The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 895: Three feet and one sword

Wan Mingshan propped up with his hands, and the vortex in the circle slowly rose, hovering in the air, becoming larger and larger, and the range of swallowing became wider and wider.

Everyone around was stunned, most people had never seen such a weird scene. Wan Mingshan's shot was really shocking.

In the end, the vortex expanded to a radius of ten feet, covering a large area below.

Su Yang frowned and said solemnly: "Wan Mingshan, are you going to fight me alone?"

Wan Mingshan smiled and shook his head: "How can I, how can I fight against the leader of the Soviet Union alone. All I can do is help people support this world!"

"Speaking of speaking, it's still a gang fight." Su Yang sneered: "Then why talk so much nonsense, let Xie Feiyu take action quickly."

Wan Mingshan couldn't help being surprised: "How did the leader Su know that Mr. Xie is going to help me?"

Su Yang sneered and said, "Since the birth of your whirlpool, the sword aura on Xie Feiyu's body has been rising. If he wasn't to help you, would he be prepared to attack you from behind?"

At this time, Xie Feiyu finally opened his eyes. He looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, then looked at Su Yang in the distance, and said coldly: "Su Yang, would you dare to take my sword?"

"Why stand so far!" Su Yang said coldly: "Come closer, and then tell me these things. Even if you can't reach three feet in front of me, you are not qualified to talk about letting me pick you up. !"

Xie Feiyu's complexion changed slightly. He didn't know how Su Yang figured out his situation. In fact, when he arrived, he had already discussed with Wan Mingshan, and the two teamed up to defeat Su Yang.

Xie Feiyu and Wan Mingshan are completely different from the others. They are not so arrogant. Although they had never seen Su Yang, both of them knew that Su Yang's ability to reach the Wanhu Qi family was definitely not simple. Therefore, neither of the two felt that they could be Su Yang's opponent alone.

Therefore, the two of them have discussed it. Wan Mingshan helped Xie Feiyu resist Su Yang's attack with a strong internal force. As for Xie Feiyu, he had the strongest blow, and it was hidden in his scabbard. As long as he can get three feet in front of Su Yang, he can hand out this sword, and he is confident to defeat Su Yang with this sword!

The main reason why Xie Feiyu entered the local rankings several times and fell out of the local rankings several times was because his strength was unstable. His strongest attack is hidden in this scabbard. However, in order to hand out this sword, he must be three feet in front of a person before he can.

When he entered the ranking list, it was when he seized the opportunity to get close to three feet. When he fell to the top of the list, he never had a chance to get close to three feet before he was defeated.

Now, Su Yang immediately said his thoughts, and he was naturally shocked.

Few people know about his three feet and one sword. How did Su Yang know about it?

Seeing Xie Feiyu not speaking, Su Yang couldn't help but smile: "Don't worry, since I want to pick you up with a sword, then I will definitely give you a chance to do it. Come here, within three feet, I want to see, you How powerful is this sword!"

Xie Feiyu was astonished. He really couldn't understand. Since Su Yang knew the power of his three feet and one sword, why did he even let him be close to three feet? Could it be that Su Yang is really so arrogant?

Xie Feiyu was very confident in his move. After thinking about it for a while, he finally walked towards Su Yang slowly.

Of course, Xie Feiyu was extremely vigilant along the way to prevent Su Yang from suddenly attacking him.

However, despite his journey along the way, Su Yang never made a move, just watched him walk three feet in front of him.

The closer Xie Feiyu got to Su Yang, the more nervous he became. He originally thought that Su Yang would sneak attack on himself, but he didn't expect Su Yang to let him get so close, it was completely beyond his expectation. Of course, this time, he also had more admiration for Su Yang.

This is not only Su Yang being too self-confident, it is also an expression of Su Yang's open-mindedness and must do what he says.

Standing in front of Su Yang, Xie Feiyu did not draw his sword directly, but slowly bent over and bowed his hand in bow: "Leader Su, today's battle, Xie and Wan brothers, are entrusted and loyal to others. I have to do it. However, Xie Mou promised Su League leader, no matter what the outcome of today's battle, Xie Mou will protect the 10 friends of Su League leader. If anyone wants to kill them, unless they step on Xie Mou's body!"

Su Yang couldn't help being surprised. He didn't expect that this Xie Feiyu was still such a proud person. He slowly nodded and chuckled: "Thank you brother!"

Behind, Wan Mingshan also said loudly: "Leader Su, since Brother Xie has agreed to you, Wanmou is not a person who does not argue about right and wrong. Today, Wanmou also promised the leader of Su to protect ten people for the leader of Su!"

"Thank you!" Su Yang gave his hand again: "No matter what the result is, there are two of these words, I Su Yang will remember it!"

In the distance, Zheng Jiu killed a bite: "Damn, just hit it, where is so much nonsense? Mumble, don't make a move for a long time, you two are not as good as two old ladies!"

Xie Feiyu ignored it. He held the scabbard in his left hand and slowly held the hilt in his right hand. His eyes instantly became piercing, and he said loudly, "Leader Su, be careful!"

Su Yang finally stood upright, quietly looking at Xie Feiyu in front of him.

Xie Feiyu finally drew his sword, and the moment the sword was unsheathed, everyone heard a tearing sound. The overflowing sword aura seemed to tear all the surrounding air.

Xie Feiyu's movements were not fast, even slow. Draw the sword, hold the sword, swing the sword, and stab Su Yang frontally. The whole process seems to be slow motion.

However, Su Yang's complexion was extremely solemn. The venerables in the distance were also panicked.

This sword is unpleasant, but in the eyes of these people, this sword is approaching its extreme.

This is not a sword, it is totally countless swords. It seems that it was just a simple piercing sword, but in fact, this sword sealed all positions, as if there were ten thousand swords, one hundred thousand swords, and a million swords stab at you at the same time. You can't hide, and you can't stop it, because you can hide a sword, you can block a sword, but you can hide a thousand swords, can you block a thousand swords?

Three feet in front of you, one sword is invincible!

Xie Feiyu felt comfortable in his heart. He practiced this sword, which is infinitely powerful, but also has unlimited disadvantages. He has never handed out this sword so comfortably, because he needs to capture the position and look for opportunities. This sword is also the most powerful sword Xie Feiyu has ever practiced!

The sword power was extremely slow, the more it came to Su Yang, the slower it was. This sword took a full five minutes before it pierced Su Yang.

However, Su Yang just didn't dodge at all, because he couldn't dodge it.

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