The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 992: Advanced class

Li Wanxiong and Huo Zihen glanced at each other, and the two of them couldn't help but look at Su Yang in surprise.

"Are you not familiar with Qinghe College?" Huo Zi asked in surprise.

"What is it?" Su Yang was speechless. Looking at the situation of these two people, they seemed to be completely unfamiliar with the situation of Qinghe College. What was going on.

"No, we thought you knew about Qinghe College, but you didn't know it!" Li Wanxiong was also speechless: "You don't know about Qinghe College, then why are you here to go to school?"

"This is not what I want to come, it was someone who asked me to come." Su Yang replied, he did not mention his father Su Ping. After all, in the eyes of many people, Su Ping is just an ordinary person with nothing special.

Although Su Yang now thinks that Su Ping is definitely not simple, but since Su Ping is concealing his own situation, then Su Yang of course will not reveal anything. Since Su Ping wanted to conceal it, there must be a reason.

"That's it!" Huo Zihen and Li Wanxiong suddenly realized, Su Yang didn't say who it was, and they didn't ask more. After all, Su Yang knows so many masters, who knows where Su Yang got some news.

"I also talked to Mr. Huo about Qinghe College before." Li Wanxiong said: "Speaking of which, Mr. Huo and I know about the same situation, and I don’t know much about the specifics. However, look at you, Master Su. In this way, you probably don’t know as much as we do!"

"It's not just that I don't have as many of you, I don't know anything at all, okay!" Su Yang said silently: "I also entered this school, only to realize that there are so many strange rules. Let the students fight each other, and finally Only a hundred people graduated, do you think this is still a school?"

Li Wanxiong and Huo Zihen looked at each other, Huo Zihen took a deep breath and whispered: "So, you don't even know about the advanced class?"

"What advanced class?" Su Yang asked in surprise.

The two were speechless, and Li Wanxiong said, "You really don't know anything? You don't know anything, so you came here to go to school?"

Su Yang was also stunned. It seemed that the two of them knew something else? In the advanced class, why Su Yang didn't know at all.

"What the **** is the advanced class?" Su Yang asked immediately.

"It's the upper grade class." Li Wanxiong said.

"That's it?" Su Yang was speechless, what is worth knowing? You have one more year, isn't it a senior year?

"That's true, but the facts are not that simple." Li Wanxiong said: "The advanced class of Qinghe College is not something you can get in after you have enough time here. There are not many places in the advanced class, so everyone can only grab To get in."

"There is such a thing?" Su Yang couldn't help being stunned, he really didn't know such a thing.

"There are only more than two hundred places in the advanced class each year, and only one hundred people can enter the advanced class in the school. Then, these one hundred people have to enter through competition." Li Wanxiong said: "The competition in Qinghe College is also very simple. , If you can compete with others, you will be able to enter the advanced class. Therefore, from the moment you enter this school, everyone’s competition begins. The so-called struggle between students is actually a fight for entering the advanced class Quota. Because you can only graduate after entering the advanced class!"

Su Yang looked stunned. If it hadn't been for Li Wanxiong, he still didn't know such a situation.

"In other words, if there are only more than 100 students left in this class, then more than 100 students can enter the advanced class and then graduate?" Su Yang asked.

"Yes!" Li Wanxiong nodded.

Su Yang continued: "Then you don't need to spend time going to school here? For example, if I drive away all the other people in the school now, and finally leave more than a hundred people, then can we directly enter the advanced class? Up?"

Li Wanxiong and Huo Zihen glanced at each other. Although this method sounds barbaric, they have to say that Su Yang can really do it.

"It should be like this." Li Wanxiong said: "Qinghe College doesn't need time. As long as the number of people meets the requirements of the senior class, you can directly enter the senior class."

Su Yang nodded slowly, he now finally understood what the purpose of these people's competition was. However, he still has other doubts in his heart.

"You just said that there are only more than two hundred places in advanced classes every year..." Su Yang said, "But, if only more than one hundred people are recruited from the school, isn't it that these two hundred places are not enough?"

"You are wrong!" Li Wanxiong shook his head directly: "The places in advanced classes are always overcrowded. Not to mention more than 200 places, even more than 2,000 places can be filled!"

"How to fill in?" Su Yang was stunned: "Isn't this student can only have more than one hundred in?"

"That's students like you, but there is another group of students in the school that you haven't seen yet..." Li Wanxiong said, "This group of people is called special enrollment!"

"What kind of special enrollment?" Su Yang confused, there are special enrollment in this broken school?

"These special enrollment students were convened by the school in advance. These people will not compete with you and will directly enter the advanced class." Li Wanxiong said.

"Oh?" Su Yang said immediately: "How did these people gather in?"

"There are more ways for these people to come in." Li Wanxiong said: "The source of these special admissions is the capital city, as well as the children of large families recommended by major forces from all over the country. After the school selection, they will enter early. Advanced classes. There are also some who are from the school, who are selected from the outside and are directly allowed to enter the advanced classes."

Su Yang couldn't help being stunned. The members of the advanced class originally came together like this?

He looked at Huo Zihen and said, "Then why doesn't Miss Huo go directly to the advanced class?"

The Huo family belongs to a big family, and should be qualified to recommend Huo Qianfang to school.

"She came here to go to school very suddenly, there was no time to recommend it." Huo Zihen smiled, and said: "Moreover, the little aunt also said that people from the Huo family don't need to go through the back door when they come to Qinghe College. People can enter advanced classes by their own ability, without anyone's help!"

Su Yang nodded slowly, this is really what Huo Yuanzhen can say. Huo Yuanzhen is a woman with a very high temperament. She wants Huo Qianfang to enter the advanced class by her ability. This is normal, and Su Yang can fully understand it.

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