Fang Jing was stunned for a moment, and said anxiously: "Then I can't help it. With so many women around Ling Laoqi, I have to think of a way to get him to marry me!"

"If you just want to repay your parents and family, betraying your body is enough, why do you have to marry him?" Su Yang asked back, "Don't you be his lover and he won't spend money for you?"

Su Yang turned to Ling Laoqi: "Ling Laoqi, are you really such a pick?"

Ling Laoqi was already angry, and immediately said: "Fart, when I chased her, it cost hundreds of thousands. We are not married yet, and I have spent more than two million on her. This woman, that’s I got into the eyes of the money and did everything for the money. She told me the news of the elixir, just to be able to marry me and get more money from me!"

"More than two million!" Su Yang looked at Fang Jing: "How much did your family spend to provide you with school? More than two million, can't repay your family debt?"

Fang Jing opened her mouth and was speechless, completely speechless. All her sophistry, here, can be regarded as completely over.

"Why? I finally have nothing to say?" Master Fang said coldly: "Bitch, aren't you able to quibble? Why don't you quibble now?"

Fang Jing's complexion flushed, she turned to Lao Lin and tremblingly said: "Lin, I...I know I was wrong, I really know it was wrong. The person I love most is always you, let me return to you Okay? I... I'll stay with you all my life and take care of you all my life, OK?"

Everyone was in an uproar, this woman's cheeky was really beyond everyone's imagination.

"Our feelings have ceased to exist since you killed so many people in Xigu Village!" Lao Lin sat in a wheelchair and shook his head, "Send me back first, I don't want to see her again!"

Su Yang waved his hand, and Master Fang immediately went over and pushed Lao Lin's wheelchair away.

Fang Jing paled with fright, she knew that if Lao Lin left, she would be dead. Her only support now is Lao Lin's feelings for her. Under this circumstance, only Lao Lin can protect her.

"Lin, don't leave, you come back, listen to me..." Fang Jing hurriedly tried to resist, but was directly stopped by some people on the scene.

"Bitch, do you have the face to see him?"

"What else do you have to say now? What lie do you still want to tell? What do you think you say, we still believe?"

"Shut up, bitch, you are not a pity to die!"

The crowd surrounded Fang Jing and cursed constantly. And Fang Jing ignored these people at all, still crying out to save Lao Lin.

Lao Lin didn't even look back, leaving the hall with the help of Master Fang.

Seeing Lao Lin walking away, Fang Jing was completely limp to the ground. She knew that she was really finished this time.

Patriarch Wu walked to Su Yang and asked in a deep voice, "Master Su, how do you deal with this kind of person?"

Su Yang picked up the tea cup on the table and said softly: "Let her go."

"Huh?" Everyone was taken aback, after talking so much, finally let her go? Is Su Yang so kind?

Fang Jing was also stunned, and immediately overjoyed, she quickly trembled: "Thank you, Master Su, thank you, Master Su, I...I will definitely change it in the future, I will definitely change it..."

When he said that he wanted to leave in a panic, Su Yang said again: "But, you can't just leave like this."

Fang Jing was stunned for a moment, and whispered: "Master Su, then...what do you want me to do..."

"You caused Lao Lin to break his hands and feet, you should at least leave something down," Su Yang said slowly.

"Huh?" Fang Jing was stunned, Su Yang meant to cut off her hands and feet?

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter, and Patriarch Wu immediately said: "Master Su, as expected, it is still as comprehensive as you think. This kind of person is too cheap to kill directly. Yes, she should be allowed to live, but she should not be allowed Live so well. Cut off her hands and feet and let the rest of her life come to atone for those who were killed by her!"

Fang Jing was frightened and cried. She knelt down with a puff and begged: "Please, don't cut off my hands and feet, don't cut off my hands and feet, I beg you..."

Su Yang didn't even look at her at all, waving his hand at will, and the Wu Patriarch next to him immediately said, "Master Su, let my Wu family do this for you!"

Before the Wu Family Master spoke, the Sun Family Master directly waved his hand, and the Sun Family immediately ran over to drag Fang Jing and Fang Jun out.

Family Master Wu is dumbfounded, and some people are rushing to do such things.

There were cries and screams of howling ghosts and wolves outside, and there was no need to say more about the fate of Fang Jing and Fang Jun.

Su Yang put down the tea cup in his hand and whispered softly: "Okay, the matter has been resolved, then, it's time to talk about Pingbei Province!"

Everyone pricked their ears, especially the people of the top ten families who were so diligent to Su Yang, wasn't it just for this?

"The rules of Pingbei Province still have to be established."

Su Yang's words made everyone panicked. Does Su Yang continue to pursue this matter?

"However, this rule is not established by me, but by the Hou family!" Su Yang said, "In a few days, someone from the Hou family will come over and discuss with you personally about the rules of the two provinces. I hope you can cooperate with him then. !"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as this rule is not for Su Yang, then many things are fine.

The Hou family will set the rules, and then that will be some issues involving interests.

It is always easier to discuss with the Hou family than with Su Yang. After all, the Hou family does not have the strength of Su Yang. They are also a big family, and they are all interested in their interests. It would be much easier if everyone discusses for the common benefit.

Discuss with Su Yang, it depends on Su Yang's preferences. Based on Su Yang's anger, it is estimated that there is nothing to discuss, and everyone dare not bargain with Su Yang at all, then there is actually no negotiation.

Therefore, I heard that everyone was very happy to discuss with the Hou family.

In fact, everyone did not know. There was a reason why Su Yang was here this time to bring out the heads of the ten major families.

The Hou family will come to Pingbei Province to discuss with the top ten families about making rules. However, everyone knows that the top ten families in Pingbuk Province are not convinced that the May Leaders will lose. Therefore, this discussion will certainly not go smoothly.

Su Yang came over to make trouble this time, and things were much simpler.

After Su Yang's uproar this time, even if the top ten families of Pingbei Province had the courage, they would never dare to make things difficult for the Hou family. When the time comes, it will be much easier for the Hou family to come over and make rules!

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