Yang Lihua took a deep breath and whispered, "The Sacred Gate of Medicine is hidden from the world, and the world is ignorant, so I feel that the world's medical skills are respected by the Hua Lao Yue Lao. Even the person who Hua Lao Yue Lao proposed, It is also sought after by people all over the world, which is a shame in the medical profession."

"The Sage of Medicine is hanging in the pot to save the world, but how many people really believe in the Sage of Medicine?"

"This time, the Sacred Medicine Sect opened the genius doctor conference, and some people questioned the strength of the Sage Sage Sect. They felt that the Sage Sage Sect was lying!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone around him suddenly shouted and cursed.

"Who the **** dare to say that the Sacred Medical Door is lying, I will kill him!"

"Those bastards, what do you know!"

"It's probably the believers surnamed Su, this beast really deceived the people of the world!"

Yang Lihua smiled slightly, and when everyone's voice fell, he said in a loud voice: "So, the sage of medicine will invite Mr. Hua Lao Yue to go up the mountain. By the way, he will tell the world to let Master Su come. This is to be in front of Mr. Hua Lao Yue. , To expose Su Yang, to prove the medical skills of the Holy Sect of Medicine."

"In this way, Hua Lao Yue can truly know that the man surnamed Su is just a liar, and the medical sage is the real expert. At that time, Hua Lao Yue can also publicize and expose Su. The master's deception, secondly, can also enhance the reputation of the Sacred Medical Sect!"

"If you kill Master Su here, or his descendants or something, so that he doesn't dare to go up the mountain, wouldn't the Sacred Medicine Sect be able to expose his deception face to face? In this way, everyone is not cheating the Sage Medicine Sect. ?"

Everyone suddenly realized, Xu Shao quickly said: "Oh, Yang Shao thought well. If it wasn't for Yang Shao here, let's kill this kid, wouldn't it be a major event of the Holy Sect of Medicine?"

"Shao Yang is right, you can't kill this kid, yes, let them go into the mountain!" Qin Shao glanced at Su Yang obliquely: "Hey, kid, don't worry, I won't move you. After going up the mountain, I will stare at you. The dog's eyes can see clearly and see how the experts of the Sacred Sage of Medicine have pierced the liar of Master Su!"

Everyone laughed and mocked, looking at Su Yang like a fool.

Su Yang's face was calm, and he never paid attention to these people.

Wu Xiyue leaned on Yang Lihua, with a look of idolism: "Brother Yang, you still consider it well."

Yang Lihua smiled and touched Wu Xiyue's waist with one hand, wiping oil secretly. On the other side, he glanced at Su Yang again and sneered: "Since you are the descendant of Master Su, you should have heard of my Yang family in the US?"

Su Yang nodded calmly.

Yang Lihua sneered again: "The person surnamed Su said before that we need 30 billion from the Yang family to save my grandfather? Hmph, after going to the mountain for a while, I hope he can still say such arrogant things."

"So, does the Yang family plan to ask Master Su for treatment?" Su Yang asked rhetorically.

"Are you sick in your brain?" Wu Xiyue retorted first: "Do you think the Yang family still needs to ask Master Su? That's a liar. There are so many genius doctors on the mountain, and you still need him? And 30 billion? This liar can really dare to say. I think, you are looking for 30 billion is almost the same!"

Su Yang nodded slowly, and fell silent again.

Qin Shao laughed wildly: "This is what kind of **** Master Su's heir. I dare not even let it go. This is what Master Su taught?"

"Okay, Shao Xu, save some face for others." Xu Shao smiled next to him: "It is a kind of courage to say that people have the courage to go to this Cumulus Mountain. Since they have courage, then we should give it He has a chance. Hey, boy, since you are so courageous, shall we take a gamble?"

"What to bet on?" Su Yang said.

"Just bet this Master Su, can you get out of Cumulus Mountain alive, how about it?" Xu Shao smiled and said, "I said he couldn't get out of Cumulus Mountain alive, what do you think?

"It just so happens that I have the opposite opinion with you." Su Yang replied calmly.

"That's great!" Xu Shao laughed: "Then let's take a gamble. If I lose, I will give you 10 million. If you lose, I don't want your money, you kneel down and give it. I can knock three heads, how about?"

Everyone suddenly laughed. In their opinion, if Master Su came to Cumulus Mountain, this time he would not even want to leave alive. After all, Tie Luohan had already spoken. Therefore, Xu Shao was determined to win this bet, and Xu Shao made it clear that he would insult Su Yang.

"Ten million, is it cash?" Su Yang asked calmly. This made people laugh even more.

"Trash, I'm still thinking about people's money at this time!" Wu Xiyue said contemptuously: "The poor are the poor. Seeing money is open, look back at how you are ashamed!"

Wu Chuanyang's complexion changed slightly, and he whispered: "Brother Su..."

I want to be reminded, but in the end I dare not speak. After all, these people at the scene are not good people.

"Of course it's cash!" Xu Shao said arrogantly: "What I said, is that still false?"

"If that's the case, then it's decided like this." Su Yang said: "I'll bet this with you!"

"Well, everyone is a testimony!" Xu Shao immediately laughed.

"Don't worry, we are all watching!"

"This kid can't run, so let him kneel and kowtow in front of everyone!"

"Hahaha, Xu Shao, you are too kind, so it's suitable for him to kneel three times and nine knocks!"

Everyone laughed constantly, as if the result had already come out.

Wu Xiyue sneered and said, "Fool, you bet even if you know the result. Poor man, that's it!"

Yang Lihua smiled slightly and said, "This kid is not stupid. The question now is not whether Master Su will die in Cumulus Mountain, but whether he dares to come to Cumulus Mountain."

"Ah?" Wu Xiyue's expression changed sharply: "Doesn't that mean that this **** is lying to Xu Shao?"

She immediately took a step forward and said anxiously: "Xu Shao, you have to be careful. If that **** Master Su doesn't come to Cumulus Mountain, does that count as walking out of Cumulus Mountain alive? This bastard, it's overcast, you have to be careful. what!"

Xu Shao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately said, "Yes, this has to be added. If Master Su doesn't come to Cumulus Mountain..."

"Count me lose!" Su Yang continued calmly.

This sentence stunned everyone in the audience, and everyone looked at Su Yang in amazement.

They originally thought that Su Yang wanted to deceive Xu Shao about this matter, but now it seems that Su Yang had no intention of deceiving people at all. Where does his confidence come from?

Shao Xu was also stunned. He took a deep breath and pointed at Su Yang and said solemnly: "Okay, that's it. Boy, don't want to run away then. So many people at the scene testify, you have to dare Run? It's not as simple as kowtow to catch it. I have to interrupt your dog legs!"

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