The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the 110th chapter

The coffee shop in Zhi Nai will not open very late. Generally, the employees need to make some evening activities, will be restless, because today's head is slightly longer, so just sitting in the coffee shop, Guests in the store have left.

Zhi is a small voice telling the supervisor, wait until the store is cleaned up, she will come to the director here ... but how did she explain her family, from the day before yesterday, I have already set my mind to stay at the director. ?

Holding this question, leaving the cup after returning the cup, then when you browse in the employee rest area, unexpectedly saw a team with the surrounding staff, and the movement of the employee.

They wear extremely uniform uniforms, and they called the number, and they ran from the left side of the fourth floor. In the middle part, they couldn't see the area where the picture is deep, and I will appear from the right again.

Just like ... in training. But it is so late, is it necessary to train?

Dedicated to disappear, the supervisor shook his head, and confirmed that the door of the pool of Kenai was still shaking his head after the long dragon, ending the browsing of the staff seating area, taking a box of pharmacy from the drawer.

Then drink white water, although there is no feeling on the body, since Kenai Xiu has taken him on time, it is taken on time ... that is.

After you are ready, the supervisor leaves the chair to start preparing the warm-up exercise, although there is no help for the next pain training, but at least a little psychological comfort is also good.

"You seem to be ready to exercise? It looks, you also understand the correct value of exercise, I am very happy, then, please wait a moment ..."

Then, for the supervisor, the sound of the hell is from behind.

Author message:

PS: Thank Jead05 Renewal · Thank you for 1688 rewards!

PS4: ... I am hesitating, do you want to open a bit ... No, nothing, in short, ask for a blade ...

214. Establishing and changing the impression of others, is a long process

When the Zhi is carrying a delicate and cute, it is also covered with a bamboo basket with a rabbit pattern to enter the supervisor office. The picture is ...

The supervisor continued to be full of suspicious pipes and lines, and jogged there.

After seeing one or two, this picture is also used to it. She first is a well-behaved and - is very happy to touch her small head - after, put the basket in the hand Work, then in the bag hanging on the back waist, take out a square glass bottle, and a carton without label.

"Miss Kenai, that ... supervisor, how long can it end today ..." Zhi is ignorant, thinks half of the words, deleting the 'torture' disciplinary 'in the mind, only Have a lower half of the sentence.

"What about training? The supervisor looks hard, it is very difficult ..."

The projection of Rai Xian looked at the parameters in the eyes, and the gentle pair said: "Don't worry, it will end. As before, the supervisor has chosen the short and high training, and I am also unexpected. It is found that such training results are actually better than usual training. "

She is slightly smashed, and some bent rabbit ears on my head sway: "The situation is improved, saying, how do you feel these two days? Is there a sudden headache, or a spirit of spirit?"

Zhi is quickly shaking his head, silver blue hair scattered, is a good look: "No ... very, normal. Since then, until now, there is no time, more normal ..."

The same is true, so that the Rai Xian is safe to maintain the energy of the supervisor, then confirm his mind, then say anything.

Then the two were very tacit, and the bellixin continued to observe the training progress of the supervisor. He is open the box, and the various fine fragments inside will take out the slender tweezers and put it from the bottle.

This is also her other hobby - although it takes a long time, it can take this job from those of the zero time, but every moment is completed, she is very happy.

That's right, it is to make bottles in the boat.

For the supervisor, what happened to what he was happened, because the upper and lower probably except for the head, it has made him exhausted.

But from today, Kenzai is very good to put the countdown time in front of him, so that the supervisor can clearly see how long it has been exercised, or by looking at the numbers ... well with heart.

I have been staring at the number. When it is completely returned to the moment, the supervisor only felt that the whole body is full of strength, and this feeling is more and more clear as the bondage and the pipeline.

"That's not an illusion, I have given you an extra in the last round of some powerful recovery agents, it looks very good ... So, today's training is here, please take a break."

After the Rai Xian let the machine arm recovered the training equipment, it will disappeared after the supervisor of the landing of the ground.

Just installed himself a dead fish immediately climbed up, pinched the arm, and then made a 'strong' posture: "It feels more than the company just arrived, there are few more fat ... I didn't expect Does this training have been such a clear visible? "

The head does not return to the bottle, and the small saying: "Miss Kenai ... very reliable, that, supervisor ... Can you put the upper clothes first, a room, the temperature is very low, it will catch cold Oh……"

It seems to be true, because the clothes have been soaked by sweating, so the supervisor has not been embarrassed, and now, he seems to be a bit like ... Hey, play rogue.



I took a shower, let's put it on a clean uniform, the supervisor sat back to your own chair, next to the wisdom is slightly shackled, put down the scorpion: "That, supervisor ... I am thinking, you are also punished So ... put today's limited muffins, bring it over ... "

Put the coin left on the table in the table in the box, the supervisor opened the cloth - not only stacked the whole neat muffins, but even a bottle of crash.

"Helping is very busy. Hone other words, the dinner component is not too enough, just as stiff ways. If you want to go to the order page, I have to go to the order page to buy something ..."

The supervisor seems to have a lot of stacks, and the hand is not allowed to tear the muffins, and then can't wait to put into the mouth.

Sitting around him, I am not too annoying, then continue from the box to find a suitable component, send it in the fine bottle.

"That Chris always makes me feel that she has always been full of prevention of me to understand the company's detailed operation structure ... Ask something, will immediately say that I still don't have enough."

Zhi is blinking, and the hand is steady, and a small piece of wood is sent into the bottle: "This is to protect the supervisor ... You will be too big for Miss Chris, so I will think that she is not thinking about it. Good thing……"

"But in fact, we all respect her ... For the company, we will never stop the operation. We have a moment of rest, and you still feel short, and Miss Chris, since the company's establishment, never rest for a second. ... "

Is that poisonous tongue AI is so diligent? No, after all, she is super Ai, don't have to rest, it is normal. After all, the scientific fiction works, the program only needs to be self-test, there is no problem.

The supervisor chews muffins and nodded. For his attitude of this perfunctory, there is no emphasis on what, just a little sigh, continue to make a bottle of boat.

Changing the impression of others is a long-term project, and it is understood that it will continue to be silent. The quiet enjoyment is waiting for the supervisor, which is not a moment that is quiet and warm.

The supervisor suddenly turned around and saw that only a small bottle of the bottle: "Say, Zhi is very proficient to make such handicrafts, what is the name of this ship?"

Put down the tweezers, and the head is slightly smashed, holding the carton with no names and touched and looking at it, and then turned to the wooden board engraved with the name of the vessel name in the entire replete.

"Oh ... clear empty number, very incredible name, and more components are more than the general ship model, very complicated ..."

"This name is a bit more familiar, it is, should it be a very beautiful boat? I am looking forward to finished product."

"Ah ... um, I will work hard!"

Holding a fist in front of the body, Zhi is full of enthusiasm, let the supervisor can't help but reach the long hair.

Author message:

PS: Thank Jead05's reward ~ Thanks to TZN ... Hey, three wareh! thank you very much!

PS4: ...... I don't want to add more people to reward every day ... Ok, I wake up.

PSN: ... It was going to be a rest tomorrow, but it looked at the money, Ming children three more, this is like this (nod)

215. Before I speculate others, why?

Before the headless pile driver, he didn't expect it to ask for help, what kind of person should be inquiry.

However, time is not too late, now ask too much ... Although the atmosphere is a bit wrong.

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