The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in Chapter 153

Excessive things?

"If you think, she has completed personal stability before you truly, she has completed their personal stability and gain enough growth."

The supervisor couldn't help but scratched his head. He seems to have something too much ... and no expectation, certainly not letting Christina a person is watching.

"I am not interested in you like a monkey, because only human beings will have a lot of money, I am Ai, there will be something."



The state of the office is very rapid, and the single strip of the sofa will be dragged into the wall by a bunch of mechanical arms, then tapped out of the bed, with this, at the same time, the personal salary of the supervisor is also The deduction of ''.

"For each life, life other than work, the company will not interfere. Unless its behavior is exceeded, you should have the same treatment."

When Christina continued to say this, the three-dimensional projection of Kai Xian suddenly came out from the wall wall, her on the crumpled ear looked more wrinkled.

"Check the results, very good. Although I don't agree with this process, this is a Zhiyu ... The act of the control department is a personal behavior, which is determined by her own will, so we respect her choice, I hope you don't want you Let her down. "

On one side of Rai Xian, when I walked to the head of the supervisor, I looked at the documents in my hand, put it in the small pocket of the waist.

"Although it is not very clear, why the spiritual activity of the control department is gradually improved, but it is obviously a positive and harmless change. In our company, change means a good thing, but can control the change, it means progress."

When she was talking, Christina didn't leave, she opened the sales list of the supervisor, waiting until the Kenai Xian said after saying: "In addition, there is a thing, I have to inform you."

The supervisor kept nodded, honestly, the current situation is actually very good, about equal to the company completely not pursue him for a surface Loli - in fact, I have already admitted for a long time - the facts of starting.

"After the company's cautious decision, we agree that you must do the best for the promise yourself ... If you want, you want to be the supervisor of the control department, that is, Miss Zhisai's mind. "

"Yes, I will definitely do the best ... need to swear?"

Cristina is rare, very special, said slightly in the mouth: "No, the company does not want any employees to have any possible beliefs, which means to abnormally."

She pause a few seconds, then tell the supervisor, he needs to take responsibility.

"From today, the company will no longer issue wages to the control department, this part of the consumption will be borne by you. Please be better - as a responsible supervisor, as well as the pillar of her people."

Then, Christina and the bell fairy witnessed once, how did the supervisor let his throat in the treble, then the debuted 'I perfect plan? -' Finally falling down.

(Volume 1 · From zero started supervisor life · final)

Author message:

PS: Thank you for the reward of the half!

PS4: ... I didn't expect that I can split it ... I have a recommended knife to ask for reward.

2 Skilled supervisors will not turn over

196. New work has begun, look forward to your performance

That is not bad, some point of view, but it is quite a great holiday quickly slipped away. There was no time to react to the supervisor, he had to resume the time that has been working properly, wakes up by the alarm in the room.

When I woke up, the supervisor first reacted is that I finally have a bed of Zhang Union booth to sleep, and the second is to feel the side, there is something that is warm.

Open the quilt, wearing a furry, a wisdom with a rabbit ear ornamental pajamas, is ignorant. In order not to affect the supervisor, she even fell asleep yesterday, helping sleep posture uncomfortable supervisor squatting hands ... No, why there is no mobile phone now!

In the remorse of the supervisor, Zhi is also moved after the ringtone sounded, and then opened his eyes and blinked, quickly sat up, yawn: "Ha ... supervisor ... Today, work should be cheering ... "

In fact, the competent is very wanting to ask. Last night, he suddenly ran over after the coffee shop closed. The family of Zhi Nai really won't ask - but obviously, Zhi Nai did not mention this thing, meaning that she has already arranged.

But Zhi is already hiding into the game room ... there has been a small transformation, which has become a real changing room from the covering curtain ... and then replace the uniform, very fast from inside come out.

"So ... I am going to prepare before working, supervisor ... don't give yourself too much pressure ..." So, Zhi is from the side of the bed, covering the progress of the work before thinking before.

Then reached out is like a small animal, and smashed the head of the supervisor. Before the supervisor, the light three steps jumped to the door of the elevator that has been opened.

Until at this time, the supervisor sighed and lifted his head: "There is a wish, I have more confidence, come on, come on."

"Um ~"

After waiting until you leave, the supervisor feels quite awkward to stand up, wear the 'super uniform' to wash, and solve personal health problems, this is what will do every morning, it has formed some habit.

However, when you use a towel, the supervisor discovers that his uniform seems to be slightly less than before - how to say it, it seems to be near the neckline, more than a small, like a small Round ball decoration of a round rabbit ears.

Use a refinishment to rub a few down, clear floating ... is right, it is indeed a pattern.

The supervisor looked at the mirror, especially for some time, there was no way to do it, hesitated and her hair hesitated. After packing up, sit on the chair to work, pick up the notebook.

The next day is a new job. The supervisor is not the kind of young young-and-enjoy, and life is more important, so you must maintain an abundant energy.

I can consider enjoyment, and it is a mature choice.

In addition to office supplies, there is a small box, which is made of fine metal chain, pendant by metal, which looks like a round coin, which is etched above, like a leaf, like a rabbit ears.

Zhizhen repeatedly, he was repeatedly, he must put it on today, until someone told the competent to pick it up, see her look, the supervisor shrugged, put it on the neck.

Ready to stop, the floor next to the desk is slightly opened, a plate is sent to the front of the supervisor ... After the breakfast is finished, it is officially started.

Well, although the level of breakfast did decreased, even said that only the salt group of salt bags in Shanghai moss. With a cup of barley tea, it is already compassionate.



The screen wall in front of the screen slowly, the same red and black silhouette background, the construction of the ground area, has been completely collapsed, showing a single silhouette.

From the above channel, it is already familiar to three housing chamber boxes, although I don't know how much exception needs the supervisor to choose, but until now, he sees the number of repetitions, and the appertain.

[T-09-82: Here is the so-called 'the safest place in the world'.

[O-09-91: What will we lose? This portrait is firmly grasped.

[T-09-86: Time, the train spurt steam, with the times to the distance from the past.

It seems that all tools are exceptions. From the theory, there should be much relatively safe ... Anyway, it will not be able to interact with these ingredients.

The supervisor chews the rice group, the microacid plum and the carefully added sauces make the rice group also appear to be enriched ... Perhaps, even if it is required to reduce the level of life, the producer also guarantees the business management to eat.

Today, 'Test' will increase the difficulty, if there is no mistake on the supervisory manual, it will come back after dawn, is 'right afternoon' ... What will happen? If you come to me with [big old], supervisor Probably cry.

In general, these texts are at least some guiding, such as the first item, which is the safest place in the world - so according to logic, safe, is relative to outside, so it is temporarily touched.

The second item reveals that this is definitely a portrait or portrait photo or something else ... maybe, the employee will turn into a photo.

As for the third - steam train, it is definitely a train. It will think of the subway. If the famous unmanned subway is really ..., can not imagine.

Compared to possible fruit laws, maybe become a photo painting, the supervisor has a half, according to the previous [behavioral correction instrument] and [World Line Observer], I chose the third item.

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