The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2410: 2506: Don't tell dad

Every woman behaves differently at the beginning, some are shy, some are wild, Li Yifei just didn't expect Reiko Aoki to be so wild, as a person who desires and is dissatisfied, for kissing this She was so obsessed with this matter, even she was deprived of oxygen and had no energy, she was still eager.

This is so different. Li Yifei grabbed the tissue and gently wiped the corners of Reiko Aoki's mouth, smiling and saying, "Okay, your lips will turn into sausages after you kiss them!"

"But... that feeling is really good, there is an indescribable feeling, I like it very much anyway!" Aoki Reiko said with bright eyes.

Li Yifei smiled and said, "It feels good and you can't eat it all the time, right now your lips hurt a bit."

"It hurts a bit, but... I still want to eat!" Aoki Reiko said, clutching Li Yifei's cuff, and said, "Will it be good for the last time? We will go to eat after we finish eating..."

Beauty has a request, and naturally it must be satisfied, so Li Yifei satisfied Reiko Aoki's small request.

After the two of them really freshened up, they went downstairs to find a place to fill their stomachs. It was already two hours later. Reiko Aoki was ashamed, but she was bold in action. Li Yifei asked a little bit curiously, but Reiko Aoki was a little bit curious. Replied: "This is to compensate for this period of time. Because of your timidity, we have missed many days. How can we make up for this period of time!"

"This is a good reason!" Li Yifei nodded in agreement.

Reiko Aoki feels refreshed. Of course, she knows that there are many wonderful things to do and can do in life, but knowing that it is one thing, really being able to do it is another thing, she still hopes to find the one who loves Man, with him, doing anything will become fun.

Reiko Aoki will not worry about food and clothing in her life, and her thinking mode will naturally not be the same as that of ordinary women. Her pursuit is to find Mu Fei and find the man she loves.

Now she found it, she could not make up for the suffering she had suffered before, but she wanted to make up for the sweetness that had fallen during this period.

In fact, the most important thing is... Reiko Aoki knew in her heart that Li Yifei would never belong to her alone. The other party was an eagle from the nine heavens. He would occasionally fall to rest. The rest was only temporary. After enough rest, he would fly. , Fly to the nine heavens, spread its wings and soar.

So she has to cherish the limited time to get along with her, and she may leave less regrets.

After eating, the two embraced and walked back to the hotel. During the period, Li Yifei had already informed the saint about the matter. The saint sent a cheering expression, and soon sent a second message, admonishing him not to do extra things. , Reminded him that there was a witch Gu in his body, and said that even if Li Yifei wanted to do something forcibly, he had to deal with her first. After all, she was ranked first in terms of seniority. matter what woman it is, the matter of being jealous will not fall, Li Yifei shook his head.

Reiko Aoki pointed to a place in the sky and said to Li Yifei: "This is the constellation of Orion. I will look at this constellation when I miss you."

"Why?" Li Yifei asked.

"Because the first time I found that this constellation looks like your face, no, it should be said that it looks like Mu Feijun's face, so I like to look at this constellation."

"No need to look at the sky in the future, open your eyes and look at me when you miss me!" Li Yifei said.

Reiko Aoki’s eyes sparkled, but she quickly shook her head and said, “It’s good to be able to see all the time, but... I also know that you have a lot to do, and... there are still many older sisters in the family. I!"

"It belongs to you now!" Li Yifei said.

Reiko Aoki nodded vigorously, and said, "Of course, it belongs to me now, only to me! Ichihi-kun, let's go back to the hotel, tonight...tonight..."

Reiko Aoki can't tell, she wants to say boldly, tonight I belong to you, but she is still ashamed, Li Yifei already knows what she is going to say through her gestures, hehehe smiled and said : "Tonight belongs to the two of us, I will let you kiss you enough!"

"Okay!" Reiko Aoki happily agreed.

It was a different feeling. Li Yifei thought that Reiko Aoki’s transformation also made him think a little, but it was also very acceptable. It was quite a taste of the day and night. When we were together, we should cherish each other and cherish every minute. After separation like this There are so many things to remember and aftertaste.

Separate... Reiko Aoki looked at Li Yifei's sleeping face, and these two words came out in her heart. Of course, she also hopes to live with Li Yifei, but she doesn't want that. Reiko Aoki has been to the Li family and saw the atmosphere of the Li family She was worried that she would be left out in the Li family, but she didn't want to go.

Li Yifei and Mu Feijun are the same person, Aoki Reiko thought about it several times, who would have thought it was true... Looking at the face close at hand, Aoki Reiko had a dreamy feeling.

Of course, she knew that the scene in front of her was extremely real. The man’s heartbeat, breathing, and slight body movements were all extremely real. Looking back on the scenes of a few days, a happy smile appeared on Reiko Aoki’s face, all the past, like dreams. fantasy.

The two were woken up by the phone. The call was made by Reiko Aoki’s father. She hung up and looked back at Li Yifei, and found that he was awake. Reiko Aoki whispered: "My dad calls, I’ll go Come back."

Li Yifei pointed to her mouth, Reiko Aoki held the phone in her hand, pursed her lips, leaned over and kissed her, but Li Yifei held her waist with her backhand and kissed her for a few minutes before letting go of the breathless Reiko Aoki. , Let her call Aoki Ryota.

Qing Mu Ling walked out wearing his clothes, Li Yifei rubbed his nose, there was her scent between his fingers, he stretched his waist comfortably, and was not ready to get up immediately. Of course, he had no intention of listening to the phone call between Qing Mu Reiko and her father. .

Ten minutes later, the door was pushed open and Reiko Aoki walked back.

"Yi Fei..." Reiko Aoki stopped talking. Li Yi Fei gave a hum, reached out and took her hand, and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Dad asked me just now..." Reiko Aoki hesitated. Li Yifei motioned to her to continue. After a pause, Reiko Aoki said, "Dad asked me where I was. I said...with you."

"Oh? Do you mean we live together?" Li Yifei asked with a smile.

Reiko Aoki's face was hot, and then she shook her head and said, "No, it's just that we are playing together, eh, you won't be angry with Yifei?"

"What's so angry about this, take your time, your father, the father-in-law, will not escape his identity, he will always know."

After hearing Li Yifei's words, Reiko Aoki nodded slightly, pursed her lips, and said: "Yifei, I'm not...not ready yet, I mean psychologically prepared, so I didn't tell my father just now..."

"Stupid girl, it's okay to say that, when you are ready, we will tell your father." Li Yifei took Qingmu Rezi into his arms and gently soothed.

"I know this is a bit bad, but... I will adjust it as soon as possible."

"Did your father say nothing else?" Li Yifei asked.

"Said...say let us go home." Aoki Reiko said.

It seemed that Reiko Aoki really didn't know those things. Li Yifei thought in his heart, so he said, "I don't know where Uncle is now. If it's near, I'll visit him."

"Dad just came back from Germany, now in Yokohama, shall we... go there?"

"Yokohama? Okay, just to go for a walk." Li Yifei said relaxedly.

Reiko Aoki is hard to relax. The relationship between her and Li Yifei has changed. From a friend to a lover, she is about to see her father today... She still feels a little rushed.

Fortunately, Li Yifei had promised not to reveal her identity now, and waited until she got used to it, which made her somewhat relieved.

The two of them washed, cleaned up, and joined the two saints. After meeting, Reiko Aoki behaved very unnaturally. Faced with the saint's eyes, she felt like she was found stealing things. After all, she knew that the saint was Li Yifei. One of his wives, she is now Li Yifei's woman.

"According to the principle of first-come-first-served, you have to call me sister from Reiko in the future." The saint said softly.

Reiko Aoki's cheeks warmed, and he gave a hum. Li Yifei smiled twice and said to the saint: "Swallow, if you come first, then you will probably be behind. Reiko knows me before you. "

The saint shook her head and said: "Just you will settle the account."

"Yifei..." Reiko Aoki was ashamed and embarrassed, unable to speak.

Li Yifei felt a pain in his waist, but was pinched by the saint secretly, and he stopped talking nonsense.

Suzuki Kawako walked in from the outside, instinctively suspected Li Yifei and Aoki Reiko, and looked suspiciously back and forth between the two. As a good friend, she knew Aoki Reiko very well. After seeing her leaving, Li Yifei was looking for him all night. When he came back, his temperament changed drastically. Suzuki Chuanzi finally couldn't help it, and asked: "Yi Fei-jun, are you guys that what?"

"Ah? We have nothing, Chuanzi, what are you talking about." Reiko Aoki immediately replied.

Suzuki Chuanzi showed a dazed look on his face, nodded mysteriously and smiled: "As expected, you really happened!"

"What happened? Chuanzi, don't talk nonsense, I and Yifei-kun...we are a pure relationship between men and women." Aoki Reiko hurriedly returned.

Suzuki Chuanko didn't believe it, and teased: "You can't fool me. It's a relationship between men and women. There is no purity. I am your best friend. Do you even want to deceive me?"

While talking, Suzuki Kawako’s eyes were hovering between Li Yifei and Aoki Reiko. It seemed that she had confirmed her guess. She added: “I think you and Yifei-kun are a better match anyway. As for that, Mu Fei Jun, it's not for you at all!"

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