The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in Chapter 138

Talking to no, and Christina will not admit it, but also said.

When you think so, the built-in audio '' of the computer monitor sounds, saying that today's salary has been issued.

In fact, there is a little charge to be more confused - today until now, there will be some subtleties in the usual room, and it seems to have heard the piano solo BGM, has never sounded.

Putting a two-story science-style songs from time to time.

The supervisor smashed the soft wrist, when Christina appeared, he forgot to apply for the so-called mini printer, and others not say, why did this computer even enter a document?

In addition to playing games and shopping, this computer does not provide any text processing capabilities, even in a game that comes with document, using documents is also disabled, as if it is just a device that is relaxed to the supervisor.

The supervisor took the last paragraph and took a breath, then scaled the picture of the seating area, the top-up intermediate area of ​​the familiar road, that always made him feel peaceful, and even the employees will occasionally go in and drink cup of coffee. Very warm small shop.

Then, I saw a paper posted on the door. After the cognitive filter is treated, it looks quite skew.

'The store is inadvertent, suspend business, please forgive me. '



This is really never thought about, the supervisor is not related to successful appearance, but it didn't expect that the follow-up process caused by this behavior, actually a lot of need to close ... I don't know how the friends of Zhi Nai.

The supervisor suddenly squeaky, he quickly zoomshed, then entered the fourth floor, which is the door of the pharmacy opened by Kenju, and found that there are many employees who are gathering outside. Some people are leaving.

Sure enough, a temporary print comment is also attached to the door of the pharmacy.

'The owner went outside the consultation, suspend business, will recover as soon as possible, please wait patiently. '

So, things will be clear, because the new work style of the supervisor, although the intelligence is indeed stable, but in fact, she has to look at the professional physician of Kenzai.

Therefore, there should be no problem, as long as you wait patiently. The so-called holiday takes a day, is actually adjusted?

I think so, the supervisor will return to the picture, I want to find a bicycle residence - still fail.

So a few minutes, the supervisor can only sit in the bar who is named decor, and even the means of looked with the decoration, and even a glass of wine is chatting with anna.

"So, now the supervisors of the department have their own things. Chris is also announced that after tomorrow, how to shout, I can only come here to inquire."

In the cup, light blue opaque liquids, as if there is a silver fine sand, it looks like a silver river flows in the cup.

This cup of wine is similar to those of the usual supervisor, and it is probably notion based on service charges.

After all, I will fall directly from 'that coffee machine.

The staff sitting next to the bar, what is a pleasant chat, and sometimes it can see some exaggerated flashes from time to time.

The Anna standing in front of the supervisor is some troubled: "Hey, how do you say it, because the competent you have done a very bad thing, even me, I also received it, I can give you as appropriate. The news is oh. "

The main dripping wine glamor is a bite: "What is the second cup of wine in the future?"

"That does not meet the regulations ~ So, in order to express my sincerity, from now on, the supervisor can be hit by 95% off."

How to say it, I feel completely unexpected, so the supervisor is just shrugged, and it is very perfunctory. After gratitude, continue to take this cup worth of wine, right.

At this time, several employees left their seats to come here, the supervisor glanced at their name, found that it was an acquaintance - before, they were sitting on the table, it was in the background state, completely unable saw.

The leading is the Aloft of the intelligence department. After he greeted the courage to say hello to the supervisor, a group of eight tongues said his intention.

When I work in the final end today, [Big Dado] will break through the employees almost unable to resist, and they will be able to survive.

I have never seen, only the number of employees raised the cup: "So, please accept our gratitude, others don't dare, at least your wine, you can contract it."

In the office they can't see, the supervisor bowed his eyes, as well as the documents that were supported, and did not speak halfway.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to Huayao, the scientific thorn is rewarded ~ Thanks to the 588 rewards of the descendants ~ Thank you for going to the king's 5,000!

PS4: ...... Double sleeping code every day, really painful ... So, continue to recommend the blade ... or reward?

179. Just like the brave, there is anything wrong with others to enter and leave others!

For the supervisor, drinking is extravagant. After all, he will receive an Anna, a cup of employees, as long as the cocktail of a dollar, at least three digits, most of them are four digits.

Therefore, after the supervisor is reported, all the employees obviously reveal the expression of a blind, but they didn't hesitate, they were given the money to Anna, which was very polite.

ANNA has a number of money, put it in the drawer: "It seems that you are really respected by employees, this kind of thing is not often awkward, most of the time before, I received the most employee evaluation, all Is the curse to die early. "

"Yes, yes, I think ... After all, everyone is human, cruelty treats them, probably not doing."

For the supervisor, Anna smiled nodded: "Okay, don't mention those, since someone please drink, then what do you want to do?"

"Do not contain gas, alcohol is low, there is a fruit taste, today I have to write a few records, drink, maybe I will write a problem ... Honestly, I am not good at going to alcohol."

The supervisor smashed the brain. It seems that the wine in the Galaxy has been drunk. The delicate dizziness is gradually pouring, even if he doesn't look at the mirror, he also understands that at least the ear and his face are definitely red.

Although the background is vaguely passed out? Is not good drinking? ! 'And' , JD won't drink, just answer, it is strange, the supervisor is not placed.

Access the robotic arm, a new cup of drinks, taking the supervisor. It is orange smell, slightly alcohol volatile juice drink. Then I yawned, put the wine glass next to it, turkeled out of the notebook.

Without the discussion of the employees, the supervisor suddenly scratched the head after completing a part [loneliness], "said, suspend business store, just not to open, but I didn't see the door lock, Do you mean that I can go in? After all, I have happened so much today, or I can't rest assured ... "

Anna hugged a glass drilled out of the table, she blinked, the body seems to flash a few words: "Although there is no precedent, all public facilities in the rest are open to the supervisor, and You have access to access. "

"Well ... this is also because I have never been a supervisor to come here, you are the first, so the permissions are looking for it, and we will adjust as appropriate, please be more interactive in the seating area and employees. Check the vulnerability. "

After that, the supervisor and Anna talked about the precautions for the employee seating area. By the way, put the orange wine in the cup, the slightly sweet wine is very refreshing, so that the supervisor accidentally complained, it will sit for a long time. Painful thing.

Anna is a smile listening to him to complain: "The body is not suitable, you can go to the security department supervisor, she is the expert in this area, you see, even Jill's smoking bad hacks can cure "

Is it a condition for smoking?

With such a question, after the supervisor returned the wine cup, he left the bar in his other than reluctant, and started to pull the screen to the coffee shop, intended to make a relatively bold attempt.

This is concerned about others, yes, that is, there is no power to use the power of the dog.



The streets in the seating area are still from people. The supervisor can even see many acquaintances ... Of course, this is also because the competent is not wanting to trade into the coffee shop, but intend to go to the reason for the Toyixian pharmaceutical. .

When entering the fourth layer, the supervisor accidentally saw the new employee called a futuristic today, she was carrying a large pile of paper bags, expressing the elevator to the floor elevator.

Different from work, now she, wearing a dress, look extra ... um, exposed?

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