The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not died in the mouth of the 336 chapter

The supervisor has finished drinking a can of spiritual drink, and the new information today is written to the notebook, and the employee will continue to assign employees.

He suddenly picked up the supervisor's special pistol on the table, on the strange roulette, except for the original light, the second white spot is also bright.

The roulette is easily dialed. It has a rapid conversion of the LCD screen after the '' sounds. The front becomes a small, white simultaneous picture of the brain pattern.

The following numbers rose from 3 to 7, which seems to mean that he can play 7 strain drugs against employees?

Returning again, the numbers also changed back, it looked quite magic - especially after the supervisor played an excitation bomb to the employee, there was no reduction in ammunition.

Every breed is calculated separately ... It seems really good, it is better to say it is very strong.

But unfortunately, this thing is not to use employees working in the indoor work. Even if the shooting does not have any feedback and changes, just a waste of ammunition.



The second round of melting - not, it should be said that 'dawn test' is quickly arriving in the work without blocking. With the beeps of the alarm, the things of 'violet dawn' quickly appeared in the promenade of each department of the company.

But I have already prepared it, the supervisor has also been extremely rapid, and they just appeared, and when they have not started to make peace, the employees have been over.

The next picture does not even look, the supervisor has begun to arrange the follow-up work, after all, dawn has already played so many times, the other party is a bit a little ready to know the name ... There is no need to waste too much energy.

After the monsters of 'dawn test', the supervisor continued to arrange employees to return to their jobs, and the work of the abnormality work, the standby or defending the defending.

At this time, the supervisor will think, why can't the company can't give him a convenient 'to choose a full member to go to the target location'.

Although there is a convening order, you can return each department to return to the department assigned ... but, to be honest, not very easy to use.

Sighted, the supervisor shifted his attention again to the new abnormality today. Their two are honest, of course, just have just been melted in the past two times - If you can, the supervisor hopes that they can be so honest, don't make trouble.

However, this is definitely just a luxury, so the supervisor is ready to arrange employees. Once any of them, there will be dispatched personnel immediately.

There is no such thing as the company, and the five-level employees are sufficient. As long as it is too high, it is possible to cause employees to die in it, which will lead to employees to die in an abnormality that is too unoccupied.

But this is not absolute, the company has so many mechanisms, which means that the employee has violently violent.

Holding such an idea, the supervisor took a sigh of breath, so that the room in the room quickly poured into the lungs, let him calm down.

The new round of murder is coming soon, it seems to be developed in a good direction.

"Collect half of energy. And half of energy has not been filled, the difference between it, I spent it for a long time. What about you?"

Christina as always, and then slightly, the screen on the screen wall moved in the work of the supervisor, not only did not become relaxed, but more serious ... Because the next murder, it is not like the previous two times. I have a small trouble.

So the supervisor is now nervous, then scales the picture to the largest, can see the entire company's appearance, waiting for the last employee to enter the accommodation room.

He needs to work for [big old man], quite safe ... Well, you should say special safety. Because [big old] is basically will not make trouble, most of the cases are very embarrassed.

The mulled alert rapidly, and the athletic red light came together throughout the screen, and then it was changed to several rays that were hovering outdoors, and urged the supervisor to deal with it as soon as possible.

"Luck ... Not very good, I hope nothing is restless today, it is too much trouble ..."

Looking at [F-01-84] The contacnation of the red light, the supervisor sighed.

Author message:

PS: Thanks for the 588 rewards of the stains ~

PS4: ... Um ... In short, ask for a ticket in the early month, just like this ...

PSN: ... Today is Zhi Nai birthday! (Then I still don't add more)

421. Everyone is away! That is an abnormal attack!

Other mulk is good, this new, supervisor has not prepared it - how to work for it.

How does a telephone carrying? Do you threaten what it doesn't do?

Although it is hesitant, according to its characteristics, the final supervisor is sent, it is a level 5, and has rich management experience, enters the accommodation room.

Perform 'communication' work on [F-01-84]. Although there is still a lot of don't understand, but big arrive, the phone is used to communicate, you can't give it to two batteries ...

In addition, the two contained rooms have dispatched employees to handle, the current major problems are still, this exception's work result - and, if it fled, what method should be used to deal with it.

The supervisor is staring at the employee from the upper work area, and goes to the "F-01-84] housing room without blocking after the central part of the second area.

Then, the supervisor saw that Sophie collected the workpiece, picking up the phone from the table, and the technique is quite raw and pressing the keyboard. I want to try to trigger what change it produces.

Then she seems to be scared, put the microphone tightly on the ear, and listen to the sound inside, the other hand began to record something.

The entire accommodation room seems to be active, representing the gear of the work mode, the green energy is also filled into the grille indicator in the source, but the resulting energy makes the supervisor.

"This exception ... KAPH level? Energy production is very low, it is estimated that arms is not very ... Of course, if it is a rare harm type, it seems good ..."

While the director is self-speaking, open the notebook and starts to transcribe some shortcomers that will appear above the accommodation room.

'Hello, I am……'

What you are showing is complete, is it an exception that cannot be disclosed? But employees have not been injured -

I just thought of this, the contained room was flashing, and the damage indication of the floc pattern, at the same time, Sophie's spirit slightly fell slightly.

No nature, but can confirm the type of damage.

She is a bit sad and closed, still keeps holding a communication with the interpretator and the inner messenger, but it doesn't look at it, because the next two and three energy collections are red.

'who are you? The employee is so fierce inquiry, but it can't answer, only electronic noise in the phone. '

These words are coming soon. Before the competent reaction came over, the flourishing brush flying past three or four, and it seems a bit like a suspense story ...

After the energy collection, it was also very smooth. As a Kaph level, it actually caused no four red damage, and the work was successful, and the results of the work were natural.

Then, the employee came out of the housing room, and the green smile mask layer was also bright on the storage window. It indicated that this work was very successful. When the supervisor was relieved, the harsh beep sounded.

Almost being killed by my mouth, the supervisor quickly pulled down the picture down, found that the storage room of [F-01-84] has become a bleak snow screen, while in its storage room window, the counter has become bottomed The color is red, the number of red is 0.

Where is the thing? !



The company's peace of the third-level murder, meaning that today's work will be very smooth, or the successful pass, this makes every employee of the company, exceptionally excited, so that the work efficiency is slightly Increase.

Although the abnormality that has just been spread all over the company broke through the alert, it was very worried, but there was no first-level alert tip, which should not be a particularly dangerous exception.

In general, this happens when [Bird] or [Dewich Die "breaks through the accommodation, but in most cases, they are not very big to cause the company.

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