The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the 111th chapter

After the supervisor, it is like a suit that will never change, sitting on the executive office chair, the screen wall rapidly changes, black and red broken silhouette shows it, it looks like the program is starting. .

After the body, I pushed the game after the quick shower: "I think ... You don't have to worry ... There must be a solution, and you are very hard ..."

After she fell into the supervisor, she picked up the tip to look at the table, and found that the supervisor was filled with the notebook when the breakfast didn't send it.

Zhi is smiling, and then let himself change back before the competent discovery: "It is already going to start working ... that, supervisor, don't give you too much pressure ... Otherwise, you can't support it. ...... "

"Well, I understand, don't worry, after all, I am the supervisor, and I have a lot of experience in some decompression methods, I will not be so easy to have problems ... probably."



It has gradually happily happily happily, but the component is sufficient to complete the breakfast time, the supervisor closes the notebook, under the reminder of the beep, and looks to the screen wall.

In the silhouette of the black and red, there is no new anomalies today, so after it goes quickly, enter the work preparation interface. The familiar employee arrangements make the supervisor gradually become calm and started the distribution of workers.

The blindle holds the workpiece and feels a little mood to walk into the screen wall, standing in the wall wall, she suddenly patted the cheek: "Ok, today is a smooth job! Although there will be no new anomalies But you can't fell lightly. "

So, the blues took out the laser teach: "You successfully completed the special requirements I gave you yesterday, let the new promotion workers, the work of adapting to the company under the skill of the old employees, complete!"

"However, it is a pity that I have no more research projects here for the time being to unlock, so that your management is more smooth ... so, first unlock the department technology to strengthen it, so, the safety and reliability of employees Greatly enhanced. "

This is a good news to see the other three departments, and for this set of cultural strengthening systems, the supervisor is now useful to use it.

In addition to each mobilizing clerk, they have to transfer the department head and then they will be ordered.

"So, this is the case! Director - Well? Chris, what else do you want to say?"

The blues of the blues are looking to the other side, there, the Christina arm clamps the workpiece, flat and walk from the screen wall.

"Before you start today, I have to post a new notice to you. Miss, Miss, here is nothing, please go back to your job, prepare for today's work."

"Ah, it's true that ... then, I will deal with those things, the supervisor is going to cheer!"

When she left, Christina opened her eyes, and the screen of the screen wall was also switched into her office - that is, there are many rooms with a fluorescent display.

"You may be very curious, why I will let the workflow will be suspended. But in fact, this is my doubt."

She sat on her chair, even the cartoon image of the four heads, it looked eating and indifferent: "Before you, all the supervisors tend to pray, or hope that the unstable situation of the supervisors of the department can come Late later, later. "

"They seem to be ready to be ready, will not use the armed department of the suppression department, but you, but you can take the risk of failure, actively induce, and trigger the occurrence of the situation. "

How can I answer this time? The supervisor scratched his head and seriously thought about his next wording.

Author message:

Ps: ... Well, I want to pay for a holiday ... the practice of the custom, seek blades ...

328. Perhaps not so confusing

The supervisor chose a most versatile answer. After thinking about a while, he finally replied: "For my personal habits, the difficult things will be delayed to the end, accumulating together, will only make things getting more The worse. "

"Although I am self-deprecating, I will explore my own expected action, but in fact, that is abnormal, especially the current work, is not just working hard."

A mistake will lead to a lot of death, from some kind of aspect, although it can't get their death, but more or less, this is caused by management mistakes.

"In the case of popularity, maybe you don't think so, I feel very in line with my current expectations - I have not sick you two steps, have sick you will say it, so many people are here, why is it hidden ? "

The supervisor grouped up, some didn't know how to sit, then, the knockout came from the door of the door of the screen attracted attention.

"It seems that she has been here. As a suggestion, the company is the only super Ai, I remind you that many times, just by 'think of course' is unable to lead the company."

That said, Christina once again closed his eyes, peacefully said: "Please come, the supervisor is already waiting, Miss Shuangye."

The airtight door opened, wearing a common service, rather than the double leaf in the suit, some of the jokes, when she saw the supervisor, she suddenly retracted the neck.

Then, the lower consciousness squatted and licked his own headphones: "No, no ... I can't think so, if I think, but the supervisor has already said ..."

Kneeling there for a long time, Shuangye suddenly opened his eyes: "But, the supervisor also said, now it is relatively safe, if you miss today, maybe it will make things worse ... It's also awkward ... what should I do? "

The supervisor looked at her entangled, and she stood up for a while, and finally muttered 'I feel going to crazy ...' The words and the like, I want to hide after Christina.

However, the latter quickly switches the picture to the work preparation interface, and hidden its own shape, so that the double leaves have to be exposed to the head of the supervisor.

It seems that this behavior makes her hesitation and chaos. It is thoroughly presented, and the double-leaf suddenly stood up, but the consciousness made a self-defense action.

"The supervisor ... that, honest, in the face of you, always escape, the reality, will make you get more and more self ..., so you can see! I stand up! Although I feel a bit cold, But now, I, standing in the company! "

Is it difficult to sit directly in the robot from the rest area?

The supervisor is very serious, I nodded: "Ah, I have seen it. You have been very hard, even clothes don't change ... I have a very tight thing. But this is a good start, isn't it?"

"In fact, that is not ... unstable, it is going to happen. I may get it like me, I will not even communicate with you, very good, very very good! Even the degree of hate ... "

The four-headed cartoon image of the double-leaf, obvious performance is particularly low, behind her, an unknown atmosphere is condensed.

It seems that there is still a few steps behind her, and she is unstable. The bleak pupil is slightly light yellow: "If, if, my instability leads everyone constantly casualties, dead, then please Crack me ... Because, I don't want to give anyone, I will have trouble ... "

The double-leaf figure slowly disappeared after the screen wall, the same, no other people came to visit, the entire supervisor, only the supervisor, one person looked at the preparation interface and the employee armed allocation.

No one urges him to start working, but the supervisor is still confirmed that every abnormal feature, the current information, intelligence status, and the abnormal armed forces have been owned and allocated, resolutely deciduous down 'begins today's button. .

Subsequently, the dramatic knocking and what stuffed, the crash came from the distant place outside the room, even the light source in the room was extinguished.



In the dark, there is a slight noise of noise, this sound is constantly expanding, and even let the supervisor can't help but hold the ear, but very quickly, they are gathered, summarized, and formed the sound of the supervisor.

"... Your departmental supervisor is in an extremely unstable state. Now, what you need to do is suppressed, or once again show your ability."

The supervisor is trying to open his eyes, but in front of the screen wall, there is no unordered snowpoint.

A bunch of red snowflakes is difficult to arrange the horizontal strip that can be understood by the supervisor, and the middle with black noise has emerged today.

[Through the fifth level of murder & collects full energy, complete the supervisor pressure on intelligence department]

After the text dissipates, it is shown in front of the supervisor. It is still that is full of snowflakes, and even have begun to gradually appear some illusions on the wall wall. At the same time, a rushing alert sound in the room - Secondary crisis alert.

Even if you inform me that the alert is ringing, how do you manage this look? I can't see the picture, I can't hear any extra sounds ... Ah, the BGM when I work is in time, it is not enough.

But I can't see it, how do you choose to let employees start working?

The intelligence department, as the name suggests, the intelligence and exchange, so that the supervisor can get a video intelligence, text intelligence, and all interaction center, now she is in an abnormal state, natural ... I have received anything.

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