The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 2413: Who did the second thousand five hundred and nine?

Li Yifei also came to the intersection and looked up at the street lamp above. Li Yifei closed his eyes and felt it. The power was released, and his perception ability quickly spread out. Everything within a distance of tens of meters, even hundreds of meters, was all in his mind. In the middle, Li Yifei can clearly feel everything, even the sewer...and the subway?

Undoubtedly, there is a subway line at his feet, and it is beside the subway. Li Yifei formed a vein in his mind, showing that the subway and the sewer can be connected, and there is a maintenance channel.

Opening his eyes, Li Yi flew a few steps forward and squatted down. In front of him was a manhole cover of a sewer. Although the manhole cover was trampled by countless people and vehicles ran over it, Li Yifei could still tell the details. This manhole cover was recently opened. However, whether it is the trace of the keyhole or the traces around the manhole cover can explain.

The smell of the sewer is naturally not good, but this discovery made Li Yifei breathe a sigh of relief. This is considered a new clue. It is good news. Li Yifei quickly called the person in charge of the bodyguard and ordered to go down and let the other party send someone to pursue the sewer. While collecting videos from the surrounding subway stations, I checked the mobile personnel during this time period.

Of course, the premise is to first confirm that the sewer does have a channel leading to the subway.

But in terms of ninjutsu, even if there is no passage, I am afraid that the other party can pass through. At least Li Yifei saw some new traces in the sewer, very shallow and very shallow footprints. If you don’t look closely, you can’t find it at all. This may be because the other party has brought it. Only a person will leave some footprints, otherwise there may not even be footprints.

The workload of investigating videos is not small, but fortunately, this is not Tokyo, otherwise the throughput of tens of millions a day would be more difficult to check.

Li Yifei's order was passed on. With the power of the Qingmu Group and the Yamaguchi Group, the monitoring of the nearby subway station was quickly mobilized. Li Yifei looked at Liulu Road, running at high speed, and quickly checked these surveillance videos.

Although the chance of doing this is very small, because the other party is likely to be disorganized, or simply disorganized, he quickly changed his appearance after entering the subway, and Li Yifei could not find it without being close enough.

I hope the other party can be less careful...Although this is already very careful, Li Yifei thought in his heart.

Regrettably, even though Li Yifei was very serious, he still couldn't find a clue. Without the figure of the woman, Li Yifei's eyes were dry. He shook his head and closed his eyes for a rest. The bodyguard next to him did not dare to interrupt.

Is the lead interrupted? Knowing that so far, I don't know whether the kidnapper's purpose was simply to kill or to blackmail something, or, as Li Yifei had previously guessed, the people of Noah's Ark did it. In short, the other party is struggling to do this, always with a purpose.

It is impossible to be thankless. It is necessary to know that kidnapping a rich man of such a status, or even the top rich man in the entire country, is an extremely sensational event. It is impossible without appeal.

Of course, since the other party can send such ninjas, it also explains the problem. The picture is not small... Thinking of this, Li Yifei turned his attention to the surveillance video again. The video picture is not clear, and some are even vague. It is implemented to everyone. His body is even more vague.

Wait, Li Yifei pressed his finger to stop the screen, and soon saw some unusual places.

A man helped a woman walk off the subway. It was ten stops away. The woman couldn’t see clearly, but the man’s figure...something like Aoki Liangtian. Li Yifei hurriedly called over some bodyguards who were responsible for protecting Aoki Liangtian today. , Asked: "What is Mr. Aoki wearing today?"

"...A suit, a dark blue suit." The bodyguard replied.

"Is it dark blue?" Li Yifei zoomed in on the video and found out that the man was also wearing a suit, and said: "Does it look like Mr. Aoki?"

"It looks a bit like...but it's not clear!"

"Go here, mobilize the video as well, and then distinguish!" Li Yifei ordered.

More than ten minutes later, the video clearly showed Aoki Ryoda and the woman with a dull-eyed look, but what is puzzling is that Aoki Ryoda helped the woman out this time, and the woman seemed very weak.

This is puzzling. Aoki Liangtian was held hostage by the other party, so why did he support the other party to leave? If the woman is already weak, she can run away. The bodyguards do not understand.

Hey, Li Yifei constantly switched the monitoring screens and looked at Aoki Ryota's expression repeatedly. In a few limited images, Aoki Ryoda's eyes were not normal.

It's not that the look in the eyes is abnormal, but...the direction the eyes are looking at is abnormal. Does this imply something? Li Yifei remembered the picture in his mind, came to the scene and followed Aoki Ryota’s sight. The first picture was a slogan for a certain real estate. Li Yifei asked the bodyguard behind him: "This is Is it nearby?"

"Yes... two or three kilometers away from here, not too far." The bodyguard said.

Li Yifei nodded and came to the second place, looking along the Aoki Liangtian. This time Li Yifei found nothing but a camera facing directly. After checking a few, Li Yifei didn't find anything, the last suspicious place. Li Yifei took a look at the scene and found that it was a billboard of Qingmu Group.

What do you mean, look at your own billboard at this time? Li Yifei stood under the billboard, frowning.

When the phone rang, Reiko Aoki said that he had not received any news, and Li Yifei told the news here. Reiko Aoki kept thanking Li Yifei.

"Well, it's good for you to know about this, don't publicize it to the board of directors!" Li Yifei said.

"Yeah, I will, Yifeijun, thank you, I...otherwise I really don't know what to do."

"You don't need to be polite between you and me. By the way, your cousin came to me!" Li Yifei said briefly, and Reiko Aoki frowned: "Cousin is not usually such a person. I don't understand why he wants to be like this."

"Probably want to brush up on the sense of existence." Li Yifei said lightly.

Of course, there may be other reasons, Li Yifei said in his heart.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yifei took the bodyguards out of the subway station.

"Mr. Li, are we going to investigate nearby?"

Li Yifei glanced at his surroundings. The surroundings were wide. He shook his head and said, "Mr. Aoki may be suggesting something, so...Go to the real estate location in the first advertisement."

"Okay!" A group of bodyguards immediately responded. By now they have accepted Li Yifei's leadership, and the other party has really found some clues from clues so that the investigation can proceed.

At the same time, in a house a few kilometers away, Aoki Ryota sat on the ground somewhat sullenly. Opposite him sat a weird woman. The reason why she was said to be weird was that the other party was not only scary, but also very weird. There was a cold breath on his body, which was a sense of fear that made people tremble. Aoki Ryota was also well-informed, but when he met this woman, he still didn't dare to resist, even until the woman was obvious. Showing exhaustion, he could not resist either. He felt that if he dared to resist, he would be killed by the opponent in the next second.

Life is precious. Aoki Ryota didn’t want to end his life prematurely, so he was coerced here. As soon as the woman entered the house and locked the door and dropped a word, she maintained a weird posture, motionless, even breathing. Becomes extremely slow, if he breathes according to the other party's breathing rhythm, Aoki Ryota feels that he might be suffocated to death.

What does the other party do to hold him hostage? Aoki Liangtian tried to ask him on the road, if the other party asked for money, he could satisfy the other person as much as possible, but the woman didn't say anything. Aoki Liangtian tried again and directly threatened death with convenience, so he didn't dare to say anything.

Phew, Aoki Ryoda secretly exhaled and lowered his body so that he would feel a little more comfortable. Facing such a terrifying woman, Aoki Ryoda could only try not to irritate the other party. The feeling of being pinched in his hands is very bad. Yes, he has nothing to do.

After a while, there were footsteps outside, and Aoki Ryota's eyes lit up and opened her eyes to look in the direction of the door, but the woman remained in that position, motionless, as if she hadn't heard.

Who is here? Is it the residents here, or... Aoki Ryota's heart ignited a glimmer of hope. About a minute or two later, the sound of the key turning came from the door. The door was opened and a figure walked in. After Aoki Ryota saw the opponent clearly, his eyelids twitched. He got up and widened at the same time. He raised his finger and pointed at the other side. He stuttered and shouted, " could it be you?"

"It's surprising, my dearest uncle." A somewhat cold voice came, and the words were full of provocative meaning. The person who came in was no one else but Aoki Ryota's nephew and one of the directors of the group's board of directors. Aoki Gomoto, who was cultivated by Aoki Yoshida himself.

Aoki Gangben turned the key in his hand, swaying in circles, and walked over, with a wicked smile on his face and untidy teeth, and he looked at Aoki Liangtian condescendingly.

Aoki Ryota calmed down a little bit. As soon as Aoki Takamoto appeared here, he already wanted to understand something. He said with some difficulty: "Aoki Takamoto, isn't uncle treating you bad?"

"Okay! Of course, hehe!" After Aoki Gomoto approached, he glanced at the woman in a weird posture, then turned to look at Aoki Ryota, and said, "Uncle, your kindness to me is based on Regarding your guilt to my parents, not affirmation of my abilities, don’t deny these, I have already seen this in your eyes, haha."

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