The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 687: Turn face and deny

The people in the hall didn't know what happened later.

Gong Yexuan challenged for a while, no one came to power, and at this time the results of the treatment over there came out.

Gong Yexuan took the result and glanced at it, and couldn't help but smile: "Coincidentally, on the medical side, my Sage Sect won the first prize. There are 17 patients, 13 people can be treated by Sage Sect of Medicine. There are only eight people who can treat the most!"

There was an uproar at the scene, especially those who came to seek medical treatment, were all excited.

It does not matter how many diseases can be treated. What they worry about is whether they can treat their diseases!

Gong Yexuan looked at it carefully and frowned, "Unfortunately, there are three patients with special symptoms. Together, we can't suggest a cure. However, the other fourteen patients, It can be treated. Don't worry about that!"

When these words came out, the following was even more rushed. People's hearts hung up, and they all wanted to know, which three people, this hapless ghost, can't heal so many sects together?

Yang Lihua was even more excited. He hurriedly said: "The master of Gongye, my grandpa... how is my grandpa's situation..."

Gong Yexuan's expression was slightly embarrassed, and he sighed: "Lao Yang's condition is the most special one, and it is also the one we have the most unpredictable condition!"

"Huh?" Yang Lihua was completely stunned. At the end of the day, is his grandpa's illness the one that cannot be cured?

Gong Yexuan ignored Yang Lihua and said loudly: "In addition, there is Wang Changyuan, and Zheng Yangde's illness cannot be cured."

Immediately there were two groups of people wailing, they belonged to the Wang family and the Zheng family.

Gong Yexuan’s complexion did not fluctuate, and he smiled: “However, the good news is that the other 14 patients can be treated. This is the credit of everyone's unity. Therefore, I have always said that it is very necessary to set up the alliance of geniuses. of!"

The people in the other fourteen families were naturally very excited, and those who supported Gong Yexuan also yelled excitedly. At the same time, everyone looked at Elder Jiang and the others with all their faces full of mockery.

Gong Yexuan smiled and said, "Well, that's all for today's diagnosis and treatment. Let's continue with the affairs of the Alliance of Divine Doctors."

Wu Xiyue was in a hurry, and she quickly grabbed Yang Lihua: "Brother Yang, grandma, what about my grandma, please tell the master of Gongye..."

When Yang Lihua heard that his grandfather's illness could not be cured, his heart was almost broken. Wu Xiyue is still talking at this time, isn't this adding fuel to his fire!

"I'm going to **** you!" Yang Lihua slapped Wu Xiyue's face with a slap: "Go away, don't bother me here!"

Wu Xiyue did not expect this to be the case. She covered her face, her tears rolled in her eyes, and she trembled: "Brother Yang, you...what are you doing..."

"Brother, you fucking!" Yang Lihua kicked Wu Xiyue again and cursed, "Is I familiar with you? Brother, brother, what are you, why should I call me brother?"

"I... my uncle is from your Yang family..." Wu Xiyue said anxiously.

Yang Lihua cursed, "Then one of them is a collaborator who is not even qualified to enter the house, he is a member of the Yang family. Don't **** have anything to do with Lao Tzu, go away, I will be annoyed when I see you!"

Everyone at the scene burst into laughter, Wu Xiyue's complexion was flushed, half was beaten, and half felt ashamed. She was very close to these people just now, saying that she had made friends, but now it turns out that these people laugh at her.

Especially the Xu Shao who was defended by her just now smiled and said: "Young Shao, I thought it was your girlfriend. It turned out to be a **** who wanted to catch a beetle-in-law. Tsk tsk, you don’t take a **** and take pictures of yourself. You want to catch Young Master Yang?"

Everyone laughed even more, and Wu Xiyue was almost crazy.

At this moment, a person hurried over, helped Wu Xiyue up, and whispered: "Xiyue, let's go..."

The visitor was Wu Chuanyang. He had been standing at the door and ran in after seeing his sister.

"Brother..." Wu Xiyue burst into tears suddenly.

Before Wu Chuanyang helped Wu Xiyue well, he kicked over and Wu Chuanyang himself sat on the ground.

It was the Xu Shao who did it. He pointed to Wu Chuanyang and said, "Did you not hear the genius doctors of the Holy Sage Sect say, let you get out, who let you in?"

"Yeah, who let you in? Do you take the words of the geniuses aside?"

"When I went up the mountain, I rubbed Yang Shao's best jade, and now it is disrupting the rules of the Medical Sacred Sect, it's **** it!"

"Fuck, throw him out!"

The crowd yelled, preparing to deal with Wu Chuanyang, in order to show it in front of the Sage of Medicine.

At this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded: "The heart of the doctor’s parents, did not take the sapphire, did not give treatment, but also to drive out, this is the rule of the medical sage? In my opinion, this medical sage is just What a shit!"

There was silence in the audience, and everyone was in an uproar.

"Damn, who said that?"

"Which bastard, so bold, dare to insult the Holy Sect of Medicine and seek death?"

"Who the **** said, stand up and see if my iron Luohan won't pinch you to death!"

Everyone roared constantly, and each of them was more emotional than the people of the Holy Sect of Medicine. They all wanted to show themselves in front of the Sage of Medicine, so that the Sage of Medicine could treat their patients.

Elder Jiang and Jiang Zi'er were full of excitement, because they heard it really and it was Su Yang who spoke.

Su Yang, it's finally time to shoot!

When everyone was yelling, Su Yang didn't speak, he walked to Wu Chuanyang's side and helped Wu Chuanyang, who looked confused.

Wu Chuanyang was stunned. He really couldn't understand how this brother Su, who didn't speak all the way and was treated as a waste, would dare to stand up and help him when everyone was targeting them!

Xu Shao was the first to see Su Yang, and immediately became angry, and shouted: "Who the **** asked you to help him, why? Look down on Lao Tzu, right?"

With that, Xu Shao kicked Su Yang.

However, before he kicked Su Yang with his foot, he flew out directly, hitting a distant wall, and fell directly to the ground, vomiting blood.

Everyone at the scene was shocked. Gong Yexuan immediately frowned and said coldly: "I don't see, the little brother is still a practicing family. What just said, could it be you?"

Su Yang stood with his hand, calmly said: "Exactly!"

"Damn, you are so bold, dare to speak to the Sacred Gate of Medicine like this, I will kill you!" Tie Luohan roared and rushed over, his whole body resembling a rampaging rhino, with a shocking momentum.

He rushed to Su Yang aggressively, and Su Yang just stretched out a hand at random, just pressing the top of his head, and Tie Luohan directly stopped.

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