The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the cornence of Chapter 155

Ah ... not only only a rabbit, Miss Chris, and that also ...

The company tried to resist abnormalities. Although they were weird, it was difficult to understand, many quantities, and even didn't know where they would come out. But these are all in the company's establishment, constantly overcome ...

Sorry ... I am too heavy, you can't get caressing me, the result is an influence ... you look, it seems very low ......

Eh? Nothing ... I feel that I will say that I feel sad, say it ... I really ... don't take me as a child ...

When the company succeeded, from abnormal body, research, discovery, understanding, cognition, and successful accommodation, everyone is very happy, which means that the efforts have not been wasted for a long time, we have once again owned Clear hope.

Not only that, the by-product of the study is, through the work of abnormalities, we can easily collect some clean energy, as long as some simple transformation can turn into the energy of everyone, it means that we have a new The goal.

Studies are abnormal, get energy, understand them. Master, and establish contact with them, even have departmental through research, get an abnormal trait, use an abnormality and abnormal battle ... Really, very, very powerful ......

However, the company has a far goal, even if the world outside is falling, even if the company is outside, there is no human existence ... Company, is also working hard for this goal.

One day, everyone can stand on the earth's earth, and re-establish everything ...

Oh ... I accidentally said too far, sorry.

After becoming the staff in the company, every day, things have to be done very much, but I am very happy ... Because I have a help of everyone, I am very happy to help everyone.

Then, it is the first time when the company successs it.

The company's first department is the control department you see, but also officially put into use at this time, Miss Bunny and Chris are directly selected to be the departmental supervisor.

If you become the departmental supervisor, you can protect everyone ...

Then, it is the supervisor.

Because I can't confirm who is better, everyone turns to do the supervisor, then others ratings, as a result, everyone is not very good, simply ... everyone did not do the talents, simulation training results, almost Can't set it ...

Although the process drill is very good, but the most critical, it is possible to make the company's smooth work, but there is no candidate, which is very bad, and it is frustrated.

People who have no traits, sitting in the position of the supervisor, but also being murdered ... Because he needs a straightight to abnormally, understanding management, studying and even active contact abnormalities - departmental supervisors may do this, but everyone is not Pixabay.

As a result, after many times of research, the company decided, from the outside world, looking for people who survived.

Using the company to analyze the reconstructed conveyor, and some special abnormal things, the company successfully created people who can screen, transferred to the competent traits, sitting in that position ... But if you see, in the early days, we almost Put all the mistakes that will be made.

The supervisor is unfavorable, the supervisor is abnormalization, and the supervisor is self-contaminated because of the self-contamination of mental stress. Every time I fail, I am very sad, because these are our mistakes, resulting in losses ...

However, with the continuous improvement technology, the sequence and demand are constantly adjusted, the joining the cognitive filter makes the chance of accidental deaths, but ... very small, you can really manage the company.

Even if there is a supervisor in ten people, it is unusually successful management. It will gradually become unusually strange, and even if the company's preparation is improved, it is unable to fill the stretches.

The research is stagnant, the company's resources are constantly consumed, and in this sector, we found you.

Sorry ... Because the company must thoroughly understand the supervisor, I also read your information ... You seem to come from the old world, but it seems that it doesn't exist in this world, but unfortunately, when you are not It shows any qualities.

Miss Chris is serious and responsible for each supervisor. Your management ability is very good, sometimes you will talk about you when you talk to me, she will be sure to your ability ...

Eh? She must be turned to the bending ... No, please believe me, Chris Miss, is actually a good person. Be sure to believe her.

Now you can say that it is the company's hope. The characteristics you have exposed, your management measures and methods, let everyone think that things are moving towards good direction.

However, don't be proud of therefore.

You don't have to worry that I will lose control again ... this time, it will be my last time I am out of control. Your arrival, let me see the real hope, you cherish our employees, even our feelings, this is hard to know, I have fully understood.

However, I hope that you should not be too self-blaming ... The company's work is very dangerous, sometimes some accidents, or will inevitably lead to the loss of employees, we can only respect them, rather than blind consumption resources, do more try.

Because ... The company is actually very reluctant ...

This failed, you let me know, some sacrifices are inevitable, and if you want to avoid the sacrifice, you will sacrifice more things, and even let you fall into the crisis ... I am not a child, although choice It's sad, but this is for a longer future.

It seems that many usually don't say anyone else, my heart is very comfortable ... supervisor, thank you, thank you, say that these are like complaining.

I will always be with you, until this seems to be a circular end of the cycle, for you to bubble a cup of the most proud coffee ... I also, only this skill, can take out the hand ... ...


The following is the department supervisor and the above permissions.


Supervisory Note: I still have to write a note here? I always feel that I don't know what to say.

Well ... If you really want to say, it is probably a feeling, it is such a lovely child, which is clearly to enjoy the fun and family's happiness, carefree life. Instead of contacting what the end of the world, what kind of refuge or often works ... But reality is this (shield here).

What can I do, I can only try to ensure the smooth work of the work, and ensure that I can take care of her ... um, or take care of her? never mind.

Although I don't understand what is characterized by it, these are not important. As the supervisor, my duty is to study an abnormal, protect employees, or something else.

Although it is unclear, but don't pursue it, first do things on your hand, then go to other things.

Note: It's enough to write so much! This record also I can see, what is the meaning of writing a record? !


It is her advantage for friends and even strangers. This is her advantages and disadvantages. A warm harbor, you can make her strong, lead friends, family members go together, hoping, waiting for the future.

You are a key node. I hope you can become a node of more people since now.


Author message:

Ps: ... I have tricked me three days, I finally wrote this ... so I am a bigger, big chapter, um ...

197. You finally chose to challenge yourself, I will record your performance.

Since it is difficult to understand, the supervisor thinks about thinking, abandoning thinking, waiting for Christina to come out and say something, so after she finishes it to assign an abnormal armed forces.

Today is different from the past, the supervisor has found a very conducive to management method - even if he will break through the incident, he can also rely on [loneliness] or [Happy Teddy] to do 'armed anomalies' behavior, directly Suppress them.

Unfortunately, I chose the [Behaviors Correctioner] ... but not necessarily, after all, the employee won't take it for a long time, the supervisor forgot to let them put down, not Be careful suddenly.

During the thinking process, Christina has slowly enjoys the work preparation interface from the right side of the screen wall, she went over with her hands in the pocket of the white coat, slightly.

"You have a more deep understanding of the work of the company. This is a good start, even if you spend so long, even theoretically unforgivable thing, it is true."

The supervisor's consciousness touched the tangible mouth, like a knitted road of a round rabbit.

"Your departmental supervisor has left some special commemorations. From now on, your 'super uniform' will provide you with some spiritual strengthening to help you manage exceptions."

Just just a pattern is enough? Even if you are abnormal, you will leave something decoration - but the department is not an abnormality, so use this way to add an extra help ...

The supervisor did not continue to study this problem, because Christina clearly has more words, now interrupted that she is obviously not a wise choice, if she stops reporting and urge the supervisor, then I can only turn books. .

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