The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 229

After all, [Die Die Funeral] is left to the accommodation room, walking a few steps, and even he has also slaughtered the clerk, even the recent suppression is the door to the house ...

But it is good, [O-02-40] is the simultaneous card in the housing room, and the employee is blocked on the door, and after the buckle is over, this huge ball is also card ... Well ?

The supervisor blinks, because the alarm has been released, the clerks have returned to normal work, and they will pull the picture to other departments in the supervisor, see how they collect the extra energy collection, turn back to see ... ... This abnormal body has appeared in the receiving promenade.

In the housing room, one [O-02-40] is quiet standing inside, there is still a wreck in the outside, completely unaware, or not.

"The colleagues in the construction department have always maintained the company's normal operation. This abnormal wreckover has seriously affected the work of employees, so it immediately handles it to prevent the next step."

Is it so powerful in the construction department? It's just a blink of an eye, it's awkward ... I can't drill it.

In the event of an abnormality, the training department was restored, and the department of the training department recovered, even the department else to eliminate the logo, and the future of the ax, the logo on the top is also dissipated.

Once the suppression is successful, then the abnormal state will disappear ... Probably this.

Confirm that the task released by the youth in the upper right corner, the task of the youth has been completed, the supervisor dry cough two, repeated observation, after any disaster changes in the company, transfer your attention to 'Complete today's work'.

"Ah! Say, Chris, I suddenly thought of a question, you see that we are not defeating today [O-02-40] ... Hey, I said, wait, when will you name it [Big bird] of?"

"When you can't accurately determine a suitable unusual name."

The supervisor has a mouthful, [Big bird] is also, and it is also true that it is in line with it ... but the problem is not this.

He hesitated for a few seconds. Before the button was pressed, he looked at the wreckage of [Big Bird] again, and then he asked:

"Chris, this [Big Bird] has an entity, meaning it is indeed a creature, animal ... that, can you eat? How to eat? Can you eat?"


The supervisor saw that Christina's image was completely free, as she suddenly lost the signal response, her half-body was completely stopped, and did not issue any sound.

Author message:

PS: Thank Huayao, Hu Xiaozi's reward ~

PS4: ...... When the hand has a little better, I am happy, now I should shoulder my shoulder, help ...

288. How can you repeatedly correct your mistake?

The work settlement, employee promotion, the number of casualties, and today's work evaluation, etc. Total content, presented on the screen wall in the work summary.

Since the successful passage of the abnormality is successfully released, the compensation is still a considerable bonus ... Although it is unhappy.

Once again confirmed today, and after that, after the accommodation place, the leader, the head of the head, confirmed the end, not the start.

When the picture slows down, when you look up again, there is only the lobby of each department, and today you can perform the 'final observation' unusual storage room, and the promenade connecting them.

To select an exception from this, 'final observation' ... but, if you want to observe, you have not gain a critical information, and now you can observe it, you can't let the supervisor.

The supervisor hesitated for a while, suddenly collapsed with a notebook, and tidy it on the table: "Chris, I think there is nothing to observe today, or even if it is, it is necessary to observe the abnormality."

"You seem to have a 'final observation' work every day, it is not satisfactory. Maybe your reasons are not sufficient, but whether the final observation is your freedom."

When Christina is on the computer monitor, the work screen is gradually bleak. Finally, only the bullies continue to operate the keyboard to continue working, and the promenade connecting the hall, with the elevator.

"But in fact, the company prepares you more appropriate work. You have been judged by using the [World Line Observer] to use the [World Line Observer], and it has also been observed."

"When you are determined that you don't see any known exceptions, you can choose to use it to get some special intelligence. Although the company is not clear, what do you can see."

Simply, even if you don't want to make a final observation today, what can you do to complete the action to the lacunk? That is, what should I do if the company doesn't work? [World Line Observer]?

After the supervisor, Christina quickly gave a solution: "You can observe the abnormality that has been observed again. The incoming abnormality that may be observed until you get the correct answer."

Correct answer ... So will there be a result of failure to fail? It's better to say, what if the observation failed?

After finishing the things on the table, the supervisor stood up and went to the wall with the elevator: "So, I seem to have passed the test of the green noon today. According to the reason, what should I have new souvenirs ...?"

"When you come back, souvenirs will be sent to your office. Please do your final observation so that the company gets more information."

Christina did not say anything else, it was inexplicably uncomfortable.

Of course, this is definitely not to think that she is better, but a little worry, usually, if a person suddenly changed its behavior, meaning that person is absolutely something else.



The feeling of using the [World Line Observer] is like watching hallucinct behavior in the model model. So because the supervisor must not leave the accommodation room, he is a personal sense, it is more like ... Hey, look at VR movie.

Locating this tool is abnormal, the supervisor wrote down the work board and left the accommodation room. The promenade of the promenade seems to be uninterrupted, so that he has a bit chaotic mind to clarify.

"Oh ... I always feel that I have been quite strange, but as long as I say something will lose, but it seems that I have wanted to come now, it seems a bit of information ..."

The supervisor holds his arm and stands on the laminated promenade. It is self-speaking, then the next thing is wrong, ready to go to the training department.

"If you have lost, please stand if you want to move in place, the company will plan a suitable path as soon as possible, and the free action will only make your situation danger, there is no benefit."

"No, what, I just want to see ..."

"You are already an adult, and if you have lost your child, you will have a small impact on the company's colleagues."

...... Well, I don't say any vicious words, but how do you always feel that she is swearing?

The supervisory station thought in it for a while, did not say anything, just looked up at the light of the top of the sky with a cold mask: "Well, there is no special thing to do, now I can go back to the office. ?"

"Please wait in place."

The non-resistance of the supervisor makes Christina look relaxed, just a few seconds, a single elevator reveals from the wall contracted folded wall.

I don't know if it is an illusion. Today's shelter is quiet than in the weekdays, there is a kind of peaceful of peace and afternoon ... No, this flag is still alive.

Using the [World Line Observer] will cause many burden on the spirit, which is why employees will continue to reduce the spiritual value when they hold it. The supervisor only feels that he is also like the brain is unjust ...

Although there is a little headache because of a large amount of brain, it has never been thought of, but his spiritual tolerance can only let him use 'use' [World Line Observer] a few minutes.

Do you want to go to the project of spiritual training? In the case of the next work, multi-line thinking instructions may be easier ...

In thinking, the elevator gradually ended, accompanied by a slight '', the supervisor continued to think low, after coming out of the elevator, unexpected heard the sound of the fax movement out of the paper.

"After you succeed in suppressing [Big Bird], the company has conducted a certain degree of survey on its wreckage. Now you can work more efficiently."

Christina has been on the computer monitor, and the director is sitting on the chair, just like two nights overnight, and then at the morning to participate in the Olympic competition.

"Home ... isn't it able to study abnormally armed? It is clear that I can't suppress a shin level ..."

Although the other card is used in the door, then the bug is opened freely. But defeating is defeating, the objective facts can't change ... maybe, because just do this, you can't fully understand the essence of abnormalities?

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