The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 482: Cherish such a good girl!

Handsome for only three seconds, the wretched man glared at Su Yang: "Hey, buddy, do you want a girl? If you don't, don't affect my business!"

"I said everything, I'm just waiting for someone here!" Su Yang said.

The wretched man stared, "I wipe it, then why are you talking so much nonsense to me, affecting my business!"

"It's you who said it's okay!" Su Yang was helpless.

"Then don't talk about it!" the wretched man pouted.

Su Yang helplessly: "Okay, don't talk nonsense, talk for a while, more business will be delayed."

The wretched man looked around and whispered: "Forget it, I don't think anyone will come here for a while. Huo Qianfang came here today, and there are so many fans here, even those who live here will pass by. Look, my business tonight is destined to be bleak. Anyway, there is time. Let's talk for a while. Dude, wait so long, is this girl pretty?"

"..." Su Yang was speechless: "Not beautiful, very ugly!"

"Really?" The wretched man looked suspicious, "Isn't it possible? You look ugly, and you have to wait so long? Which ugly woman has such confidence?"

Su Yangqi said: "Why can't people wait for an ugly girl?"

"Nonsense, made by beautiful women, it is called acting like a spoiled baby. Makes by ugly women, that is really called death!" The wretched man stared, "If you are ugly and you don't know it, you will add more crime!"

Su Yang still wanted to talk. At this moment, a tall woman walked around the corner.

The woman was wearing a peaked cap and big sunglasses, covering half of her face, making it difficult to see what she looked like. But the part exposed to the outside is already terrifyingly beautiful.

She wore a very simple sportswear, but it happened to be the simplest sportswear, but she wore the feeling of a model. Especially those sweatpants, set off by her long legs, is particularly beautiful. Just a pair of beautiful legs is enough to make people drool!

The wretched man watched intently: "Oh my god, my god, my god, how can there be such a beautiful beauty, my god, this leg, this leg is too powerful, this is the leg length of two meters eight. Legs, I can play for a lifetime. Tsk tsk, such a beautiful woman, I don’t know what kind of person can be blessed to be with her!"

The girl's aura was very strong, and she walked straight towards them.

The wretched man's breathing became even more rapid: "Wow, wow, wow, she is walking towards us? Isn't she looking after me? Dude, do you think my hair style is suitable? Is it for my spring? coming?"

Su Yang: "..."

The woman walked up to the two of them, but she passed the wretched man directly and came straight to Su Yang: "I'm hungry, please eat!"

"Huh?" The wretched man was stunned, what is going on? Why did such a beauty go to Su Yang's place? Let Su Yang invite him to dinner? Damn it?

Su Yang had already noticed that this woman was Huo Qianfang. Changing her dress, wearing sunglasses and a hat, is hard to recognize.

"I just ate it, but I'm actually not too hungry." Su Yang said, "Or, if you have something to say first, and then you go back, you must be ready to eat?"

"Hey!" The wretched man is anxious, isn't this kid a fool? Such a beauty asks you to eat, even if you have just eaten a pig, you have to agree to it immediately.

"No!" Huo Qianfang said straightforwardly: "I want you to please!"

"I have really eaten..." Su Yang said helplessly.

"Ahem..." The wretched man coughed twice and laughed: "Well, beauty, in fact...I haven't eaten yet..."

"Get out!" Huo Qianfang gave him a word directly.

The wretched man retreated dingy, Huo Qianfang's aura was so strong that ordinary men couldn't face it at all.

"I'm going to ask you to please!" Huo Qianfang said angrily: "If you don't ask me to eat, I'll tell your parents, saying that you are upsetting my stomach and don't want to be responsible!"

"Huh?" The wretched man's eyes were almost staring out. After a while, he gave Su Yang a thumbs up. I can figure it out, you are the young ** Zhou Bochong.

"..." Su Yang was about to vomit blood: "Can you stop talking like this? I still need a face!"

"I'm shameless, what kind of face do you want!" Huo Qianfang stared at him: "I don't care, you not only have to take care of my food tonight, but you also have to take care of my stay and give me a place to live!"

"I... why should I do this..." Su Yang was about to collapse.

Huo Qianfang: "If you don't do this, I will go to Nanluo City..."

Su Yang: "Take it, let's go, let's go, let's eat!"

"That's right!" Huo Qianfang smiled slyly, and hugged Su Yang's arm directly, looking very intimate, like a couple.

Su Yang was uncomfortable, and pushed Huo Qianfang's hand away: "Hey, eat back to eat, don't wipe your oil!"

Huo Qianfang suddenly began to choke: "You have changed. When you chased me before, it was not like this. After you got into bed, you changed..."

The wretched man behind was dumbfounded, and he admired Su Yang to the ground.

"Well, you can do whatever you want..." Su Yang said weakly.

Huo Qianfang suddenly smiled and hugged Su Yang's arm again.

The wretched man looked stunned in the back, and quickly said: "Hey, buddy, I advise you. There are not many such good girls, please cherish it!"

"I cherish your uncle..." Su Yang really wanted to go over and kick this wretched man.

Huo Qianfang looked happy: "Your friend is right!"

"When did he become my friend!" Su Yang said anxiously.

The wretched man said with an angry look: "Look at you, turned your face and didn't recognize people. Just now you called them brothers and sisters. How long has it been since you didn't know each other? No wonder people and girls say you are irresponsible. It should be!"

"Big Brother, good point!" Huo Qianfang turned his head and smiled, the wretched man almost out of his mind.

Su Yang weakly took Huo Qianfang away from this place of right and wrong, he really didn't want to explain anything. These two people are almost like singing double reeds, he really can't handle them.

Finally, I found a western restaurant and ordered some food. Su Yang reluctantly sat opposite Huo Qianfang and watched Huo Qianfang eat slowly.

Although Huo Qianfang looks very pungent, but after all, she is a young lady, and he is very gentle and graceful about eating.

"Sister, what are you looking for me?" Su Yang said helplessly.

"Don't call me eldest sister!" Huo Qianfang glared at Su Yang: "I want you to write a few songs for me. I want to participate in the singing contest. I want to sing better than Yinger!"

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