Feng Lan glanced at Liu Liu, raised his head and laughed: "Oh, I heard that right? Liu Liu, you are coming to clean up Young Master Wang? What are you going to do to clean up?"

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you!" Liu Liu said solemnly.

"I'm not talking nonsense with you!" Feng Lan waved his hand: "Qiqi, go, we don't stay with such unqualified people. Shao Wang and the others will come in a while, and when Shao Wang and the others come, we will not be in the house. , That would be ugly."

Qiqi's complexion flushed red, and she whispered: "Liu Liu is my friend, and, I...I won't marry the surname Wang, I...I don't need to care about his opinion..."

Feng Lan couldn't help but looked at Qiqi in amazement: "What are you talking about? Shao Wang is good to you, what else are you doing? Shao Wang is in Nanluo City, that's definitely one of the richest. How many women have robbed their heads. , Are you still married? Is your mind caught by the door?"

"Your mind is caught by the door!" Liu Liu said angrily: "Everyone knows what the surname is Wang. Everyone knows. If Kiki doesn't want to marry, then don't marry. If you want to marry, you can marry him yourself. Ah. Anyway, I think you are quite willing to be like this!"

The man next to Feng Lan's complexion suddenly became ugly, Feng Lan also flushed, and said angrily: "Liu, how do you talk!"

"That's how I talk, why?" Liu Liu said coldly: "Feng Lan, do you think I don't know? You have always wanted to marry a rich family, but the surname Wang looks down on you, so I have to look for it. Such a spare tire. Huh, Ding Qiang, you spare tire, are you stupid?"

"Liu..." Feng Lan was furious.

Seeing that there was a quarrel, at this moment, a few people came from a distance and shouted from a distance: "Oh, Qiqi, you can come here. Yo, Liu Liu is also here, I didn't expect so many old classmates to come. !"

These people here are all old classmates of Liu Liu and the others. Liu Liu frowned, and it seemed that Shao Wang invited many old classmates here to persuade Dong Qiqi to come.

The arrival of these old classmates suddenly changed the situation on the scene. In the greetings of these old classmates, everyone went into the private room and sat down.

Feng Lan and Liu Liu were sitting across from each other, and their eyes were always full of gunpowder.

Everyone exchanged greetings, and quickly went straight to the topic, talking about the marriage of Dong Qiqi and Wang Shao.

These people invited by Shao Wang were all of the same type, and belonged to the relatively snobbery type. Therefore, after everyone talked about this topic, they almost all unanimously persuaded Dong Qiqi to marry Wang Shao.

Hearing what everyone said, Feng Lan suddenly seemed to have found a helper, and yelled: "Kiki, don't be fooled by the Liu. The Liu doesn't want you to marry Wang Shao, that's because She is jealous of you. She herself, it is said that she also followed a rich man to open this bar. She has done so herself, but she still persuades you not to be with Shao Wang. Didn't this deliberately cheat you!"

Liu Liu frowned and said angrily: "Feng Lan, you have to be responsible when you speak. When did I talk to a rich man?"

Feng Lan said coldly: "Huh, this matter has spread among classmates. It is said that it is Master Cheng Xuan of the Cheng family, don't you say there is no such person!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately rushed away.

"Cheng Xuan, isn't that the **** of our time?"

"Who else can be, it's him!"

"God, this guy, there are a lot of girls who have played."

"Liu Liu, are you really with him?"

"Cheng Xuan looks good, but the conditions in the family are a little worse than Wang Shao. However, he is considered a rich man. It is normal for Liu Liu to choose him. Well, rich and handsome, who doesn't like it? Come on, Liu Liu!"

"Oh, hello, Liu Liu, this is your fault. You chose Cheng Xuan, but you didn't let Qiqi and Wang Shao be together. What do you mean? You are eating in the bowl and looking at the pot. what?"

Everyone talked a lot, Liu Liu paled with anger, and said angrily: "Don't listen to Feng Lan's nonsense, I have nothing to do with the surname Cheng!"

"Huh, who the **** is this bullshit!" Feng Lan sneered: "Before Cheng Xuan was in your bar every day, but after this time I won't go there. I guess he will have a new love. What's wrong, Liu Liuda Beauty, I can't keep Cheng Dasao's heart, so I'm focusing on Wang Shao? But, you are left over by Cheng Dasao playing, why do you hook up with Wang Shao?"

Everyone burst into laughter, Liu Liu almost ran away with anger.

"Hey, what you said is too bad!" The fat man couldn't help it. "What is Cheng Xuan? What qualifications does he have to chase after Sister Liu Liu? It's not that he has a new love, but we don't let him come to Liuliu. Go to the bar, don’t make a mistake!"

Everyone looked at Fatty and Su Yang. Feng Lan frowned and said, "Who is this? We are reunion with classmates, why come in for these two things?"

"Hey, how do you talk!" The fat man was angry: "What are two things?"

"These are my two younger brothers!" Liu Liu said directly: "I brought them here!"

"Why, I know that Shao Wang is inviting guests tonight, he must have eaten well, so I brought two family members here?" Feng Lan sneered: "Yo, you can eat more. You probably don't have anything here. Have you eaten it a few times!"

"Feng Lan, your words are too bad!" Liu Liu frowned.

"What's wrong with what I said?" Feng Lan said coldly: "Look at the two things you brought. Is one silent from beginning to end, is it a dumb? When one speaks, it carries dirty words. There is no quality, no education, no one cares about life, are your parents dead?"

The fat man was completely angry. After his father died once, he hated others talking about it.

"You say it again!" The fat man grabbed the cup on the table, pointed at Feng Lan and cursed.

"Why? Still want to hit people?" Feng Lan said coldly: "Okay, come on, try it. What are you doing, hitting people in Wanxiang Garden, are you tired of your life? You know here. What is the identity of the boss?"

"Fatty, forget it, forget it!" Liu Liu held Fatty's hand: "Don't be familiar with this kind of person, it's not necessary, it's not necessary."

The fat man sat down angrily, and looked at Su Yang again, still licking melon seeds slowly.

"Hey, you are saying something!" The fat man said helplessly, "Can you bear it?"

"What can I do if I can't bear it?" Su Yang curled his lips and said, "Are you arguing with these women?"

"Then what are you going to do?" The fat man wondered.

"Wait." Su Yang said softly.

At this time, Feng Lan glanced at Su Yang and Fatty again: "Hey, Liu Liu, you two brothers, they seem to be young and should still be in high school? Isn't this time for class, why are they here? Did you study too badly and was kicked out by the school, hahaha..."

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