The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 1454: Set out to destroy Miyamoto Ryoda

After finally dragging Meng Xiaofei to the restaurant, Aoki Suzuko had already made breakfast, waiting for the two to get up, and seeing Meng Xiaofei and Li Yifei walking out together, Aoki Suzuko only pursed his lips, still somewhat envious in her heart. .

Regardless of the relationship between brothers and sisters, or to break through this relationship, a man is willing to travel thousands of miles for a woman, challenge the world's strongest, not afraid of life and death, this kind of emotion is enough to make Aoki Suzuko admire and envy .

At the same time, when she saw Li Yifei, she thought of him, the crowd was so small, Qingmu Lingzi would think of him every day, but she didn't know when she would see him again.

With a faint sigh in her heart, Aoki Suzuko greeted the two and said: "Come on and eat, I have done a lot today, there is Mengfei your favorite seafood."

Meng Xiaofei immediately took two steps, sat down and looked at the hearty breakfast, as if to drool.

Li Yifei also walked over, thanked Aoki Suzuko, and sat down to have breakfast.

After eating, Li Yifei walked over with Aoki Suzuko's breakfast specially made for Sophia.

When I opened the door, I saw Sophia changing clothes with difficulty, with his back facing Li Yifei. The clothes on his upper body had been changed. There were some gauze wrapped around him. Sophia hurriedly turned around and saw that it was Li Yifei, subconsciously. Go and cover your chest.

Li Yifei avoided his sight for a while, continued to walk in, put the breakfast on the table, and said, "Don't cover it, you should have seen it long ago. Besides, you are covered with gauze, you can't see it at all."

Sophia frowned. Li Yifei's words were a bit frivolous, but it also represented his closeness. The two experienced life and death together again, and the relationship became even closer. Sophia now feels that he is completely Li Yifei's person, although not his lover. , But if anyone wanted to kill Li Yifei at this time, she would definitely stand in front of Li Yifei and fight the opponent desperately.

Li Yifei did not stand there and watched, but helped Sophia change into a set of clothes and said, "You have breakfast first, and I will wipe your body after eating. I haven't taken a shower for many days, and my body is almost smelling."

Sophia immediately raised her arm, lowered her head and smelled it, then curled her lips and said, "Where is the smell?"

"Haha, eat, I'll wash the towels." Li Yifei smiled and went to the bathroom.

After serving Sophia, Li Yifei received a call from Koji Omoto. He had found out the location of Miyamoto Ryota, but the other party had a lot of people, and they were all desperadoes, so after Koji Omoto lost some manpower, I had to come to Li Yifei for help.

Li Yifei agreed to Koji Xiaoben. If he didn't pay the 20 billion U.S. dollars, Li Yifei would also take action. If he dared to intercept himself, as well as Meng Xiaofei and Sophia's people, Li Yifei would never keep it.

Koji Komoto personally came to pick up Li Yifei and was waiting outside the gate.

Before leaving the house, Sophia said Master pay attention to safety, while Meng Xiaofei took Li Yifei's hand, followed him to the door, let go, Meng Xiaofei waved his hand at Li Yifei, with a faint smile on his face, and said: "Brother Li , I will make good food and wait for you to come back."

"Okay, I want to eat lobster." Li Yifei said with a gesture of a size, and said, "Such a big one."

Meng Xiaofei opened her mouth wide, oh, looked at Li Yifei, and said, "But...I don't have money."

"Stupid. Here." Li Yifei threw a wallet over, and Meng Xiaofei took it, and did not check whether there was any money in it. He saluted Li Yifei and said, "Yes, Chief, promise to complete the task."

After a few words, dispelling the faint worry, Li Yifei waved to Aoki Suzuko again, and got into Koji Omoto's car.

As the car drove out for a certain distance, Koji Komoto said respectfully, "Master Golden Eagle, I am incompetent. I'm here to trouble you again!"

Li Yifei smiled faintly, looked at the front, and said: "It's okay, tell me about the configuration of Miyamoto Ryota."

Little Ben Koji swallowed, although Li Yifei agreed to come out to help, but if Li Yifei had to let him do it himself, then Little Ben Koji could not help it.

Koji Komoto didn’t dare to delay, and quickly said, “Miyamoto Ryota now has about two hundred people, of whom about forty are diehard subordinates, and the rest are gathered temporarily by him. These people are not very reliable, but Miyamoto Ryota took out a large sum of money, distributed it to these people, and promised a lot of things, so these people are now surrounded by him. My people have fought against them several times and suffered some losses, so now some Stalemate..."

"What do you want me to do?" Li Yifei basically has a concept. One person faces about two hundred people with modern weapons in his hand. Li Yifei cannot just rush forward like this. That is not a heroic approach. It is a way of looking for death.

Koji Komoto snorted and said, "I don't know what to do. I have weapons in my hand, but I don't dare to make a lot of noise. Like the last time, so many people died at once. I'm afraid the government It will really intervene, and now there are many departments staring at us."

"You mean that if the scope of the struggle is too wide, even if it wins in the end, maybe the Yamaguchi team will be found by the government to find an excuse to clean up?"

"Yes...The relationship between the Yamaguchi group and the government has been a bit rigid in recent years. Many young people in China have also begun to resist and reject the Yamaguchi group. At this time, if the infighting is serious, it is likely to be cleaned up by the government. If you don’t split, you’ll probably lose a I’m a little uncertain about what I should do. But one thing is certain, Miyamoto Ryada must die. Not only did he violate the rules of the Yamaguchi group, he also tried to murder Lord Golden Eagle. He deserves to die for one."

Li Yifei smiled and said: "Just say the last one, why bother to go around."

With a faint word, Koji Komoto immediately sweated on his forehead, and his waist was bent. He said with a panic: "Master Golden Eagle, it's me who should die, but I really don't know what to do, so I told you this way. !"

"I know, then kill Miyamoto Ryota, oh, and the people who participated in the interception of me that day." Li Yifei said.

Koji Komoto hurriedly said, "Yes, just kill them, but what else will do... My people have surrounded them, and the opponent is already a trapped beast, but the counterattack is strong!"

"Your idiom is good!" Li Yifei said lightly, Koji Koji smiled awkwardly, and listened to Li Yifei said: "Go straight and let someone shout, just say I'm here, just kill Miyamoto Ryota, and the others can survive. If you want to return to the Yamaguchi team, you don't have to trouble them, it's very simple."

Koji Komoto was stunned when he heard it, and said for a long time, "That's all right? Golden Eagle-sama, how could those people be easily frightened..."

"How can I know if I don't try."

"Well, then I'll let someone try it."

Li Yifei closed his eyes and calmed down, but Koji Koji didn't dare to bother anymore, took out his phone, and whispered to go down.

When the car was about to reach the place, the person arranged by Koji Koji had already shouted for half an hour. At first, no one believed it. The other party also sent someone to shout, but when Li Yifei got out of the car, he shrank in a villa. This villa is also the private property of Miyamoto Ryoda. The surrounding mountains belong to him. It is located on a private island with only two roads leading to it. The area of ​​the island is not large, but it is not too small. It belongs to Yi Defend the difficult terrain, occupy the commanding heights there, and send snipers to aim at the high ground.

The people sent by Koji Koji did not have that high military literacy at all. They rushed over to be the target of a sniper. Even if the opponent was inaccurate, they could always hit one shot and two shots, and one sniper rifle. It can make the body blown to pieces.

After killing a few people, Koji Omoto's men didn't dare to rush.

After Li Yifei got out of the car, he looked at the terrain and realized that this place is indeed a good hiding place. What's more, there are more than two hundred people on the island. This number can be turned into a small force. He wants to rush by himself. Going up is more difficult.

Unless under the night, a sneak attack is carried out, but this difficulty is not small.

There were more people here, but few dared to die. After a few deaths today, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Koji Komoto is even more pitiful, he can't take the lead and rush forward.

This is not a war. If it is a war, as long as a wave of charge will be suppressed by one's own artillery, it will not be difficult to rush to the island. As long as the troops are handed over, it is not difficult to make a push.

These are all assumptions, and this condition is not available right now.

Li Yifei looked at it for a while and found three or four sniper points. He directly called Koji Koji over and said, "Get me a sniper rifle."

Koji Koji was taken aback for a moment, then nodded again and again, and said, "Okay, I will get it now!"

After a while, Koji Koji took two people and brought a sniper rifle. Li Yifei took a look and recognized the name of the gun-Barrett M82A1.

This gun is a heavy-duty SASR special purpose sniper rifle developed and produced by the American Barrett Company. The M82 is almost used by the armies of major Western countries, including the US special forces. The US military nicknamed "Light 50" because it uses the large-caliber 12.7×99NATO (.50BMG, 12.7 mm) ammunition of the Browning M2 heavy machine gun. There are two variants of this gun-the original M82A1 (A3) and the The supportless structure is designed for easy carrying, the M82A2 followed by the M500 also inherited its design spirit, using the supportless structure design. It almost dominates the 12.7mm sniper rifle market with its excellent performance such as long range, high accuracy, high power, etc. The gun has been equipped with military and police forces in dozens of countries.

Li Yifei had encountered this sniper rifle countless times on the battlefield. It was a large-caliber and powerful sniper rifle. Of course, Li Yifei was still standing here, which meant that this gun failed to kill him.

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