The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in chapter 302

After all, the energy collected can be drifting, no one will be happy?



The supervisor patrol a circle of companies and found that [Birds] was once again running out of other abnormalities. After it took a few employees, it stabilled in the central work area of ​​the control department. Very suitable for the foot of the display.

Then quietly squatted there, swaying, watching the employees to go to work - do not bite, nor will it go back.

However, it will be like this for a while. The supervisor is almost habit, shrugging, pulling the picture to the intelligence department, and finding that everything is often, then look at the training department ... After all, I started working, the problem is certain, but it is The blizzard is holding a bright little speaker, what is continuously shouting for the employee.

It should be in the bumper.

As for the Ministry of Security, Beizai is seriously adjusted to the growth of the huge flowers, in addition to this, the clerk running in the hall is running, and there is no meaning at all.

It seems that she didn't have a leisure husband, and the supervisor was very sensible, she didn't bother her, just confirming that the two two exceptions in the company did not have a problem, they went down.

That is, the central part.

Justment's work is gradually entering the end, so that the supervisor is quite surprised, until now, the red energy and the green energy indicator actually slightly flat, if you look at it, as long as green energy is less than one color ... ... ordinary completion work?

Wait, wait until now, now you can't panic, the previous experience tells the supervisor, the more you like this, the more you like to joke, you will definitely jump out of a green energy, then complete your work with excellent results, The energy that cannot be used will also waste this.

Maybe you have to let the supervisor start a job, think about it.

However, when the supervisor is how it will definitely, what happens, the things happening will not be as his will. Justid is finally put down the flash of light, and began to record this job. At the time of information, the last energy source was filled.

While the red energy indicator jumped out, he received some high damage again, but it was so good to live. Even him just wiped the blood flowing out of the nose and continued to record work.

When he left the accommodation room, the entire screen was covered with a layer of Ming Yellow mask, and a faceless tongue circular cartoon expression showed this job, it is very common.

And the supervisor is the watch counter, that '? 'Silk does not move, there is no drop in the situation, this is very different from the previous experience, and even let the supervisor do not have a bonus,' You are engaged in me? 'Doubts.

But the reality is the case, the work is completed, the counter does not fall, the next melted she will not come out, so the words can be dragged to the first 'test'.

... Is this time not to call the last sentence? Is it a good thing? '

Author message:

PS: ... The new week begins! Continue to be happy (actually not) update!

PS4: ... Double eleven did not buy, empty speaking, I am ...

380. When you run, you will see this hand - right?

"Good luck, will not last too long, if there is a good luck, means either triggered a hidden logic, or it is, there is a disaster preparation that matches it later."

After Krismina said that this is particularly abrupt, it will appear in the computer monitor. It seems that it is to give up the mouse click, there will be corresponding feedback, she directly reaches the mouse arrow, prohibits it to move everywhere .

I found that my fun is temporarily suspended, and the supervisor shrugged: "Well, it is true, but I can only wait until the bad luck arrived?"

"Maybe it is true, and may not. Today's work has just begun, you have already thought of ending. Come upon remind me of it, many people usually advance themselves to a blind optimistic direction. "

"But in fact, I don't recommend you this. Although I have not fully replicated your 'fail' experience, you should also understand that it is important to mention a vigilance, what is important."

At the same time in Christina, the supervisor has continued to arrange the employee's energy collection action. In fact, in fact, there is already some abnormalities, it can be finally observed ... But one day can only choose one, and sometimes It is delayed, so that there is no observation, there is also an occurrence.

Therefore, in fact, the progress is relatively slow ... and finally, you still have to pray, I hope that the abnormality that has been accommodated should not make any special moth.

- However, like a ring occasion will remind, the situation will continue to slip in the endless direction of the supervisor, not the tipping, when the murder of this round, the supervisor continues to despair Observe that several accommodation rooms have been murled.

Of course, there must be certain and certain, there is a copy of [T-01-31], not only this, just next to him, the last time, there is no change in the past, and there is an unexpected change. .

It ... burned, release the flame of the heart, and because there is no complete burning, and the dark smoke appears.

Mars in the smoke, let the supervisor frown, I thought it was triggered, the supervisor was still secretly worried, and the results were carefully seen - sheltered outdoor is covered with a lap of the red light, tell the director It is about to be melted.

In other words, will this something will ignite before starting to do things? It seems that it is very prominent, that is, what is the situation when you manage?

The supervisor hesitated, did not immediately arrange employees to deal with it. After all, there are so many abnormalities always kill. If it is not good, it has caused the whole company's chain ... Hey, don't want to go to the bad direction.

However, the light is of course not a way, and it is finally solved, otherwise this abnormality will definitely break through the 'unreasonable'.

But who is looking for who is better ...

In the company, I was in a circle, and the director's gaze was rosked from a member of employees. Finally, it was determined, and he continued to find an excuse to give himself in the heart.

For example, employee losses should be reduced as possible, such as the use of Olyaña will be more convenient. For example, she can send information, and the like.



What didn't think of it is that this abnormal expression is so ... special. Or say that he can't do it.

I thought that the employee went in, the best may be to add firewood in the inside or the campfire, the worst possible may be attracted by the bonfire, put it in it, but in fact, Orehana is in the accommodation room, the whole The person seems to have a magic, and suddenly the legs are sitting down, watching the bonfire burning, even if the body does not feel the body.

Then, before the supervisor has not reacted, her body quickly turns into a black smoke and a little Mars, quickly disappearing in the housing room.

Suspend, the supervisor quickly smashed his neck on the table, seriously looked at the accommodation room, and saw that the black smoke did not dissipate, but showed a trend of expansion.

Is it killed in the employee? Also too much?

Hesitating, the supervisor made the work again, ignoring the next door and sang very happy, so that the green energy continues to grow [T-01-31], seriously looked at the smoke of the diffusion.

They are divided into three shares, rushing to various departments, two of whom seem to have a long eye to bypassing the intelligence department, directly to the security department, will be waving in the circular saw, showing how to tear an unusual piano in front of her sister, Wrapped in two piano glasses of notes from time to time.

Then quickly scattered, the two disappeared at the same time.

The last black smoke is to rush to the intelligence department, will try to communicate with the 'little girl', but the effect is not very good Sophie to the package.

After the three people disappeared, [O-06-11] The black smoke in the contamination room quickly spread, after the entire shrouded, the supervisor heard the low, slow, but the rhythmic wooden guitar slowed down.

"... After the process is finished, everyone enters the guard standby state!"

The supervisor released the command, quickly enlarged the storage room on the screen wall, let it occupy the entire screen, the Mars that has not yet burned, black and bright, the black smoke constantly flowing, and is also slow open.

In the picture, first, it is the first round of silver, it is a dark silver, which is shining and occasionally, and occasionally.

It is not very right to say that it is woodland, because this is full of trees and boulders, there is still a lot of resilings, which seems to be abandoned for a long time, has been covered with thick moss, as well as decaying tastes.

Some of the placed placed in the woods in the woodland, which brought some lighting for almost only the moonlight, barely seeing the cleaning of the closer, but they completely unable to provide warmth, even burning flames, the dark Smoke makes people can't help but fear.

The supervisor wrinkled, he can feel that he can contact these four employees who are involved in the woodland - very clear, can even use the thinking directive alone, or order what they should do, what to do, and what to prevent.

Experience will not pull the employee for no reason, it is just a place in a horrible place, it must do something else, otherwise ... how to explain, until now, it doesn't have a dot point energy. ?

However, now, the supervisor suddenly came from extremely nervous, and it turned as if there was a bamboo.

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