The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 328

The last slender red fill, rush to reciprocate, and the piano with a vintage texture is introduced into all the ear, even the double leaves stopped, and the head is biased to the head - see the role of the supervisor I have a hand of the employee.

Then, the thin and slender blade of the unidentified and slender blade is then pierced into the body, no matter how he struggles, it is just a cold and thoroughbring two knives, and finally, it is usually throwing it to one side.

"... wow, I feel that this is hard, the super difficult, if such an opponent, the employee estimates ... The survival is low, maybe less than 10 percent."

Compared to Sherrha in the chair because of the appropriate BGM and the picture, I've been ignorant (I am still afraid of ghosts now), and the double leaf is able to analyze this situation.

"Theoretically, only this butcher will be the case, the other butcher can't do this, and the restriction requirements are also very large, and must be directly executed, and the other party is doing any other interactive behavior. "

At the same time, the head of the supervisor, reached the small head of the Zhi Nai, so that after some calm down, look at the screen wall - there are some employees who have started running in the middle-level seating area, probably the failed discipline .

"But this is just a game, actually in the housing room, this abnormality is how to perform, you need to take extra consideration, you can't take it too often ... If you come back, I have been confused for a long time, don't you feel that this guy is very Is it familiar? "

The supervisor scratched the last employee from the ground, hung on the hook, and pointed to the settlement picture, it was a big step in the dimwriting butcher asked.

Pale face, dark eyes, it looks like a psychiatric dress and a small kitchen that has become dark blood, and theore can see, this guy is from a very famous horror movie?

I didn't expect two people to shake his head and shook his head. The action is very neat. I don't have to say it. She used to listen to the ghost story before, let alone take the initiative to watch horror movies.

And the double leaf is more simply, she is sitting on her chair, and the glasses reflect the light of the screen to see her expression: "I used to manage the city's intelligence system, many so-called movies. There are sort out, you can see, but there is no need. "

"So, I am not very clear, what movie you refers to ... After all, those cultural products, civilization, history, have been removed from the people who have left."

... What is the operation of deleting?



When you don't want to ask Christina, she doesn't answer this time there is a bell to answer. It is really not asking for intelligence to finish, and I have already knocked the keyboard.

If you are, she is still immersed in the ruthless killing of the supervisor. It is time to spend a period of time. Fortunately, it is just a matter of consciousness.

Later, I still have a better game that makes her disgusting game, and the combination of Sam is good.

"Although I am busy every day, I will immediately appear immediately, yes, I am lurking around you, always care about the bell ~"

The whole person occupies a quarter of the screen in the upper left corner, the bell is in the round window, and the keyboard is gently knocked on the keyboard as if it is imitating what it seems to be opened.

The person consciously consciously, a swirl, a knife, cutting, taking the 180 ° turned, hitting the employee of this knife, only the window of the ring is really too obstructed, need to adapt.

"Well ... In fact, I am concerned, Shuangye just said, in the past, should be very active in human civilization, all the things left? Why?"

"Delete it? Hey, there is something like this. But the reason is very simple. You look, it is not the abnormalization of the established things, but also mix the fear from the concept, right? "

The head is nodded, this is right.

"Since the price has been paid enough, the company decided to remove some of the information that he saved. About the information left by the past civilization, to prevent new, not understanding the abnormality, that is, this is like this. ? "

This reason is too simple, and there is a feeling of vulnerability, but since the other party says this, the supervisor can only be so letter.

"Then I have these on my computer -"

"Cuith as a new cognition, they are quite safe, and only some people know, I can't get up what big winds ... So, you don't have to worry about it tomorrow morning, there is an alien fleet to go to the top, then Burn this planet into a glass. "

The bell comfort is particularly special. She seems to have a relaxed language to say that people can't help but think about it in that direction.

Therefore, the supervisor will delete all the games of those star war types in their own computers to protect peace - but this is a laugh, after all, this is the existence of the supervisor prove, leave one is one.

At the same time, the supervisor has opened a pair of bureaus, and the training could not stop. Different opponents also made him a single game player and enjoyed a different fun.

Author message:

PS: Thank you for reward Today's ten more pleasant X13, orthory bare rush to Xia X2 reward ~ Thanks to Xianglin Tang's tea ~ 588 reward ~

PS4: ... I really want to travel! It's too easy to grow a long mushroom for a long time.

PSN: ...... Good, ask for a blade ...

410. The company in night mode may have a strange change?

To say this time this time, the biggest income is who doesn't know, but the supervisor is definitely not to suffer, he will not only enjoy the fun of the fight, but also venting a wave of complaints from work.

In addition to the removal of the employees, the performance of the supervisor is always very excellent, and even the blues that have been hang-up, and they have provided several different, dealing with 'Butcher' Training method.

Well ... In addition to each other, you will be very strange.

Until at night, the leader of the currency was successfully trained, and the supervisor had some unfortunate end training. After returning the game, returned to the desktop ... Take one mention, until this time, the round small window of the bell did not leave, as if she is playing Virtual anchor is like.

"Today's extra work is hard, although I have no way to give you more rewards - so good, I will reward you a basket of oranges ~"

The voice just fell, one more plastic baskets than before, were sent to the office, and another basket was placed in a piece, it looks quite spectacular.

"So, next is your rest time, I will not bother it - my sister, where is my harp to go ..."

When the round window is closed, the supervisor seems to hear what someone is answering, but she hasn't heard it, the window has been closed.

Shrug, the supervisor will open a game that can be waiting for a long time, relax while picking up the hand, picking up a orange: "I can't eat so much, double leaves, Zhi, help me to destroy some? After a long time, it is not bad. "

Zhi is seriously peeled with oranges. The first time handed it to the supervisor, and then began to concentrate on the peeled orange-bell, the orange, the sugar is very high, so it is basically not acid.

It is a little happy, she looked around with a mandarin, and then stripped it, separated it to the supervisor, and then he was talked to her mouth, and she continued to work.

The intelligence displayed by the supervisor is quite, so the double leaf decides to completely dismount this game of the supervisor to study, maybe I will find something that is also missing.

Then I still fix a few places where BUG will appear, so that the employees who are immersed in training are not dying because of BUG.

As for the supervisor ... he was stuffed with oranges, while chewing, just like drinking orange juice, he kept swallowing. If the god is drum, it is like a hamster.

When you eat, you will not hinder the supervisor to continue thinking about what to do. Today, I have entered the curfew, the streets carrying lighting equipment, I also wear some lights to indicate that the employees of the clothes seem to be very good, then there is only one ...

"Chris, help me convert the picture to ..."

Just Zhang mouth, I will put a whole peeled orange in front of the supervisor, in order to live up to her kindness, the supervisor does not hesitate to include it in his mouth, naturally, can't say it.

Use force to swallow the stomach, the supervisor cough two: "Convert to work screen, just like the previous time ... Hey, nothing will not do, just try to see, my guess is correct "

"Judgment is feasible, has transferred video to the work area, please remember, now your employees are not configured, if the accommodation is invalid, please draft the letter."

What is the operation of the suicide?



Chewing the intellectual oranges, the supervisor's consciousness touched the stomach, I ate too much thing this evening, although the quality of physical fitness makes the digestive ability have become stronger ... but eat too much, still not too it is good?

However, slightly migraine, I saw it, I ate a small piece of orange, and then handed the rest of the whole, and the appearance is really cute and can't afford the heart.

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