The Superb Captain in the City

Chapter 893: Tangled day

"That's it. I'm really sleepy. I'm sleeping." Xu Yingying stretched out at this time, then turned over, turned his back to Li Yifei, and pulled Li Yifei's arm around his chest, and squeezed it to the point. Li Yifei's arms.

Li Yifei wanted to ask to understand, but he was afraid to ask, and Xu Yingying was unhappy. When he decided to ask, Xu Yingying was already asleep.

At around 5 o'clock in the morning the next morning, Li Yifei and Xu Yingying got up together. Xu Yingying was the morning plane. The two of them simply cleaned up, and Li Yifei sent Xu Yingying to the airport.

"Husband, you have to listen to what your wife said, what I told you last night, you have to do it." After saying this, Xu Yingying kissed Li Yifei again, and then went to the security check.

Only then did Li Yifei know that Xu Yingying was true, and she actually allowed him to have more contact with Ning Xin'er. Doesn't that mean that Xu Yingying is as tolerant as before, or that Xu Yingying is a A tolerant woman, but she didn't show it during the period of amnesia.

Now that she has become a loving couple with Li Yifei again, her tolerant nature has once again been demonstrated.

The more I thought about it, the more it was like this, Li Yifei was going to be happy. This is clearly a good start. As long as Xu Yingying can accept Ning Xin'er, he can accept Ye Yunzhu, and then Su Yiyi and Chu Xiaoyao. , The family has to restore the former harmony and happiness. As for whether Xu Yingying restores his memory or not, it is not important at all.

But after another thought, Li Yifei felt nervous again. There is another possibility. What if Xu Yingying is a temptation? I just wanted to test if he was sincere, and if he still couldn't forget Ning Xin'er, if he walked too close to Ning Xin'er, wouldn't it just let Xu Yingying leave him?

At this moment, Li Yifei was entangled again. Back in the car, Li Yifei dialed Su Mengxin's phone.

"What's the matter? Call me so early." Su Mengxin obviously hasn't woken up yet, and her tone is quite lazy.

Li Yifei immediately repeated what Xu Yingying and him had said to Su Mengxin. Su Mengxin was always serious and did not interrupt Li Yifei. After Li Yifei finished speaking, Su Mengxin asked a few more questions, mainly Xu Yingying. When saying these words, what kind of situation, what kind of expression, what kind of tone.

After Li Yifei gave a detailed description, Su Mengxin hesitated and said, "I feel there are three possibilities."

"Three?" Li Yifei thought of two possibilities just now.

"The first one, Yingying has recovered her memory, but maybe she wants to be alone with you, so she didn't say that she recovered, but she didn't want to hurt other people, so she told you this to let you and other people Contact, this is the best possibility, so that we can all be together soon."

Li Yifei's heart moved. He really didn't think about it. The most important thing was that he and Xu Yingying got along very well during this period. He didn't think it was important to restore his memory.

"Second, Yingying did not restore her memory, but she is very tolerant. This is her nature. Knowing that Ning Xin'er gave birth to a daughter for you, she can't bear it, so I told you not to hurt Ning Xin'er too much. In this case, it is also very good. At least in the future, you can tell her about the previous things, and she will also easily accept it."

"The third one is that Yingying is testing you. This is the worst possible."

The second and third were both thought of by Li Yifei. Now there are two good possibilities and one bad possibility.

"Then what should I do now?" Li Yifei struggled the most but how to do it now.

"To be honest, I don’t know what to do now. This is a multiple-choice question. If you do what Yingying said, everyone will be happy if it is correct, but if it is wrong, it will cause a lot of trouble, but if you don’t do it If you do, it seems that another good opportunity has been lost."

"Oh, I'm also entangled. Otherwise, when Yingying came back, I had a normal relationship with Ning Xin'er. First, let's see her reaction. If she still has that attitude, then I will fight. You can’t keep everyone depressed just because Yingying is alone, it will be very bad for the future, and it will easily hurt everyone’s feelings."

"Well, if you make this decision, then I will fully support you, and I will also test Yingying's tone laterally."

"Okay, that's it."

Although Su Mengxin did not give Li Yifei a clear idea, after talking to Su Mengxin, Li Yifei would be more determined to make a decision.

After returning from the airport, Li Yifei saw that the time was almost the same, so he went straight to the factory and talked about the matter with Xu Shanshan. Xu Shanshan was also surprised.

"Brother-in-law, you should do it boldly. If you are someone else, you still need to worry about it. But Ning Xin'er is different. She is Xiao Yifei's mother. No matter how you associate with her, it makes sense. Now use Ning Xin. It couldn’t be better to test my sister."

Xu Shanshan's suggestion is more radical, but it can be a way, but Li Yifei always feels a little worried.

When returning home at night, Li Yifei told Ye Yunzhu and Ning Xin'er about the matter again. Ning Xin'er was surprised and delighted when she heard it. Among Li Yifei’s women, Ning Xin'er can be said to be the latest to be with Li Yifei. Together, they seem to be the least senior. Even if she and Li Yifei had a daughter first, in Ning Xin'er's heart, she always felt that the relationship between Li Yifei and Li Yifei was not as deep as that of other women, but it was such an important one. Something happened to her.

But she really doesn’t know what to do about this matter, or she can’t participate in this decision. She is only an executor, so a better way to deal with it is to wait for everyone to make a decision, and she can just do it. Up.

However, whether everyone agrees or not, Ning Xin'er is also quite happy. She now suddenly feels that it was a very wise choice for her to give birth to Li Yifei at that time. The suffering in the past few years has been all of a sudden. It's all worth it.

Ye Yunzhu thought for a while, and finally came to the conclusion that it was almost the same as Su Mengxin's, and he felt that it was better to be safer.

Everyone is now aiming for the same goal, that is, to make this family truly peaceful and beautiful. They really don't dare to do something so reckless. If something goes wrong, then everyone will face even greater difficulties in the future.

Xu Shanshan had no right to speak in front of these people. After all, her identity was Li Yifei's sister-in-law, and it was better to be outside the authorities at this time.

"You said, did Yingying really remember it?" Ye Yunzhu raised the question in his heart.

Everyone looked at Li Yifei. Li Yifei shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't look at me. I can't tell now."

Ye Yunzhu asked in disbelief: "Don't you have any doubts? How can you not be able to judge based on your power of observation?"

Li Yifei said helplessly: "I'm telling you the truth, I have always been confident in my observation, but when it comes to Yingying, my observation really doesn't work."

"How could this happen?" Everyone made Li Yifei confused.

Li Yifei smiled bitterly, and said: "My ability to observe is usually based on my ability to be absolutely calm, but now I am with Yingying, too many personal factors are involved, especially feelings, which have blinded my eyes. Her eyes are all her good, and there is no power of observation. If this is replaced by you, the same will be true of me. It is indeed difficult for me to make my eyes on you."

At this moment, everyone understood and understood why Li Yifei didn’t have such good observation skills. For a beloved wife, how could Li Yifei keep a calm heart, so I couldn’t see if Xu Yingying was right? It's impossible to remember it.

This is called caring and chaos. This is the nature of human beings, and emotional matters are also the easiest to deceive people's reason. Otherwise, why do men and women in love have lower IQs?

After dinner, everyone was in the living room. Ye Yunzhu can now walk downstairs with her baby. Her daughter is now almost full moon.

Li Yifei's cell phone rang at this time. Li Yifei saw that it was Xu Yingying's phone and quickly connected.

"Husband, where is it?" Xu Yingying's voice lacked the boss's domineering, obviously a kind of wife's gentleness.

"I'm here with Yunzhu and the others."

"Oh, don't be vague about what I'm telling you."

Li Yifei had been struggling with this matter for a day, but he didn't expect Xu Yingying to call and talk about it again.

"Okay, don't pretend, don't worry about whether I will test you or not. It is perfectly normal for you to accompany your daughter with Ning Xiner. I can understand it. If you want, I will tell Ning Xiner. With a sigh, dispel her worries?"

Li Yifei sweated a little and said, "No need."

"As soon as I hear your tone, I know you are scared, so call Ning Xin'er and I will talk to her."

Li Yifei had to give the call to Ning Xin'er. Ning Xin'er answered the call nervously, and almost dropped the phone. Seeing Ning Xin'er like this, Li Yifei felt a little uncomfortable, think about it. Ning Xin'er used to be such a bold girl, because of her feelings, she has changed too much.


"Haha, Yifei should have already told you, you don’t have to worry about it. The healthy growth of your child is the most important thing. I don’t want Yifei to grow up and hate me, so I will accompany Yifei with Yifei. I have absolutely no opinion that Yi Fei can grow up happily."

"um. Thank you."

"You're welcome, my daughter is the most important thing. Yi Fei also calls me mother, relax, I am not that stingy."

Xu Yingying hung up the phone, and Ning Xin'er held the phone in a daze and didn't put it down for a while, while Li Yifei and Ye Yunzhu were all around Ning Xin'er and heard what Xu Yingying said. They both looked at each other and looked at each other. Come, Xu Yingying is real.

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