The Superstar Happned To Find Me

Chapter 381: How old are these two children!

Whether it's a kid or a girl, the look in Tangtang's eyes is very eager, as if looking at a little hero.

Gu Ting did not hold Tangtang's hand tightly, his expression still calm.

Huo Zekai, who had always wanted to squeeze to Tangtang's side, but was squeezed away by other little boys, was a little anxious and reached out and pushed the one closest to him.

Several boys, all of a half-year-old age, are being pushed so much in front of Tangtang...

Seeing that the war is on the verge of--

Tangtang suddenly stood on a small bench, holding a small fist, and happily proposed: "Let's play hide and seek!!!"

With so many people, it must be very fun to play hide and seek.

For older boys, playing hide-and-seek with little girls is particularly boring.

Ke Tangtang just finished speaking, a group of big boys enthusiastically expressed their interest in this game.

Even Huo Zekai, who was like a cockfight, temporarily put aside his little grudges and joined the ranks happily.

Only Gu Tingwei, looking at the proponent of this game with complicated eyes, sighed involuntarily.

Mo Heng and the others were sitting around and chatting. From time to time, they could hear the laughter of Tangtang and Yu Xiaoxuan, resounding like a string of crisp silver bells on the green grassland.

Mo Heng smiled, and he was used to Tangtang being extremely popular no matter where he went.

Subconsciously reminded Gu Tingwei: "Tingwei, help me watch Tangtang, don't play too crazy."

Gu Ting nodded naturally and assumed the responsibility of guardianship.

These two people, a habitual entrustment, and a proper care, didn't feel that there was anything wrong in the middle.

Only Yu Jianrong, who has always been stern, touched his chin, and suddenly sighed: "Ting Wei hasn’t been a bit nice to Tangtang, isn’t it?"

Mo Yun listened and laughed: "Who treats Tangtang badly? Even my little overlord's son is now following Tangtang, willing to be a little tail!"

Yu Jianrong wanted to explain: What he said is not that kind of good!

Then I thought about it, and felt that I was too gossip!

How old are these two children!

No matter how precocious and mature Gu Ting is, he has just passed his seventh birthday.

Mo Heng looked around for a week, but did not see the director's shadow.

He curiously asked Xiao Cai: "Where has the director gone?"

In the morning, there must be a look of grievances, grievances, and revenge, let alone revenge now, even people will not be seen!

Xiao Cai curled his lips: "Our director said that there was an important thing. He asked someone to borrow a small motorcycle and ran away!"

Mo Heng: "..."

To be chic, of course, riding a horse on this endless prairie is the most handsome and eye-catching!

It's a pity... I saw the bald director riding a pink scooter and wearing a pink safety helmet, suddenly driving on the national highway where Mo Heng and the others came by car.

After riding for more than half an hour, I found a small supermarket and hurriedly went in and asked the proprietress: "Madame, is there a Wahaha?"

When I bought Wahaha, I rode the scooter again and again, tossing back.

It's a pity...When it was about to arrive, the small motorcycle suddenly turned off...

The director tried various methods, but couldn't start the small motorcycle. In desperation, he had to push the small motorcycle away under the big sun.

This time...

It gave the guests plenty of lunch break.

I like the top-liu brother picked me up, please collect it: ( The top-liu brother picked me up, and the literature update is the fastest.

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