The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 309

"And many times, these devices are caused by you."

The supervisor is seriously point: "Well, I understand. So, this is no way, I have to increase the subsidy of double leaves ..."

At the same time, the small avatar of the double leaf appeared on the left side of the screen. She was seriously replied while knocking: "At this time, usually, I remember ... Well, I should answer, I will pay attention to it later. Destroy the equipment, just right, this is what the information is said. "

"Ah, haha ​​... don't care about the kind of small thing! The little girl seems to have to attack the staff, the double leaf does not take the management?"

"Oh! It's true, then I will lose it first ..."

After the double blade leaves, the golden little joy flashed, then bells the small avatar: "If the supervisor, you feel very bored, then do you want to take a break in my office? I am ready for orange! "

I heard the 'Orange', the supervisor slowed slow, and then lowered, looked at a red account. It's rare to converge. It has always been easy and relaxed and leisure, but it is quite a pretty call to answer her.

"Oh ... How is it slightly, wait? I need to check the last bit of books."

After soaring, the supervisor turned the book on a page, more red pigments in the warning supervisor, she is close to the marginal edge.

In fact, there is nothing to do, anyway, every day, there is anything, it is too hungry, Xiao Zhi will bring some eating ... but, really is still not very good?

While thinking, the sharp alarm came from the screen of the screen wall, and several contaminates quickly lit red light, and then quickly bleak it again, as if something did not have the same.

However, no matter how to grind, even if the work is going to get close to the end, the supervisor sighs the jagged account, and then worried about the screen wall - there, there is a slender leg and neck, there is still on the neck Hanging a skewed bird, walking.

Then a group of employees swarmed, and submerge it in the sea.

Pick up the notebook from the table, the supervisor is lightly jumped into the elevator prepared for her, and it is very easy to enjoy the low speed navigation of 200km / h, and the sound of the elevator door has a multi-hinge and airtight door pressure.

When the elevator slowly opened in front of you, he greeted her and was a high-speed flight of orange.

After taking it, after the room inside the room was ignored by the supervisor. After she jumped out of the elevator, she almost stepped on why I didn't know why I lost the clarinet.

"Just thinking about what kind of work music for you when I work tomorrow - this kind of thing, so the room is a bit messy, please don't mind."

"Of course, it will not be, bells so cute, everything will be forgiven!"

"Hey ~ Is it in my lovely copy?"

The supervisor puts the files on the hand to the side of the very suitable tray, and then shake his head: "Yes, including cute."

The bell looks quite happy, although she is very happy - then, when she turns back to her desk, she carefully handles today's work.

After all, there is no time to get off work, work must be dealt with, not anyone like the supervisor, when you work, you will be able to take a job, look at the documents, and supervise everyone, is it possible to happen.

It's good to don't spend more time. Today, today's work is over. When the bell announced in the desk, all people started to check the work, entered the night police mode, strengthen the pressure farm, after convection, back I saw it ...

The supervisor is serious, serious, and very uncommon, tap her triangle piano with two index fingers, let it send out the noise that may be wanted, but in fact, it is not a noise of music.

"Well ... I feel so hard, really there are things outside the game, I still don't want it, is it more simple?"

The bell recalled, the supervisor used the pair of patterns to bite the harmonica, shake his head, let the opposite of the head like the bows like the leaves.

"I think it is actually not so difficult, saying that the work is also over, the supervisor has to come, can you make your fiscal slightly a slight way?"

The supervisor hugged his arm and seriously thought half-embarrassment, picking up the glasses: "The easiest way is to raise my salary?"



Insufficiency is certainly impossible, even if the supervisor has solved an external node, let the company can slightly control some outside situation, and some of the company's internal adjustment, but the resources are still shortage - after all the money can not be changed .

Therefore, after the supervisor is very cleverly dismissed, she did not show special disappointment, just closing the piano cover, the way to refuse the rings controlled the orange soda.

The elevator next to it again came again. When it was open again, claiming to be 'sister', and almost everyone will call her 'sister' Miss's central part of the Second District of the Second District of the Second District of the Second District.

"The work is over, today's work is relatively smooth, I hope that you will continue to keep it."

"Well - But, in fact, I have not managed at all, I am clear that everyone is managing, I can only sit on the side. Is it a bit too much!"

"There is no, according to the assessment, the crisis of the competent work is 95%. The main crisis probability of the department is 1%."

The subtle drums of the drums, suddenly left from the piano, three steps to go to the 'sister' in front of: "Although I have experienced so much, I have been suspected, bell ... Sister Miss, is Not recovered enough? I always feel that it is still the same as before. "

The bell sent several documents to the scanner, and wobbled the head: "No, it is very good, you don't have to worry. Believe the company and my technology, in this kind of thing, no mistake of!"

The head of the head, then extended his hands, grab the cheek of 'sister' slightly pulled twice, and although the expression seems very weird, it still maintained a very standard posture.

"Please stop this meaningless behavior, I am fine."

" ... but I don't think it is very good, how to say, Miss my sister feel cold ice."

The supervisor did not stop, but it suddenly wrapped around her back, and then very relatives of the 'sister' - there is a little gap between the front chest back.

Even if the other party wears uniforms, the supervisor can easily feel, under the clothing of some engraved clothing, the body is still very soft.

"Please stop this meaningless behavior, I am fine."

Thinking, the supervisor turned to the 'sister', shaking the finger, then picking the glasses to wear on the opponent's face - very suitable, now she looks like a secretary that is smarter.

"I understand!"

One of the director, as if he said: "I have said in the book before, my sister, this is, in fact, some of the dedicated words, in essence is a complex."

"I am human."

"You are a reader."

"I am human."

"You are a reader."

"I am human."

"Well, then I am a complex."

"You can understand it again."

"No, human beings are a reeds that will think, then the sister is the reed?"

"I am human."

The supervisor sighed and turned to see the bell that had been squatted on the table, and desperately suppressed the laughter of the laughter, and then turned back to watch the 'sister' from the standard posture.

"Bell ~ Miss Sister, I have not completely cured, so I decided, how is she lending her today? Some things want to talk to her, such character, walking on society will definitely have problems."

Laughing a little bit of belly, the ring is nodded: "No problem, I also support the supervisor and sister exchange, this child always only listens to me, sometimes very distressed."

She reached out and made a thumb: "So, as long as I don't break, I will cheer. - Right, I have to stay here for me to have dinner?" I thought of the new dishes. "

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