The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the badgets 256

Take the syringe, slightly blue reagent is in a deep light under the light, and the bell fairy turned, and he saw that Hui Night has taken off the semi-dressing, put the white shoulders and slender slim, with the previous The changed arm is coming over.

Perhaps, in fact, everyone has changed in the past than before.

On one side of Rai Xian, I should be in my mind, and the needle is piercing the vein of the night - in fact, she is completely unnecessary.

Intertwined and estrus?



Holding a mop to get the blood overflowing blood, Kenzai looked at the eye screen, the supervisor has entered the process of unilaterally taught, and it still takes time to go to the scene.

Just, you need to clean up the residue.

It is also very worried about whether the progress of his own dispensing is too radical, but from the clinical response of Hui Night, she is just a capillary crack, and the viscerals can not be spaced, resulting in blood from the lungs and mouth ... ... looks just right.

Fortunately, when Hui Night Trial will only be alone and yourself, otherwise this is now honorable, perhaps the employee's illusion.

As a general person, Hui Night is different from Kenzai, she can feedback some drugs that have not been tested immediately, can play the effect.

Saying is 'trait', it seems too limited. But it is indeed different from 'general human'.

Treatment of dirty stains on the ground, Kensue Wait will move the 'bodies of Hui Night to the table, by the way, the clothes that have been contaminated, can be used to analyze along the transmission belt to the Nike Study Room, and set the equipment classification , Take out the scalpel from the table.

"Although I am sorry, I have an urgent time, Miss Huyu, you don't mind."

Then get an answer immediately.

"If you can make a memorable, I will be more happy. After all, I will hurt if I have been cut."

After the two people exchanged, the Kenzixian added three-needle to Hui Night, wearing a rubber glove to touch the belly of the night health: "Do you feel?"

"It's already gone."

Doctors and patients communicate with the current situation in the patient, including the degree of internal dirty corrosion and recovery speed, as well as a knife from time to time, so that the wound that is recovery will continue to be kept.

In short, in such a picture of such a happy megadownload, KBI, the key data is obtained. After confirming that today's formula is fully complied with the expectations, pick up the suture '' a few times to give the glow night nail abdominal cavity (there is no need), then Pat in her legs.

"Okay, I have to produce these things, then send it up, Miss Huyu, you are fine, hurry to get the stock to the front desk, urge the Bell, I have a few rounds."

Hui night is weak, lifting the hand: "But I am now weak now, there is no way to act, and I have been chaotic in the belly -"

"Don't say that, if you misunderstand, even if we can not ... Hey, I will accompany you at night. Before that, I've been working hours, please bear it."

After finalizing success, Hui's night slowly went down, opened near the nearby wardrobe, wrinkled with brows and white coat: "Your taste is also changed, so many years, Is it a look, doesn't it matter? "

shakes: "Keep self-recognition, confirm that no shifts, is one of the responsibilities of the departmental supervisor. In most cases, each department has its own way of cognition, my method ... ... Miss Huo, you understand. "

"Yes ... I understand, then work, I have to go to the front desk, but what kind of person is that the competent manager? You have never told me with me."

In the box with a bottle of bottle, a bottle of medicine is placed in a box, and the bell fairy has moved the ears of Wrinkle, and she said: "You are so curious, then, I will pick some less important parts, tell you. "

Author message:

PS: I want to have a holiday - well, it is not qualified to say

PSN: ... then, a lot of various kinds of electronic software that make me inspiration should be sold, but I lack the key to start their key, so have a good person -

322. As long as you don't exercise every day, you will become ...

What happened in the pharmaceutical laboratory, the supervisor did not know at all, he only knew that after eating in recent days, he should be the most abundant meal, as I asked some professional issues that he should not ask, Christina was infused with a 'theoretical knowledge.

This guy did not intend to explain, this time did not even do any fast forward treatment, actually said it directly for dozens of minutes, so that in the end, the supervisor is full of brain ', who I am listening, why do I want to listen? 'Something like it.

Fortunately, the three-dimensional projection of Kenai fairy appeared in the office. When she saw the supervisor lying on the chair, the rabbit ear on the head swayed: "Director, go to the training time, are you okay?"

"Well ... I am not very good. But it doesn't matter, or the training is more important - the premise is that I don't have something you just have to eat ..."

Kenzai nodded, the combination of one corner in the room slowly rose, and at the same time, some seemingly very bad drugs were constantly injected into a vessel attached to the equipment.

"Please rest assured, the training measures for your training are all built in the complete experiment, there will be no mistakes ... and, with your current physical fitness, the digestion process after eating, it is far from the past, Is not it?"

It seems to be true, and the body's absorption and consumption of energy is also more meticulous ... If a punch, don't think, it is a bit unscientific.

Seeing the supervisor, in the sports instrument, the Kenzi is clearly tone, starting to arrange the exercise process in accordance with the process - today's supervisor seems to be unexpected, completely no noisy, and there is no way to complain. Training is not kind.

The mechanical roar and supervisor because of the exercise, but completely uncomfortable, can only pass the sound of the sound into the ring, she seriously looked at the monitoring panel in the hand, when they raised the head from time to time, see the small tube screen.

That is when the exercise begins, it is set there to make a thinking literary representative of the supervisor and departmental supervisors. It is clear that after the initial pain, the supervisor has begun to gradually adapt to this exercise.

The evidence is that the disorder on the screen, from or can see a little shielded state, becoming a lot of exclamation, but still understand the text.

As can be seen from the text, in order to transfer pain, the supervisor starts to ask Rai Xian, some detailed information about ..., for example, her physical condition in the past few days, such as whether she has abnormal performance.

And these, it is also happy to see the Rai Xian. She quickly turned to the routine examination of the department, while maintaining the physiological activities of the supervisor - not all people like Hui, as a general human body, but also I can die and then die.

"Unfortunately, although I also hope that everyone can keep their own health, but Miss Shuangye is apparent ... Some bad, do not add the work, have made her body end into failure, even if I want to help every day. She adjusts it, but ... some accumulation can only be relieved and cannot be cured. "

A heavy sputum '' is smashed on the pallet, the supervisor is not voluntary, and the cost is that clear text has become disordered.

A round of new drugs injected into the competent body, he seems to be very up, then supported again, then change the posture, start the second group of exercise.



Pain is just a moment - most of the time, this sentence is actually used to comfort yourself, not fact. So after the competent mouth spit, even after two or three times, the exercise is finally over.

Before the end, the supervisor can not be clearly asking questions or something, and even complete thoughts can't maintain ... However, Kenai is ready to prepare, accurate before the supervisor will take him, come back.

Today is a "moonlight" recording a single loop. It seems that now is very good?

Give the main agent to take the final agent to restore the drug, Kensue fairy looks back to the eye fortune robot, and then controls the robotic arm to send a workout coin, the head of the head of the ground.

"So, if there is no particular important thing, I will tell you first ... If you think of what, please go to the pharmacy to come to me, most of us, I will be there."

After the slightly, the three-dimensional projection of Kenzai quickly disappeared in the office. Until this time, the supervisor slammed up, looked at the pile of 'demon mechanics' and returned to the back of the office. corner.

"Ah ... just like this to sleep, sleep ... No, no, I still have a lot of things to do, can't stop."

Work hard to sit down before the chair, the supervisor threw the coin into the drawer, and arrived at the left side of the supervisor office ... theoretically, usually at this time, the coffee shop in Zhi Nai is also entered the restless period, then she Will come over. But today I seem to have a good business, postponed.

It is also a good thing.

The "Moonlight" of the single circulation is always, the supervisor does not look at the mirror where the waslement is, and then looks at the entire supervisor office.

Time shows slowly, it is in front of the supervisor, it is as if it is always so lively, here, the employees can get a moment of peace.

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