The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the chapter of Chapter 135

The supervisor relies on the chair and relax the body to recover, and prepares the next work: "So, in fact, I still have someone, there is no other strange strange thing, and I will not grow a lot of meat block in the future. And eyeball, right? "

"If you want to make yourself as possible to close the aesthetics of ordinary people, the company also has a special body modification process, which can be perfectly attached to your imagination. When you need to unlock, please enable the item on your personal terminal."

Author message:

PS: Thanks to Huayao, Dark Fantasy VAN, Night Brightx X2, Dirty Screaming Repends ~ Thanks to the 5000 rewards of passers-by!

PS4: ...... It's better to say ... In short, ask for a recommendation?

174. Some people are not good at talking to people, which is normal.

It is completely not intended to have anything, such as three-headed six arms or flexible useful, and the rejection of the competent words, and said that they are very satisfied.

"I really regret, I thought that I was active and adventurous in my work, and I also faced and adjusted for my own shortcomings. For example, the unnecessary hormone secretion system is deleted, replacing the acceleration core that allows you to think about it. "

The supervisor shrugged, and the painless transfer: "I am not interested in dumbbell people, eggs or hamsters are the same ... So, today's work is over, I need to prepare?"

"When you use boring flight, the pre-preparation work has been completed, please adjust your mentality, ready to prepare. Although your work is fruitful, the department is still unspeakable, but the company will pay attention Your behavior is arranged as appropriate. "

I nodded, and the supervisor put the pen back into the original position. He closed the notebook to stand up and stretched a lazy waist: "Why is it as appropriate ... It's hard to make a sudden outbreak, then destroy everything around."

"It is impossible to discover the results of the harm, which is also one of the results of the use of suppressive measures, so be sure to ensure a smooth mentality, think of some positive matters -, for example, the energy you collected today, I will be proper and efficient. Use it, don't waste. "

Anyway, I will not give a reward, what is this active.

Of course, you can't say it. The supervisor looks at the things on the table. Finally, I didn't take anything ... I didn't look like a person who would have cola, or not.

After preparing, the supervisor will take the 'super uniform' but can't shine, and go to the wall of the right hand: "Yes, let the elevator come over."

The voice just fell, the walls of the front elevator have a '' tone. I have seen it several times, the wooden elevator slippered in front of the supervisor, and a cold wind blowing from the inside, so that he is slightly spiritual. .

Although there is no photo, the supervisor can also guess that he now looks definitely very embarrassing ... just like the livestock of staying up late.



The shake elevator is quite familiar, only the light music of the piano solo, and the cool breeze blowing from the head to the foot, the supervisor is closed on the elevator wall, and what is going to say.

It is very difficult to see, or because it is very difficult to communicate with people, the supervisor will not choose to become a practitioner in the home, but now you must communicate with people, and may even use the means of advakers. ... I'm not optimistic.

However, the ship to the bridge is naturally sinking, and the way is more than the problem. If you don't know what to say, you will use the [loneliness] when you use [loneliness].

So thinking, the elevator slowly makes the body feel very heavy, the same, after a crisp '', the door in front of the door is open - it is on the promenade, or because the battle is destroyed very serious Whether it is the ground or the wall full of potholeum.

Jumping out of the elevator, the supervisor leaned over, a round hole on the ground, it was traces that were broken through the drill bit with a drill bit, under the thick metal floor, the supervisor couldn't see anything you know.

Perhaps those who look quite quite striking are also very familiar, but what is done, the supervisor is completely unclear.

There is no delay. He sorted out the lower collar, crossing the lobby hall, this time, the closed door hall closed door, but did not refuse the supervisor, but quickly slipped, let him entered hall.

When I walked in, the supervisor quickly walked around, and the flashing monitors have been fully shut down, leaving only some lighting facilities, let this hall full of silent illusion, or say ... it is not necessarily an illusion.

The chair in the hall made the supervisor for a lot of time, and it was a road to move with another appearance. In the end, he stood in a circle as if it would be surrounded, and the damage monitoring of the barrier Outside the device, some hesitated.

What should I say to her, still don't say anything, suddenly hug? It is still normal with [loneliness], but if it is now, it will not be treated with idiography ... Well, this is very serious.

Deep sucking a breath, let you calm down, the supervisor reached out to the monitoring equipment in front of the block, did not expect that they were unexpected, and the result took some time, and she barely cleaned up a side of her own cat. Small road.

Be careful not to touch the wreckage of the equipment that is particularly dangerous. He moved into the inner circle step by step, and finally saw the important goal of this trip.

Zhi Nai, the control department supervisor, with a silver-linns of the girl, even if wearing a suit, it looks like a child is trying to do a mature look, like a small animal.

She huddled her hands on the cold floor. It seems that because she took a long time, the cold air made her slight shaking slightly. In addition, the supervisor is the most concerned, it is no longer empty - but low It has to make the air condense.

Work hard from the other foot from the ruins channel, and the supervisor is somewhat unknown to stand in the same place, but before he opened, he said with a very small voice: "Director, sorry ... ... I have not been able to do my own things ... "

She lowered his head, as the supervisor of the control department, even in the state of self-control, the supervisor was continuously restarted by the self-control, and strive to protect the employee, let them eventually live, naturally, it is clear. .

This kind of insufficient efforts are not hard enough to make others more hard, and even in order to achieve the result of the excellence, so that Zhi is full of embarrassment.

I don't know how to face the supervisor, especially he looks a pair of intensive, saying that I will die, I can't take my head, I can only hold my own knees more powerful, and then shrink into one. ball.

However, a warm, very spacious, almost a suit wrapped in the whole person, and suddenly been brought to the supervisor, then, the leader who didn't hesitate to sit on the ground, and flexed for a long time without trimming, already It has become a messy hair that can't be seen.

"What should I do? In fact, don't look at me, in fact, I don't know what to say, don't mention what 'use language to complete the appealing work'. If you can just wait, you will complete the work. ...... "

The supervisor thought half-hearted, put down the hand and pressed on the knee: "I probably sit down like this to completely calm down."

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

Ps4: ... today has readers asked me, why only ask for a ticket ... I thought about it, so please give me a ticket and reward, thank you (

175. Frank this behavior, essentially use trust to communicate

Originally, Zhi Nai thought he would receive a sufficient criticism, and noji was also complained to himself. It was more difficult, or similar to those who used to have a variety of difficult to understand after suppression.

Unexpectedly, the supervisor really sat down and looked at her quietly, but occasionally moved, there is no other behavior at all.

The suit covered on the body is very large, enough to make her carefully wrap up, the whole person is like a package in the cotton, although there is a sweat, but the wisdom is completely unfinished.

She pulled her clothes a little again, and suddenly she asked: "The supervisor ... that ... you are not angry, I will refuse to work like this ... Leading the company so confusing, let you restart multiple times ..."

"I am angry. After all, I am also a little obsession, but the process doesn't matter, one is exercised for half a month's evil road shortcut. If it is just because of repeating labor, I have long been smashed with my old computer. Ten times. "

The supervisor thought about it, and suddenly he came: "As long as the result is perfect, it is enough."

"Like this……"

Zhi is like a small rabbit like a timid, be careful, slightly raised his head, from the gap of Liu Hai, see the supervisor immediately put away the smile of the non-affordable and good, becoming something, quite embarrassing .

She quietly blinked, thinking of this supervisor, is indeed not good at interpersonal communication.

And the supervisor is worried that the deputy, because I saw Loli cute behavior, I was mistaken, I was mistaken, I was embarrassed, I saw that I was low, I only felt quite tangled - I can't do it. There is no progress at all, but there is no better way.

After a small meeting, Zhi is suddenly small and asked: "The supervisor ... You used to ... what kind of people ... I have never heard you mentioned ... must be a, a very powerful person ..."

However, the supervisor scratched his head: "Hey, how to say it is good, it is very powerful ... just feel too difficult to mix, so I decided to squat at home, refused to communicate the loser."


The wisdom is somewhat surprised, and the look, let the supervisor can't help but want to reach out - however, he has retired, after all, maybe it will be taken.

"A long time ago, I have had this mentality. Why do you communicate with people, and why do you have to do what you have done, if you stop, is it not good?"

The supervisor is low, and the hands are supported on the knee and look at the confused wisdom, continue to say:

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