The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the yawth 288

Hurrying more people from the bottom to below, the supervisor looked at the staff holding white damage / red harm weapon into the central part of the second district, and then launched an attack against the goals.

At the same time, I watched the rear of the abnormal thing. At the same time, the positive end is holding a workpiece, and there is no expression of the second district department supervisor.

The result is quickly displayed, and white damage can cause full effects, and even except for abnormal level suppression, it has even played a good effect.

There is no additional injury, but it has not been reduced, so the supervisor will be able to pull away from the employee of red damage, leaving only white damage armed employees.

Especially today, I got the [Magic Girl] Buff's Carlov, even if he didn't need him to flash, the shank was also spent by him, and every round of surgery can be given [T-01 -31 ...,,,,..........................

Moreover, high-frequency high-frequency efficiency makes the supervisor to pull away the employee, let him go crazy in the same place - Yes, I don't know why, I usually fall into crazy employees will have different feedback. But they are now in the same place as the second district, just standing in place.

Directing that abnormality, only fanatical light in the eyes, rather than the wear of armed forces in the application, giving up hope, or in the facilities, there is a madness in the facility, or secretly release anomalies.

Some kinds of aspects are actually providing a good recovery opportunity to the supervisor, at least lost employees will not make the company's suppression status of the company worse.

No ... It should be said that when they are not suppressed in the abnormal sequence, they have caused great impact on the suppression of the suppression.

Author message:

PS: ... The new month came, then, if you have any ...

360. The most long day, is it?

Good, leaning against the abnormal armed characteristics of white injury, can't save you can't save. As long as they can let them restore their spirits before they die, they have no problem.

It is not to be beaten with a fist, but rely on an abnormally armed armed with white harmful characteristics to let employees 'awake'.

However, the efficiency of the supervisor suppression [T-01-31] ​​is really too low, so that she slowly contracted the lap of the active, irritable note after she seems extremely pleasant singing.

This kind of behavior does not want to think, definitely in power, the next stage of attack is coming!

The supervisor quickly pulled all the employees to all the common sense, told him that if there is no accident, the next week can cause a weapon that hurts this abnormally, probably only red injury.

Don't ask why the supervisor knows, anyway ... is this, after all, the other party now, there is no truly 'kill' which employee.

Subsequently, the constant rotating tone removal is rapidly expanded, including the central part of the second district, and the second zone that may have the lack of the promenade, and it is not stopped, envelopes the entire central part.

The supervisor has to let the employees stay here return to the upper intelligence department, and the clerk in a district has no way - they have experienced a short mental shock, and they also become fanatical standing in the hall, there is no extra action. Of course, I didn't take out the pistol of the body, and put the surrounding colleagues into a sieve.

In the fourth stage, the harsh noise has disappeared, although it is also a distorted sound, but the supervisor can hear a fascinating.

Just like a small night song or some sooth, those jumped notes are surrounded by the entire central part, with the employees who are in the same madness, the supervisor always feel, this will be very unhappy. what.

Moreover, red armed employees have a little slightly slightly low, and from the process of returning to the intelligence department in the second district, they will also be attacked.

With the efficiency of the calculation and thinking of thinking, it is necessary to support so many employee transfer mobilization, and even let them avoid danger, but also assign others to deal with abnormalities -

He only felt that his head seems to have a stinging, even if it is suspended several times, drink three cans of spiritual drinks, these complex point-to-point operation, or let the supervisor are bitter.

Even if I can give a F2A, the box frame of the next time is no problem ...

Complaining is meaningless. When the supervisor complained, the traveled employees have exceeded 30%, and when the supervisor is ready to make the worst plan, he suddenly saw the upper left corner of the screen wall, the melted slot above, representing energy Collect the indicator of progress.

The first collection of energy works and the second time, although not much, there is certain, and now it has returned to 0.

The supervisor looks at there, losing a little energy, he doesn't matter, but why is it lost? Unless you don't have the melting room of the accommodation room, these energy is not possible to lose money? !

"Chris! Where did the energy I have collected? The first time I didn't start, I didn't make a sense of silent consumption ... I am not right, do you say that the A-class abnormality breaks through the accommodation, will it lose energy? "

When she turned on the computer monitor, the supervisor was busy pulling the last few employees who had not been crazy, and the central part has lost all people who can control, they all have fallen into the crazy.

Even, the supervisor did not dare to see the report of the department of the second district department - all crazy, she must report it once, and the sound is better than Cristina.

Renxian and blindle also have reports. After all, their employees are also broken there, but the supervisor has always adjusted employees wholehearted, nature has not seen.

"You seem to have misunderstandings for energy collection, in fact, the energy you collected indeed disappeared, but the intelligence shows that the reason why it disappears ... is the active activity of [T-01-31]."



The supervisor is still the first time, it will steal an exception, it is better to enter the company from this abnormality, start management, and now break through the accommodation, all revealed a plot of a plot.

"Bell, you don't want to say anything, you must know what it is ... as the company's creator."

The golden small journal flashes, spit out one line: "The central part is a district, temporarily. Director, you have to think about this!"

Ok, she doesn't want to say.

Watching the girl with onion green double horsetail, gentle in the weird accompaniment center singing the last lyrics, the gorgeous note and music are slowly gathered, all seem to predict, her stage Also convert.

What is the next attack? Will it cause an impact outside the spirit? What is the type of resistance to abnormal armed injuries? Will it be immunization?

In the brain of the supervisor, the idea will still be stored, and there should be a war with a war, and when the notice is collected, let them be her bee from the transmitter of the intelligence department, rush into the center. The hall.

It is not hurt, indicating that this round of attack is really over, but in order to prevent employees from suddenly killing colleagues, the supervisor is first arranged, and it is a weapon holding white damage, and there is also a variety of damaged Karlov.

He quickly rushed into the second district of the central part, and he kept running to [T-01-31], but the other party was a relaxed and leisurely reach out, floating from the palm of the palm, as if the crystal was generally removed.

Subsequently, in a gorgeous flash, she and all derived things, including the curtains of the competent line of sight, and intended to be a flying note, and centered on themselves, and expanded to the four weeks of high-speed expansion.

This sound is not harmful, even if it is touched, there is no bad consequence, and even the supervisor can't believe - such a Aleph level is abnormal, it is easy to just, go back?

However, he didn't wait for him to slowly slowly, when those notes were all exhausted, but they were not engraved with [second-level shelter broke through the warning] At the same time, those who were crazy in place, without any other action Employees……

Suddenly all, they lived, they looked in front, looked at the ground, grabbed their heads, or torn with the cheeks, the crazy screams, this abrupt change made the supervisor shocked a big jump.

But compared to employees, he is still fortunate enough.

Author message:

Ps: ... said something, oh, my nurse is the head, some people relieve me?

361. A chaotic will trigger another confusion, is it?

The employees will vary because of their own work, and they have also been different after they fall into the madness. But he did not expect that when the personal concert of [T-01-31] ​​was so troublesome.

All employees who have been emptied, no matter what they have before, there is no exception to scream and rush, all of them are close to them, and normal employees have no exception, suffering from serious mental shock.

The first nature is Naturally Carllov, and the four five employees plus more varies of the clerk to run, leading to him, even if the damage to [magic girl], still decisive I ate a complete hurt.

The supervisor watched his spiritual value quickly fell to the bottom, and finally clear. This seems to have no feelings of life at any time, once again, and tangled the expression, and then became a graphic.

He didn't choose to attack the colleagues, and he didn't have more problems everywhere ... He, just standing there, he said.

At the same time, the supervisor is desperately listening to the report: "Supervisor. [Magic Girl] Breakthrough, must be handled immediately, otherwise the crisis is not the current company to bear."

And the report: "Director, although you are not very good ... But [Big Bird] ran out! Everyone is now dangerous, can you work hard, deal with this problem!"

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