doubt that if he was hit by the guardian power, his immortal golden body and the immortal bone would definitely fall apart.

And since this group of things can wrap the string of beads, absorb the power of guarding, and even condense the black mist, the power is definitely not worse than the power of guarding.

If this is really head-on, then Su Yang will have to give up half his life even if he is not dead!

After thinking about it for a long time, Su Yang finally gritted his teeth. He was still going to go over and try it to see what was going on.

However, just when he was about to go over and observe, he found that the jade pendant was back in the black mist.

Immediately afterwards, the mass outside the beads disappeared, and the string of beads disappeared under his eyelids.

Su Yang's eyes widened, what's the situation?

Don’t you continue to absorb strength?

Could it be that the seal of overlapping space outside has been broken?

He hurriedly flew out of the black mist, took a look, and it really was.

The seal of the overlapping space has been broken, and the white shadow inside will soon come out.

Su Yang couldn't help sighing. He originally wanted to get closer to see exactly what the mass was.

As a result, I considered it for too long, the overlapping space was shattered, and the mass disappeared with the beads.

If he wants to find these two things, he will have to wait until the next time he encounters the overlapping space.

Helpless, Su Yang could only leave this black fog first.

This time, he didn't wait for the white shadow to come out, so he directly collected the overlapping space into his world tree.

Then, Su Yang asked everyone not to stop the black mist man anymore, but to follow the black mist man and continue to observe the black mist man.

As for Su Yang himself, he returned to the world tree.

Not long after waiting, the white shadow rushed out of the overlapping space.

With so many previous experiences, Su Yang is certainly not afraid of this white shadow.

He quickly took down the white shadow and continued to seal it in the overlapping space.

Su Yang didn't rush back to the black mist to observe, but stayed in the world tree first, using that entrapped aura to recover from his injuries.

Su Yang suffered a lot from being scratched by the guardian power just now.

It is most suitable for the entrapped qi to recover from his injury, and this recovery process is also a process of tempering his body and soul. Su Yang urgently needs to improve his strength.

After almost five years, Su Yang finally returned to his peak.

He left the World Tree and returned to the black mist, while waiting, he continued to observe everything inside, looking for the jade pendant.

The first thing Su Yang came in was to observe the space.

After Yu Pei appeared just now, the bunch of mountains in the center of the space disappeared.

Now, Su Yang went in and took a look, and was shocked to find that the mountains had reappeared in the original position, as if he had never left.

Su Yang looked blank, what's the situation?

Could it be said that these mountains are really related to the jade pendant?

When the jade pendant appeared, the mountains disappeared.

The jade pendant disappeared, and the mountains appeared?

But what can be the relationship between the two?

Looking at the mountains in doubt, Su Yang couldn't really figure out the connection.

When he was at a loss, Su Yang suddenly realized that the mountain range looked strange, or rather familiar.

He stared at the mountains carefully with wide eyes for a while, and suddenly found in shock that these mountains looked very similar to the beads in the jade pendant.

I won’t talk about the shape, but the orientation and arrangement of this arrangement are very similar to those of the beads.

Moreover, these mountains formed a circle, which looked like a string of beads, exactly the same as the situation of that string of beads.

Su Yang couldn't help but opened his mouth wide, with a shocked expression on his face.

In connection with the disappearance of the mountain range, the appearance of the jade pendant, and the disappearance of the jade pendant, the appearance of the mountain range, Su Yang could not help but have a bold guess.

Could it be said that the string of beads was transformed by these mountains?

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