The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of Chapter 211

Ps: ... After the code is finished, just sit in front of the computer, to ensure that the hands are absolutely not touching the keyboard, etc. ... This is a torment ...

PS4: ...... After painting the medicine, I have to die, then, continue to ask for a blade!

263. No threat determination is a very embarrassing vocabulary

The wolf doesn't have too much sweat gland, usually on the paw and tongue, and now, the supervisor feels that the paw is getting wet, because he has to face an important issue - what should I do?

In general, everyone will describe a cute child 'cute to eat' ... But then it is definitely not physical sense, and the supervisor is now negligent, but will be in the mouth because of negligence.

Then it also consciously used the tongue twice. Don't say, in addition to having some faint shampoo, more is like penetrating, the fragrance of coffee.

Very light and light, but it does exist, this time, I seem to be a reaction, and I will move in the supervisor. She has a little panic, but she has not been able to swear my hands.

The supervisor reacted from the initial shock, he quickly squatted to open his mouth, so that the mouth was licking, and now the wet-mounted wisdom is refreshed.

The opponent's deep feet stepped on the tongue of the supervisor to the forefront, and then tough bypassing the sharp teeth, and finally pased on the ground.

Until this time, the supervisor closed his mouth, seeing that it is already wolf, and in a sense, it is not suitable for the children, full of various difficulties.

"Hey ... What, what happens, I am very sorry ..."

"No, it's okay to be included, the supervisor doesn't have to apologize ... I have a bit sticking, but there is nothing taste ... ..."

Wipe your face with your hand, I want to comfort the supervisor, but I saw the liquid on my hand, so she immediately returned his hand, some cauting stood there.

The supervisor quickly pulled down the floor: "This way, you will go clean up, it is best to wash it, I can get back in this, I will go back, I will meet, how?"

"But ... this is work ... Your current situation does not meet the normal situation, you must have departmental supervisors to take care of it ..."

Her reaction is expected, the supervisor wants to be scratched, but only just smashing the tail: "It doesn't matter, and Chris is also looking at this side. It is very uncomfortable to clean up. Is it? "

It's been a long time with He Rohe, and it is infected with her mouth.

"You are rare to make a more valuable suggestion, and it has been found that the supervisor has no threats, and the warning is released. Everyone returns to normal working mode, disbanded."

Some grateful to the head of the leader, hung up the workpiece of the waist to the center of the hall, after the small sayings, talented to the nearby transfer channel.

The hair is sticky together, let alone where you have been licked by the supervisor ... That kind of memories, don't think about it carefully.

As for the director ... Well, he is bored.

'I don't like the little girl, this complicated emotion, I have seen a lot of time. '

"That is of course, after all, for a long time, long time - , wrong, change, for ten days ago, I was estimated to be alone to 30 years old, becoming a man who made a magic."

It is estimated that HEROP does not understand this sentence, so there is no reply. After the supervisor, he had changed back to the human image of Herrota's wolf ears and tail before starting to feel his mind.

Then take a white coat on the shelf on the shelf. After the cover, the tail did not nausea, walked to the accommodation room.



All departmental supervisors, of course, including the training department, at this time, at this time, it is lying on the neck, waiting in the hall waiting for the boy.

When the supervisor has some slight dizziness, when walking into the training hall from the elevator, it is a monotor, and all people brush the gun tied to aim at this picture.

Standing in the same place, there is no movement, the supervisor keeps the posture of the door, is not a fear, but it is here to be chased by his employees, think about it is very losing. So still don't move, just say it.

"... Well? Is the supervisor, not the exception of going to flee?"

The younger leaves in the back of the body, those who are trying to suppress themselves to prevent employees who will deduct the trigger, instantly brush the muzzle to carry the muzzle and maintain alert posture.

They seem to be born, maybe it is employee in training?

The head of the head is slightly turned slightly on the head: "Yes, it is me. Now I have to go back to the housing room, or wait until my brain is fainting, I will be enforced."

After confirming the other party, and after the confirmation of Christina, the blues showed that everyone was dissolved, and the supervisor would be able to walk with him - although there is no need to take the way, but the blindness does not seem to say.

Therefore, the supervisor immediately followed her, when the two came to the elevator, the young leaves have long crying and relax.

"Ha ah ..., you can't play before, everyone is very nervous, everyone is very nervous. Originally, we have all impressed your existence, protect you is not outside, or abnormally know, have taken great Risk. "

Is the supervisor be such a dangerous thing?

"Hey, you don't understand this, but the supervisor is not just able to catch a A cat.

Anti-leaf Press the elevator button, focus on the supervisor - because it is armed [Daily and a very bad wolf], so the supervisor is now almost high.

"Your security, it's higher than everything. In the past, even if the competent manager couldn't complete the task, I finally had to let the supervisor left, and I can't be known by the outside world. Please remember this ..."

Very serious vertical fingers said so, when the elevator arrives, the blue leaves immediately indicates the supervisor first, then follow the elevator, press the upside button.

"Is it so serious, but I'm going to see what I saw above. I will write a report ... However, the company is not very convenient, the function of re-memory?"

It is very peaceful in the elevator. In addition to the drumming of the upstream, the supervisor feels that he is safe to fall asleep.

The young leaves are slightly smashed, and the elongated double horsesail behind him followed: "I personally, I don't recommend reading others' memory, even in such an environment. So if you are willing to actively report, This is a good start, indicating that you have already gradually understood our career. "

Hurrying the 'our career in your mind is just just! The words like ', and the supervisor will put the tail. The tip is pulled down to the blindfold, let her attention transfer from the supervisor to the tail, and it is quite curious.

Author message:

PS: Thank you for the princes of the king ~ Thanks to the 1688 rewards of the fantasy ~

PS4: ...... The new week begins, seeking a ticket to seek blades ...

264. We have a bold idea, but it is still not arrogant.

When the elevator arrives at the upper layer, the supervisor does not meet this body temperament at all, as if the expression of the dead fishey is coming out from the inside, after him, it is curious to touch the tail, and constantly speak the young leaves.

It is often very dynamic. It is willing to listen to everyone's complaint, and very reliable and very capable of laughing, with furry, warm tail, without any resistance.

"So, if you don't stop the behavior of the tail, Hawthorn is estimated to be angry, then taper into a wolf, take you all the whole ... It doesn't matter?"

It feels quite a little itchy, the supervisor smashed the tail, the fluffy hair shot was played in the blindle, let her nodded: "It doesn't matter, I don't have to worry about these problems!"

Can the department executive are what you want?

Suddenly I remembered that almost all anomalies did not have any interest in the departmental supervisor, even if they stood in front of the abnormality, those things would choose to bypass or ignore ... so this is also company technology?

The supervisor sighed, and when he promised the employee to enter the room next time, it would make a bubble wine and apple to give Herrock.

"In fact, there is a study has been in progress, but there is no competent, we can't confirm whether it is effective ... that, you feel yourself, how long can you keep this?"

"Five ... or three minutes, if he is in a good mood, it will probably last for a while, depending on how I fell into a coma. But after this time, I feel a little longer."

When the director said, he suddenly took a while, in the heart, I exchanged it for a while, and continued: "However, just her mood is good, and cannot be suppressed to suppress the abnormality, which will shorten the duration, This is the case. "

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