The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 885: Xiaohei, you are not doing it right

Cumulus Mountain, the gate of the Magic Medical Alliance.

When Su Yang hurried back here, the gate was already blood-red, and I didn't know how many corpses had fallen on the ground.

Xiao Hei was standing in a pool of blood carrying a kitchen knife, covered in blood, and even a crimson light radiated from his body, like a blood-eating demon coming out of hell.

Two or three hundred people stood outside the gate. These people were full of horror, standing here from afar, but didn't dare to go any further.

These people come from more than a dozen different families, and more than a dozen different forces are masters selected from these family forces.

This time, I wanted to completely level off the genius doctor alliance, taking advantage of the geographical advantage before other families rushed to it, to take away the genius doctor alliance things first, and take advantage of it.

However, they obviously underestimated the strength of the Magic Doctor Alliance.

They didn't even see Su Yang. Only Su Yang's two apprentices, Zhao Pingan and Xiao Hei, had already stopped them outside.

Zhao Ping'an guarded the gate, while Xiao Hei rushed into the crowd with a chopper in his hand, killing him.

Xiao Hei's strength was much stronger than Zhao Ping'an, who had just been awakened from the god-given martial arts body, whose meridians had been opened up by Su Yang. Moreover, his combat effectiveness can continue to increase as the killing intent increases. In this war, every time Xiao Hei kills a person, his strength increases by one point, just like a real war machine, which makes people scared.

These people originally wanted to besieged Xiao Hei with more people, but after fighting for a while, they found that they could only kill him if they rushed up.

Among those who fell in a pool of blood on the scene were four masters in the realm of Venerables. Of course, these four Venerables also suffered heavy injuries to Xiao Hei before they died. However, Xiao Hei was attacked, but he seemed to be okay. The killing didn't slow down at all. Instead, the shot was even more terrifying, making the other venerables afraid to rush forward.

These people didn't know that Xiao Hei would suffer severe injuries and his body would be injured. It's just that the killing intent in Xiao Hei's body continued, and he would not fall. To outsiders, Xiao Hei seems to be unharmed. In fact, Xiao Hei's current injuries are also very serious.

The people around the gate looked at Xiao Hei covered in blood and didn't dare to rush forward. After paying the price of not knowing how many lives, these people finally realized that they couldn't rush to Xiao Hei's line of defense.

However, they have already died so many people, how can they be willing at this time? Especially there are several families, the main force of the family is killed here, it is even more difficult for them to accept.

After taking a few breaths, a Patriarch walked out angrily and said angrily: "Little bastard, you killed so many people in our Huang family. Do you think our Huang family will give up this time? If I am today When I see someone whose surname is Su, I must ask him for an explanation!"

"That's right, I must ask someone with the surname Su to ask for an explanation. To kill so many of us, do you want to die this time?"

"So courageous, our fifteen families come together, and you dare to kill innocent people so indiscriminately. It seems that you don't put our people in the six southern provinces in your eyes. I want to ask, is this Su? How did you teach the apprentice? How could the surname be so vicious? Isn't this Su also so vicious?"

"Today's matter, I think that Su, how to explain to us!"

Faced with the anger from the crowd, Xiao Hei's expression was calm, but he picked up the chopper in his hand again, and seemed to be about to make another move.

These people were startled at once, and involuntarily stepped back. In the previous battle with Xiao Hei, they were really frightened.

At this moment, Tiantian suddenly heard a cold voice: "Xiao Hei, how did you do things?"

Everyone immediately looked up, Xiao Hei and Zhao Ping'an were overjoyed, and they both bowed down at the same time: "Master!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Su Yang approached from the air with a sword and fell in front of everyone.

"Master?" The crowd suddenly roared: "Are you the Master Su of Pingnan Province?"

"Okay, you dare to come back, we are just looking for you. Your apprentice killed so many people in our family, how do you explain this matter?"

"Explain what, this time, our family has completely forged feud with you. This time, we will never die!"

"Surnamed Su, don't expect to scold him a few words, it will be all right. Our family has died so many people, I want to make your genius doctor alliance completely dead!"

"Yes, let their genius doctor alliance be completely dead!"

Everyone yelled, if it weren't for Xiao Hei's fear, I'm afraid they would have killed him by now.

Su Yang ignored these people at all. He looked at Xiao Hei who was kneeling on the ground and said coldly: "Do you think you are doing it right?"

Xiao Hei lowered his head and didn't speak, but there was a trace of stubbornness on his face. Among the three apprentices of Su Yang, Xiao Hei is also the one with the most stubborn character. That is, Su Yang was able to reprimand him, he listened honestly, no one else was qualified.

"The surname Su, you don't have to act for us like this." A Patriarch said angrily: "Our family has died so many people, can this be solved by you with just a few curses? I tell you, this matter, It’s not so easy to solve, I want you to repay it a hundred times!"

"Yes, I want you to pay back a hundred times, this person, a thousand deaths and 10,000 deaths are not enough!"

"The surname Su, do you know you are afraid now? Huh, what have you been doing? Knowing that our fifteen families have joined the mountain, and even dared to send someone to stop here, you really do not live or die!"

Seeing Su Yang's accusation against Xiao Hei, all those in the family became energetic and scolded. Some people even rushed forward a few words, jumping and yelling, all the panic before, this moment was gone.

Su Yang still ignored these people. He walked up to Xiao Hei, reached out his hand and tapped on Xiao Hei's head, and said coldly: "How many times have I told you, since you want to kill, don't be kind. If you want to cultivate, you have to wait until after the murder, don’t give up halfway, why don’t you understand?"

Xiao Hei couldn't help but froze. He originally thought that Su Yang was going to accuse himself of killing so many people, but he didn't expect Su Yang to accuse them.

The family members in the back were also dumbfounded, and a Patriarch said angrily: "The surname is Su, do you still encourage him to kill?"

Su Yang turned to the family members and said coldly: "Also, why do you still keep so much waste and bark at my door, knowing that I am coming back?"

Only then did Xiao Hei understand Su Yang's mind. It turned out not to accuse him of killing too many people, but to blame him for killing too few.

Xiao Hei smiled suddenly, and clenched the chopper in his hand: "Master, should I finish it up again?"

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