The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 402: Black debut

Ye Zhenying was also furious, and started to shoot the crime: "The old man has fallen, and you are still doing this evil hand, it is damned!"

Ye Zhenying's anger made many people at the scene afraid.

However, the man from the Ren family didn’t smile, “Lao Ye, what you said is too stupid. There are no rules and arrogance in the leader’s ring. He did not admit defeat. Of course I want to continue fighting. Is it because he knelt to spare him? The battle between life and death is life and death. If I am merciful, then maybe I will fall!"

Ye Zhenying said angrily: "You made a move to hurt people, and you are still so quibble, do you really mean that no one can do anything to you? Ye Jiaerlang, who is going to play, take this person for me!"

Ye Jia immediately stood up and a group of people clamored to be on stage.

At this moment, the Ren family man took a step back and smiled: "I'm sorry, I just played one game and I am a little tired. I will not fight for the next one. Whoever wants to come, whoever comes!"

"Where to run!" A man from the Ye family jumped directly onto the ring and shouted, "Follow me before leaving!"

"Why don't he come, I'll fight you!" A person from the Wang family suddenly jumped up and said loudly, "Do you dare to fight me?"

There was an uproar at the scene, it was hard to understand what was going on in this situation.

It was understandable that the Wang family Ren family dealt with the Hou family and the Nan family helped the Hou family.

However, how come such a thing happened now. The Ye family made a move, and the Wang family dared to come to fight, which is simply confusing. Could it be that the Wang family is going to face the Ye family for what?

This is the leading association of the two provinces. If this posture continues, there will be civil unrest here in Pingnan Province. After the fight, how can you fight Pingbei Province?

In the ring, the two people fought against each other. The Ye family reluctantly won, and the Wang family was defeated.

However, soon someone from the Ren family took the stage to challenge the people of the Ye family.

The Ye family changed their individual appearances and still won.

However, as soon as the battle was over, someone from the Yan Luo side came on stage, still challenging the Ye Family.

Seeing this, Ye Zhenying frowned immediately. If the fight continued like this, even if the Ye Family was strong, it wouldn't last long. If the wheel war continues, the Ye Family will be crushed first!

After playing three games in a row, Ye Zhenying finally waved her hand to signal the Ye family not to play again.

The ring match finally came to an end. At this time, the Ren family man just stepped up and sneered: "Lao Ye, since no one of your Ye family dared to take the stage, then I should come back to get my trophies. Hou Shilin, did you accept the battle just now?"

Hou Shilin's face was pale, his heart was extremely angry, but there was nothing to do.

"Look at your expression, this is dissatisfaction!" The Ren family man sneered: "If this is the case, then you continue to send someone up to fight me."

Hou Shilin gritted his teeth and did not speak. The Ren family man waited for a while and sneered: "Why, Master Hou, can no one send it? If no one can send it, then your Hou family must leave early. What a pity!"

There was a commotion around the crowd. How long has this May Dragon Head Party started? Is the Hou Family going to leave the venue?

Hu Shao looked through the world and said: "It is not safe to enter the top ten families with these relationships. If you leave early, there is nothing to be surprised!"

"It's not that there is a backer behind this Hou's family. What is Su Yang? Why is he not on stage?" Chen Benhao asked suddenly.

"Su Yang?" Ding Shao immediately said with a curled lips: "I'm just a high school student, how strong can he have? This is nothing more than everyone brags about. You really think that the backer of this big family will be a Smelly high school student? This is just a nonsense!"

"Really?" Chen Benhao was half-believing: "However, the Thunderbolt player Wang Jinglei also called Master Su just now. It can be seen that Su Yang should not be weak!"

"If he is really capable, he would show up long ago, why should he make the Hou family so embarrassed!" Hu Shao sneered, "This kind of exaggerated person has such a personality. Normally, bragging is fine. If you really want to encounter things, run away. Faster than anyone else. No one is looking for him on weekdays, so you can naturally brag about being invincible in the world. The May Leading Club, this is a place to speak on the basis of true ability, and naturally the people who are screaming for fame will be wiped out! "

"Yeah, do you really think that a middle school student can have any abilities against the sky?" Ding Shao laughed and said, "If you want to believe this, then your brain, you really need to go to the hospital to check it!"

"The Hou family is going to be over soon, and I haven't seen the person named Su come out, ha ha, don't you know what's going on?" Another young man laughed: "This Hou family is really embarrassing, too. How long did the leading meeting begin? I just left the venue in less than 40 minutes? I see, this family is probably considered abolished in the future. With this ability, I guess its status in Nanluo City will suffer. Let alone Pingnam Province!"

Everyone laughed, all watching Hou's jokes.

Hou Shilin clenched his fists tightly. Although he was unwilling in his heart, he still had to admit that the Hou family had really fallen this time. The Hou family really couldn't send any manpower.

Taking a deep breath, Hou Shilin stood up, ready to concede defeat, and then prepare to leave the field.

Su Yang clenched his fists, the Ghost Sword Mo Qianli, Yan Luo and Ren Beishan did not show up, he couldn't make a move right now!

Could it be that he was going to watch the Hou family leave the stage in such a sad way?

Just as everyone at the scene looked at Hou Shilin contemptuously, suddenly, a cold voice came: "Who said that there is no one in the Hou family? I will fight you in this battle!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, only to see a small child who was striding over.

"Xiao Hei?" Hou Shilin couldn't help being surprised, and then anxiously said: "Don't mess around, this is the May Leading Club, the Ren family has no humanity!"

Xiao Hei did not answer Hou Shilin, and went straight to the ring, and said coldly: "Su Yang's apprentice, fight for my master, you dare to fight with me!"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar. The words Su Yang have been too loud recently.

Everyone wanted to see how ashamed Su Yang was after the Hou family left the field. Unexpectedly, at this time, there would be such a scene, Su Yang's apprentice appeared extraordinarily.

Su Yang didn't show up, his apprentice actually came?

Moreover, this apprentice is still a teenager. What is the situation?

Looking at Xiao Hei, the Ren family man suddenly laughed: "Hou Shilin, is there really no one in your Hou family to send? Send such a little furry boy to fight me? Is he getting wet?"

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