The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the 116th chapter

Kenai placed the girl on the pick-up seat, and the X-shaped seat belt was firmly fixed to the top, and the turned to sit on the driving position, ignite the start, the engine of the off-road vehicle suddenly roared throughout the channel.

Until the ground wind that has some microfashas, ​​the bell fairy is slightly vigilant. She maintains the current car speed, avoiding the path of cracks, disruption, so that they will completely collapse, and is full of ruts. The other side will drive.

Subsequently, I was still in a coma, especially the legs that were cut off by myself - then she pulled out the pistol from the waist, and gave the head of the night.

- The only half of the calf is slowly self-grown and restored. Even if the speed is relatively abnormal, this means that this civilian is ... Maybe it is no longer a pure people.

Subsequently slowly lower the speed, stopped on the side of the road, taking out a bundle belt, tied the brilliant night's hands behind, while hung up a broken film.

At the same time, Hui's night slowly woken up, just opened his eyes, he saw that a black hole's muzzle was facing his eyes. Through the spiral line, she can even see the quiet filling in the gun, cold abnormality.

Kai Xian is cold, watching her, one hand holding a gun: "Explain, about you ... Quality, no, this is different, it should be said, what is the part of the common people, what is going on, in confirmation Before you have, sorry, I have to doubt you. "

Hui's night throat, there is a slight shocking, a block-shaped hair, fell down the broken block - even by the face of blood, can be obvious, she is Scared.

"Why don't you talk? Concealed meaningless, will only make your danger rise ... um?"

I have paused, and the Kenzixian saw the other party sorry to open the mouth, where there was a soft glue that was expanded because of the soaking, almost stuffed into the throat of the brilliant night.

Author message:

PS: Thank Jead05's reward ~

Ps4: ... Suddenly think of, can also expand the world view ... so ask for a blade

346. After the punishment, many things will restore the original

Silver metal plate, obscured inside and outside, and can also give mers unlimited expectations, what is it in the end? how is the taste? What looks up? Do I like it?

When curious, it is also a part of the dining. At least the directory of all the competent is unfolding, it is exhausted in the moment of uncovering the plate.

Posing is closest to the supervisor, it is a piece of meat tank that is cut to grow, thick and baked, and the hot spices that are hot and mixed with meat.

From the meat tank being cut, it is constantly overflowing the meat juice that makes the forefinger and even makes the supervisor 'to "too unfortunately' ideas.

The light is the big meat, it is enough to make a dinner, but I have been prepared for so long, how can I only have a barbecue in the district?

Double-bicynarylophydroehed water: "Oh ... Although I have eaten snacks, I just smell it! It turns out that the supervisor can enjoy such a treatment?"

It is said that the department is not the same as the supervisor. !

Zhi Nai stood up and stunned with a tip that took a thick meat tank on the pad on the pad, and then carefully poured her alcoholic black pepper sauce.

Before the executive is handed over, it is happy to give himself to the supervisor, and it will also turn the plate with a circle.

On the other side of the plate, because the complex barbecue string in the pineapple, the supervisor did not see, the huge luxury fried rice is placed opposite.

The golden rice particles are flooded under the light, which is inclusing, is a vegetable and other vegetables such as soft and unparalleled carrots, and obviously strictly prepared, peeled prawns.

Because the wisdom is around, the supervisor is just reach out, and a bowl full of fried rice has been handed over, the supervisor stunned, under the eyes of the two, smashed a spoonful of fried rice in the mouth.

Even if you don't have tooth, you can crush with the tongue, you have a bit sweet, and the soft fried rice is mixed with a sweet taste, but still has a certain degree of enrichment, and the shrimp of q makes the supervisor can't help but start chewing. Enjoy the complex fried rice with this taste.

Shard his eyes, the supervisor swallowed the fried rice in his mouth, and then he did not hesitate to regrace the second spoon, the third scoop. Even if it is hot, it will not affect the offensive of the supervisor.

Then he fell.

Double-leaven granary, although the two were completely more than the - ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In the plate, a wooden bowl is on the side, which seems to be biased.

I took a wooden bowl, and the supervisor didn't have an urgent feet. He hurted it slightly. In the mouth, it was a spicy taste that can be said to be sharp.

But he didn't rush down, but so on so, the temperature is moderate, but the material is very bold and brush, and when I entered the belly, the supervisor sighed.

This unbelievable spicy comment is also fast. In addition to let the supervisor feel that it is hot and sweating, even there is an unexpected refreshment, just like drinking pepper water in winter - but there is nothing, Get this bowl of soup.

Next to the supervisor, the double leaf is constantly using the hand fan, it seems that she is not suitable for eating taste too heavy ... Probably?

"Cough ... cough ..., supervisor, that, you really like spicy taste ...?"

The little nose, covering the red, for her, this taste is still a bit too early ... Probably, perhaps, it should be like this, in short, it seems to be right.

The supervisor shook his head and picked up the knife to start cutting the plate waiting for a long time, and the meat tank that has begun to cool down: "Just don't refuse, and some of the right to stimulate, add color to food, isn't it?"

At the same time, a little bit is stained, not too many black pepper sauce, the meatline of the black pepper sauce is taken up by him, and it is in front of the intelligence.

Looking at the open mouth of her, he was born, and the small face was so red chewed. Especially after tasking, the happiness smile, with a spicy fresh and salty, the supervisor This should also be a dish.

On the side of the table, the double leaf looked at the supervisor. After blinking, nodded, and then continued to eat, this dinner said that the truth is quite rich, let it cool down. It is a pity.

The supervisor puts the chopped meat into the mouth, silently gives a full point in my heart, more good than expected, this unknown animal meat is just right, biting will not happen, but it is absolutely no chemical water So exaggerated.

The taste is full, and it is also possible to pick up a hairy. Whether it is an adult or a child, it will satisfy the level.

When you are enjoying, an iron string is suddenly across the face. The above is full of painted honey and repeatedly, and the light is full of small fork full of fresh sweet taste.

Looking at the iron strings, the other hand of the double leaf grabbed the second iron string, and used the above small fork to tear down, and the drums of the capsules were extremely heavily.

"I am still ... I saw that Miss Shuangye is so active ... supervisor, really good ..."

It's not active, and if you let the Zhi are listening to the previous bicycle speech, she is estimated that the supervisor will be divided into several supervisions ... so the supervisor is now very sensitive to bite a small fork, two people work together After this, the double blade satisfies the hand.

Then open the bow left and right, completely addicted in eating.

A person can enjoy the feeling of filling the empty stomach, not being filled with any person, is the highest redemption before this, but now it seems that it seems to be eaten with others.

So thinking, the supervisor puts down a full fried rice, at the same time, Zhi is also added a new meatline, a new soup, a new soup, and a small fork that is removed from the iron string.

Therefore, the supervisor feels the almost stomach that you fill in, starting convulsions.

"Don't worry ... that, the component is not enough, I am already very full, the supervisor, you have worked hard today ... I have to eat more, I can add it."

Whenever the smile, the smile, no matter when it looks at, it will make the competent spirit, so next, after the double leaf said that he is full, he almost all in his belly.

I even alarmed the bellixian, thinking that the supervisor couldn't open suicide.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to the priest of the Taikoo tribe ~ Thanks to the bookmarks of the book and the bookmarks! thank you very much……

PSN: ...... Every day, it is struggling with reality every day, for example, trying to maintain a clear code word ...

347. You have already proposed, you can indeed satisfaction

After the dinner ended, the supervisor was slow, and the supervisor recovered from the state of the waste. When he was straight, he saw his desk has recovered the original ... nor is it right, because it is facing yourself. Place a metal jar.

The inside is the previous regret, there is no one, very special bubble water, in this, the supervisor can only thank the producer in the heart.

Double-leaf is serious, his own notebook screen knocked on the keyboard, seeing her momentum, seemed to wear the keyboard in the keyboard ...,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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