The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the head of Chapter 199

Just like children or fairy tales, the wolf who looks very happy is to open a giant mouth, and I eat a two-eyed laser to my belly.

After the wolf of the color pen, the mask screen quickly disappeared, and there was only one clothes room left, and a black cloud, it quickly flew out the house, At the center of the hall, marked a blue crescent mid lobby to fly.

At this time, a group of employees came into the hall with [Qin Ye], they seem to have discovered what, stopped, vigilant, holding weapons in their hands.

The only thing in the field is not affected, naturally the feet wearing the pair of beautiful red high heels, distorted smiles, waving the ax chased the employee [Qin Ye].

This is the case, but what happens next, but it makes the supervisor.



Black smoke ignores the receiving room promenade, ignoring the department lobby, or even the uncomfortable train, straight from the housing room to the intelligence department.

Then, there was a huge monster that had a little wound on the body, but the fur was very thick, and the height and even the huge monster of the intelligence ceiling.

Or say ... giant wolf.

It slowly lower, and the pair of faint blue light

The eyes swept from all the employees, and the extraordinary body, the heavy breathing is like a wind box, as if the breathing can blow people.

Subsequently, it lifted the front paw and slammed on the floor.

The dramatic vibration allows the employees who still stand on the ground to be unstable, and when the geeks suddenly appeared in the moment, the supervisor understood, this guy ... is absolutely not so big.

The huge wolf is shocked by the employee. It will be directly hit by it. It is good to protect the abnormal protection, and some auxiliary devices can guarantee that employees are not damaged, so they don't need to return, they can continue back. Suppression.

But ... attack the legs of the giant wolf don't seem to have a good choice. It will not only use the front paw to shoot the floor, but even use the hind leg, the tail, the equipment that hits the information department, and sweeping like a general wolf. People who are looking at themselves.

Among them, including the [Qin Ye] of the attack target.

The employees are constantly running, looking for a suitable angle to attack the gate, the intelligence department looks quite a strong, but for this general monster, damaged mechanical arm works, almost lost, The clerk that is also moving immediately, holding the gun, and can't run, it is hard to disassemble the workstation, hoping to return to the suppression work immediately.

The intelligence department is busy, but the double leaves have not been affected, just like all people, abnormal, or other, all ignore her general.

In such confusing suppression, the total injuries is always inevitable.

The workstice where the clerk is ingenious and unsatisfactory, and it suddenly stopped the action and sniffd the sniff. Then, suddenly, open the mouth, like a bit bite with a bit of walnut, and bite the entire outer metal.

Then, like a taste of the fruit, the clerk will struggle to take out the weapon, pick it up from the ruins, easily open, swallow her.

At the same time, a claw sweeping, taking all the nearby employees, letting them lose a lot of life protection, and the hind legs slammed the [Qin Ye] to the wall of the intelligence department hit a small concave pit.

SHIN-level abnormal destructive power is so strong ... The previous [Magic Girl] is also, this giant wolf is also, once they flee, the impact on the company is not the PEH level.

But as long as you can flexibly control all employees who are still fighting, let them share harm, then take a little bit by chopping legs, shooting the body, and don't touch the tail, you can slowly, but it is effective to suppress it. .

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

PS4: ...... Well, although it is a bit dense, but today is PY time -

From 'I can't say her name, the "My Brain Accelerator", I recommend "my brain accelerator", is a love novel I am not good at

To be honest, in fact, I want to write this content, but I have no love experience, so I'm going to be ...

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

PS4: ...... Well, although it is a bit dense, but today is PY time -

From 'I can't say her name, the "My Brain Accelerator", I recommend "my brain accelerator", is a love novel I am not good at

To be honest, in fact, I want to write this content, but I have no love experience, so I'm going to be ...

250. Abnormal is not the right guard, will not change or furious

The idea is very beautiful, but in fact, it is hard to go according to the idea of ​​the supervisor.

Because there are some clears in the hall, the double-leaf suggestion supervisor will make them out to increase the fire output point.

After the agreement, the supervisor allows the employee to save people, letting another part of people attract the attention of the giant wolf, until now, the other party has not made something specially attacked, maybe it is true ... only this physics Attack mode?

Red injury, for the current supervisor, as long as you walk, insist on the nano-repair robot released by the next time, you will resist the hurt, and it is the characteristics of this abnormality only. .

Even so, it is not well suppressed, abnormal natural energy-level suppression, resulting in an abnormal armed attack hit, injury is the secondary reduction, so that the damage control strip has a very low efficiency.

However, for the supervisor, as long as the blood of the other party can ensure that the loss he receives is smaller, it is nothing to do so much.

I fill a plenty of plenty of drinks. The supervisor will continue to work, refers to the employee to go back, with the smallest price to bite the jaw, bite, and the attack, and be careful. [Qin Ye " Small ax.

That thing is much more than the giant wolf, a noticeable accident, will be discounted by the head of the scene.

The supervisor lifted a gun and aimed for half a day, and finally found a suitable angle, and gathered to shoot where the employee shot. Subsequently, their body shrouded a faint halo, action speed, attack speed, and response The efficiency of the instruction also increases.

As long as you don't take the initiative to attack the tail of this big wolf, it will not be like a sudden half of the stress, turn it with the paws to slam the tail, find this situation, the supervisor suddenly screamed, Let the employee in attack [Qin Ye] After attracting her attention, go outside the wolf tail, see if it can be ... transfer hatred.

Anyway, it has decided that today's work is restarted, and it doesn't have to be too cautious. Occasionally, it will be all the things that may be done, but also collect some information, why not.

"When you want to make ideas, you are determined to do something that rule rules, you are very interested, and you are very extreme. This is a bit different from us, you can tell me why you are so excited?"

Christina's voice came from the computer monitor, and the supervisor is concentrating on ran, escaping, or minimizing injuries.

Waiting to the tail of the gaten by [Qin Ye] cut an ax, and then furiously touched the bite. When slammed each other with the paw, the supervisor was slightly loose, and the migraine looked at Christina.

"How to say it, just like suddenly discovered the huge amount of intelligence, you can now collect, wait until you read the document, you can escape after reading the file ... Chris, you must not understand, this feeling "

"Yes, I can't understand it."

The supervisor was silent for a few seconds, continuing to turn to the screen wall, [Qin Ye] is being pawed by the giant wolf to the ground, every tear bite makes her lose a lot of red control strips, but even so, she still Holding the blood of the blood, the front paws of the giant wolf with his mobile ax.

The conflict between abnormalities always provides a lot of information, and the supervisor quickly lets employees save the remaining clerks, and let them don't close the center store of the battle, wait for them to play almost, then go up.



Although [Qin Ye] hurts very high, although she is very small, it is only suitable for constant chopping legs, maybe you can knock down the big tree without a storm ...

However, she is too much no brain, and she has controlled her, just let her become fierce, there is no reason, and the suppression method of the previous training is completely forgotten.

Under the gazing of the supervisor, her movement of her waving gradually became slow, tired, even the pair of shoes, the person controlled, it seems that there is no other way.

When the damage control of [Qin Ye] is about to see, the supervisor is ready to make a loss of unusual armed preparation, but the giant wolf suddenly stopped.

It is low, sniffing the other side, then suddenly opens the mouth, biting directly on the ax, together with the hands holding the ax, then directly [Qin Ye] squatting, in the other party In the struggle, like a normal beast, move the brain, swallow her whole .

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