The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 752: Do you think it fits?

This sudden voice stunned everyone.

Who is so bold that he dares to talk to the Qi family like this, saying that he is looking for death is already considered polite. Isn't this looking for annihilation?

Given the strength of the Qi family in the six southern provinces, no one has ever dared to confront the Qi family, let alone insult the Qi family so much.

The most important thing is that this insult is not the ordinary Qi family, but one of the five Qi family, Qi Wuan, who has the worst temper among the five Qi family!

Everyone turned their heads and looked around, wanting to see what this man who wanted to kill himself looked like.

There was only one person standing behind, it was Su Yang. His face was calm, as if he hadn't seen everyone's eyes.

Director Lin was the first to react, pointing to Su Yang and cursing: "Bad son, what you said just now?"

"You dare to talk to the five Qi family like this and look for death?"

"Kill him, kill him, Wanhu Qi family, can't be insulted!"

"Asshole, immediately kneel down and apologize, otherwise, I will kill you first!"

"What nonsense with him, kill him!"

Everyone yelled continuously, and even some people gathered around Su Yang, preparing to replace the people of the Qi family to teach Su Yang. In this way, you will be able to show your face in front of the Qi family, and you may be able to get preferential treatment from the Qi family in the future!

The most excited is Zhang Aiqin. She looked like she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. She said excitedly: "The third child, you see, this is what Hu Yong's comrade-in-arms. Tsk tsk, this is a veteran from the army? This is obviously it. Stupid. What kind of troops, specialize in cultivating stupid troops?"

Zhang Aiyun's expression was extremely embarrassed. She didn't know what was going on now, but she knew very well that things were really troublesome this time.

However, she did not ask Zhang Aiqin anymore. When things got to this point, she had to stand behind Hu Yong anyway. Even if the catastrophe is over, she must support her husband!

Zhang Aiyun didn't know the sinister society of this society. In her opinion, at most, she was beaten up and lost some money. As the saying goes, the poorest can't beg for food, and if you don't die, she will always come forward.

Just when those people were clamoring to reach out to fight Su Yang, suddenly, Qi Wuan from behind shouted: "Fuck me, stop!"

Everyone at the scene was taken aback, especially those who surrounded Su Yang.

Su Yang didn't do anything, so Qi Wu'an must be talking about them.

Everyone was very confused, not knowing what Qi Wuan meant. They are clearly helping Qi Wu'an, why does Qi Wu'an want them to stop instead?

Director Lin was also taken aback, and quickly laughed again: "Cousin, do you want to clean him yourself? That's right, this kind of person must be cleaned up by you personally. Others do it, how can you relieve your anger!"

Everyone suddenly realized that they all let go, and laughed: "Mr. Qi, we are on our behalf. You should really do it yourself!"

"Yes, he dared to scold Mr. Qi, of course it should be Mr. Qi to clean him up!"

"Everyone make way for Mr. Qi!"

Shen Jingan's complexion changed drastically, isn't Su Yang looking for death?

He quickly waved to the people of Shen's family, motioning them to protect Su Yang. But, at this time, can the people of the Shen family stop the people of the Qi family?

Qi Wuan ignored everyone, he walked up to Su Yang and his expression became extremely ugly. Under the eyes of everyone, Qi Wuan lowered his head and said in a low voice: "Master Su, you... are you here too?"

Everyone at the scene was taken aback, what's the situation? Qi Wuan, also called Su Yang Master Su? Moreover, looking at Qi Wuan's attitude, he obviously bowed his head. What does this mean? Qi family, have you ever bowed your head to others?

Shen Jingan, who was planning to come over to protect Su Yang, was also stunned. What's the situation? Qi Wuan, who has the worst temper among the five great Qi family, has such an attitude toward Su Yang? This is something he never thought of!

With everyone's surprised eyes, Su Yang asked, "Can't I be here?"

"'s not..." Qi Wuan looked embarrassed and quickly said, "I just don't know you are here..."

"Hmph, I thought that your Wanhu Qi family is so strong. You are on this Wanhu, I can't eat at Wanhu Manor?" Su Yang said coldly.

A hint of anger flashed in Qi Wuan's eyes, but in the end he still whispered: "I didn't mean it, I... I just don't know, Master Su is here..."

"Then you know now!" Su Yang said.

"I know... I know..." Qi Wuan's complexion was extremely red. In his life, has he been treated like this before?

"Then what do you think should be done about this?" Su Yang asked back.

"This matter..." Qi Wu'an whispered: "Master Su, this matter has nothing to do with you. We just came to the Shen family..."

"Shen Jingan's Shen Wangling gave me..." Su Yang calmly said: "Don't you think that I took Shen Wangling and insulted your Qi family?"

"Huh?" Qi Wuan was stunned, and Shen Wangling was actually here with Su Yang?

To be honest, Su Yang and Qi Bachiye Sword Saint, of course, would not be able to compare. But the problem is, he can't answer this question directly. Su Yang is not as good as Qi Bachi and Ye Jiansheng, but Su Yang can still make him restless!

Everyone at the scene looked at Qi Wu'an's expression. Although they didn't know what was going on, everyone could vaguely see that Qi Wu'an was very afraid of Su Yang.

Everyone was very puzzled, and really couldn't understand what was going on. You know, Wanhu Qi family, in Jiangnan Province, and even the six southern provinces, is used to rampant Wuji. They have never seen anyone from the Wanhu Qi family bow their heads to anyone, let alone anyone who dares to speak to the Wanhu Qi family like this!

How sacred is Master Su?

Shen Jingan was even more stunned. Although he was the head of the second family in Jiangnan Province, in fact, he was also very jealous of the Qi family. The Wanhu Qi family never took the heads of their families seriously. A Qi Wuan is far higher than his status!

And now, Qi Wuan was so conscientious and panicked in front of Su Yang, which made him really confused. Wanhu Qi family, there are people who are afraid? Moreover, it is Su Yang who is afraid?

"Hey, what do I want to ask you!" Su Yang said coldly: "Qi Wuan, do you think it is suitable for me to take Shen Wangling?"

Qi Wuan's complexion flushed red, and his heart was extremely angry, but in the end he still had to honestly say: "Suitable...suitable..."

Director Lin couldn't help but stunned, and said, "My third cousin, this... how can this work? How can this kid compare to Ba Ye Qi!"

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