The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the 112th chapter

Be careful to watch the supervisor has started how to spit the white, and Zhi is whispered: "I feel ... very special ... even if I just touch it, I have some slight loss of inside, it becomes very flat and can guarantee it. For a while, only keep the situation in your own ... "

The bell fell nodded, and he suddenly brought the head: "The competent is not appeaseable, perhaps, this is another deeper concept. My research is not deep, it is not very bright. .but……"

At the same time, while the machine has a slight sound, then the action is slightly slow, and even the executive of the eyes, and suddenly, I suddenly hit it, I returned to the previous high-speed run state.

: "Try to extend the contact time? I will help you apply to the supervisor, don't worry, now you need it most, it is a rest."

Then she sighed and wanted to reach the head, but the palm wore the body from the body.

"Unfortunately, the company can't stop working too long, which means unstable continuous growth ..."

For her comfort, Zhi is a head, pretending to be touched: "It doesn't matter ... I don't have to care about me, as long as you are here, there is this supervisor ... I think I will not lose control again. Hey. Because I saw something, I hope. "

Although the conversation of the two did not deliberately concealed, but the supervisor did not pay attention, because he only felt that there were countless copper in the ear, and the brain as if someone was in the opening, each muscles of the whole body were alarm. .

There is no external world.

Author message:

PS: Thank you for the death of Wang, the reward ~

184. After suffering, it will inevitably have a moment of peace.

That looks like the next moment, it is necessary to suddenly violent, so that even if there is a chat with Kensi Cai, it is particularly worrying, so that the Kenzai has an additional form.

"Don't worry, even if it looks at the status now, just get a little progress ..."

After the voice just fell, the practice of the practice, the supervisor has become a subtle movement suddenly raised to normal levels, and continued to be half-eyed, and the throat muttered in the throat rushed.

"But, but ... The supervisor looks very painful, like this training, is it really good ..."

When you are concerned about counting down, on the monitor next to the treadmill, the supervisor is still organized in half a minute, it has been completely garbled.

Rai Xian sighed: "In fact, there is no such thing as this ... but the supervisor thinks that the body adjustment of the body adjustment is too wasteful, so you want to end more quickly and efficient."

She under the top of the pinch on the top of the pinch, there is a lot of wrinkled rabbit ears, and then continue: "This is the most limit of optimization, after reinforcing learning, guarantee the supervisor What hazardous behavior is made because of sudden improvement. "

The two are talking about it, and a new round of drug injection, and the supervisor is like a convulsive flesh, and continues to run in the machine's aid.

Honestly, this picture looks very unhappy, full of a sense of anti-human anti-social and even evil organizations ... In addition to being full of blood.

The head is slightly, and the departure is almost dying. It is almost dying in the machine. It is a tone: "The supervisor, maybe it is for more time ... that, organizing documents and information, then make more for the company Contribute more ... "

"Well - maybe it, but don't worry, just look a little terrible. The necessary activities and precision pharmaceutical configuration can strengthen the supervisor from the genome level. When the abnormality is facing an abnormal, the vigorous vitality is also an effective Responses."

Kenxian low-headed monitoring, very fast, the supervisor has completed the first 15 minutes of exercise, only need to stick to a small meeting again, you can end today's hardship.

However, the text displayed on the screen has been completely unable to distinguish, maybe because the supervisor, now I can't think of anything in my mind.

So pondering, Zhi is suddenly trying to move your body, let the swivel chair go back, then she kneel enough to go to the mouse on the table, point the icon that is like gears and lever.

"Hey ... Miss Chris, please help me with my shopping interface ... that, trouble you ..."

In fact, the intensity of Kenzai put the control training is very accurate. By adjusting the physiological exhaustion and recovery speed, it reaches a balance, and even the last round of medicament has the effect of restoring the spirit ... But she obviously forgot one thing.

Today, it is too exciting to the supervisor. The big land and a lot of things will be held at the same time, until now he has not slowed over, so it is very obvious, after half-prunity completion today 'training'.

From the moment from the machine, the supervisor swayed and turned, ready to say something, suddenly the foot is a soft.

I only have to reach out of the left hand, nothing to support, the supervisor is like the animal like the spine, the only one is on the ground, and the only consciousness makes him struggled to the finger ... and then sleep.

When I heard the end tips, I haven't come back, I haven't had time to do, the supervisor is already kneading, and even a left hand is moving forward, the right hand is placed in the waist, as if the posture must be continuously advanced.

Almost thought that he accidentally killed, Zhi Nai jumped down the chair, and the bellix fairy was calm and looked at the data: "Don't worry, just for the mental state of the supervisor, I didn't expect him to be stubborn ... ... Take a little more than two hours, it will be fine. "

After a meal, the floor around Kenai suddenly moved next to it, followed by three coins with rabbit ear patterns, and a box of tablets sent to the office.

"This is the negligence of my work. It is good to have caused too much loss. After the supervisor wakes up, I will apologize ..."

The Zhizi is a distressed manager, she hesitated for a while: "I will be here, wait for the supervisor to wake up ... So, don't worry ... The one, let the supervisor be on the ground ... It seems not very good. I Can help ... Is it moving to the sofa? "

"Well, trouble you, I am studying a genotylette, so it is not open."

"Don't be so polite ..."

Zhi is jumping down the chair, carefully observing the supervisor, finding that he does have a stable breathing, reach out, and easily grab the leader arm, put him on the shoulder.

Because the intelligence is too petite, the supervisor is almost dragged and put on the sofa, then there is no sense of lying flat on the sofa, and continues to enjoy the dreamless sleep.

Standing on the sofa, Zhi was taken out from the pocket, wiped the sweat on his face, and then suddenly frowned, reach out the finger and touched the head of the supervisor.

There is no reaction, but the warm feeling of the fingertips is made to make a small neck of the neck.

The handkerchief will be filled with sweat back to the pocket, and Zhi is suddenly sitting on the sofa of the supervisor. I have been interrupted with the training of Kenai, now, it seems ... I can continue again. ?



When the supervisor woke up, there was a bit dizzy in his head. It was like a 30-time roller coaster, and then immediately went to the ultimate high-speed centrifuge to play ten times, and finally requested to lay down in the sky.

The rule of the square is in the top of the square, but it is good, this twisted is gradually stable. At the same time, the whole body is coming, the tired feelings are completely recovered, so that he can't help but sigh.

This day is too long. If there is a variety of magical way to get a rest, the supervisor is even almost thinking that he wants to die at the desk.

So pondering, he moved his brain, and it felt that it seems that it seems that it seems to touch up - that is not a usual pillow, but it is more soft, but there is a little flexible, and you can feel warm and breath.

Looking away, look at the right, black long skirts with cropping very hard blue uniforms. And more, it is a slight red, but with a soft smile.

"Director ... What do you feel ok? Is there any pain ... or extremely depressed ... If there is, you have to tell me ..."

The light is looking at this face, it is completely forgotten.

Author message:

PS: Thank Huayao, cold winter erosion my heart, thank you of Shandow's 588 reward ~

PS4: ...... Go out to eat, so late, then continue to ask for a blade ...

185. When the atmosphere is very good, it suddenly appeared unexpectedly -

The whole body is tight, the supervisor is half-can't speak, but he decided to climb up immediately. After all, this posture is the legendary ... What is it?

Zhi is blinking, suddenly took out a new handkerchief, wiped his face, and the other hand did not idle, constantly giving him hair with his finger. The technique is very gentle, so that the supervisor is a bit unveral.

"It doesn't matter ... The supervisor is already very hard, so, my self-propelion is like this to contact you ... The effect is obvious ... The unstable residual feeling, as if the remaining stains, the remaining stains, quickly retreat ... "

This kind of description, always feel very subtle, and very abstract - but like what she said, there is no suppression program, maybe you will leave a variety of questions.

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