The Superstar Happned To Find Me

Chapter 146: Humble Big Tangerine, Selling Online

Tangtang was so excited that she never heard Teacher Yu speak.

She hugged the cute little milk cat and sat down next to the orange cat’s mother. Her chubby little arm rested on the big fat cat, and her body collapsed. The milk cat sat on a cat sofa by the way. Beautiful.

This behavior looks like a provocation to the cat mother to ordinary people.

Rua the cat cub of others, even the mother-in-law will not let it go!

Hi, so angry!

But the big orange just meowed weakly, and flicked its tail helplessly, and took it as Xiaotangtang.

The humble big orange sells online.

Teacher Yu coughed dryly, and tried his best to save his respect: "From the first time she took her own son to change food, I can see that she has no ethics!"

I just didn't expect it to be so unethical.

It became such a virtue to flaunt the cubs with teeth and claws at the little mermaid in their ocean, and betray their sons for prosperity, bah! Evil smoke!

Mo Heng was not surprised.

I only heard that the mermaid sang so well before, but I didn’t expect it to be the best in nature!

Huo Zekai watched Tangtang slapping the cat up and down, and he followed up. His hand was half a meter away from the little milk cat. A certain cat-shaped sofa suddenly grinned and gave Huo Zekai a fierce "meow" .

Frightened Huo Zekai backed three steps, turned around and fled into Mo Yun's arms, pointed at the big orange cat, and said: "Mom, she wants to bite me~~~"

Mo Yun: "Didn't Grandpa Yu say that? Mother cat protects her cubs so she won't be touched!"

Huo Zekai pointed at Xiao Tangtang angrily: "What about her?"

Mo Yun said righteously: "Can Tangtang be the same?"

Huo Zekai: "???"

Mo Yun made a loud voice: "Tangtang is not a human!!!"

Mo Heng: "???"

Gu Tingwei: "???"

Teacher Yu: "???"

Yu Jiaojiao: "???"

Mo Yun: "Tangtang is a little fairy!"

All: "..."

Seeing Huo Zekai being pitifully murdered by the female cat, Tangtang stood up holding the little milk cat, and proactively beckoned to Huo Zekai, "Kaikai pigeon~feel~~"

She signaled that she would **** Huo Zekai and let Huo Zekai come over and care about the cat.

Huo Zekai glanced at the little milk cat hesitantly. Just as he was about to walk over cautiously, he saw the cat sofa lying on the ground. He suddenly raised his head, gave him a majestic glance, and then slowly licked his paw. ~~

Huo Zekai pointed at the big orange cat in disbelief.

He was threatened! !

In his lifetime, he was threatened by a cat!

Facing Tangtang, the big orange, which was obviously as docile as a tool cat, deliberately showed sharp claws at it.

Huo Zekai almost wanted to cry without tears, so scared to hide behind Mo Yun's legs.

Life is too south.

Tangtang was standing on the steps holding the little milk cat, and didn't even see what the big orange was doing behind him.

She heard Huo Zekai's heartfelt voice and looked back at the big orange curiously, and saw that the big orange stood up docilely, rubbed her head against her calf, and made a flattering cry.

Big orange tickled Tangtang, giggled and ducked for two steps. Big orange followed up with doglegs.

The fat cat in the way finally left.

Teacher Yu touched her nose awkwardly: "Go in!"

Mo Heng rolled up his sleeves: "Then, I will go in with Dayun to help Teacher Yu. Teacher Yu, you and Ting Wei are outside to help see the children, right?"

Gu Ting nodded hurriedly, simply praising Mo Heng.

It is really wise not to let Yu Jiaojiao enter the kitchen.

I like the top-liu brother picked me up, please collect it: ( The top-liu brother picked me up, and the literature update is the fastest.

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