The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 346

After the director sighed, finally slammed, relying on the chair and start relaxing.

Author message:

PS: Thanks to Huayin's reward ~ Thanks to Xianglin Tang's tea ~ 588X2!

PS4: ...... Today, it is power out. It is difficult to walk for half a city to find an electric Internet cafe, exhausted me ... so ask for a blade ...

434. Summary time after work, probably

Today's work is very smooth and smooth, in addition to losing a few clerks - corrections, there is no more dangerous events outside of more than a dozen clerks.

The supervisor even prepared for repeated restarting work, this is better, the work is directly over, but he only needs to concentrate on paying attention to the information collected in hand.

Confirm that today's work is completed, the screen wall is not immediately displayed in the contamination of 'final observation'. It is straightforward to make the entire screen wall to mask the entire screen wall with a beautiful central part of this section.

At the same time, Cristina has emerged on the screen wall, and said in a peace: "You have passed today, and it is very fortunate, there is no serious working mistake."

"In the past, the company had owned by the company, usually, after discovering that this can be used as a 'vulnerability', ecstasy, and developing, I feel sigh, how to use it."

"For example, when the employee is dispatched to the humenly, the employee has entered the humenly decided to reduce the reaction reaction."

"Al or, in the final stage of collecting energy, working on several contained rooms, and then ending work regardless of employees."

"You have this trend today, but this is the company's regulations, I will not blame you to find the company 'vulnerability'. Because this is the provisions, we must follow, otherwise it will only make things worse. "

This poisonous tongue Ai is so good today. Is it difficult to say that the work recently explained is from others, and she is noticeable to ignore it?

"So, although it is regrettable, you still have no depreciation of the red fur orangutan, I have to drop a few percentage points to your expectation value, and to re-introduction, what exact you can do."

Refer to the preface, this guy did not change.

"As a Ai, I have a obligation to tell you that when you enjoy the convenience of 'escape', the company's collections have to face danger, will die, or have to die. crisis."

"However, you are the supervisor, you should enjoy this right."

After that, Christina disappeared, although she had always been very peaceful, speaking is a statement, but the supervisor is obvious, this guy seems to be very dissatisfied with himself.

But what happened, the supervisor felt that he was not a peony flower, not seeking people to love, this Ai mouth is so poisoned, there is no need to please her.

Shot shrugged, the supervisor picked up the documents on the table, in the screen wall in front of him, some beautiful notes were scattered, and if they didn't look carefully, they were still very beautiful.

But if you carefully go, you will feel that you have to be attracted, you want to look down ... but the directive attention is attracted by the information.

[F-01-84] Don't say, it has been cooked by the leading back of the supervisor, and more important, [O-03-93] is much less than the imagination.

But it is not possible to say that it is impossible.

The supervisor looks at the record on his hand, then chews it repeatedly 'When we see it again, you will become a star' meaning - it seems to have something to do.



This abnormality is unusual, its appearance is just a look, not the concept of true existence. When the employee is working, it is constantly, repeated, and it mentions the desire for [O-03-93].

I am eager to stroke, eager to touch, eager to communicate with it, eager to be close to it ... as if this is done, you can make your own inner heart is full.

But not everyone will, from the content of the record unlocked, elite employees are worthy of elite employees, facing the unusual temptation of abnormalities, they can strictly follow this heart, stick to the rules, and be exceeded Action, full number rejection.

However, in the heart, how to get firm in the heart, after a long time and abnormal contact, it will gradually become unstable. Behind this abnormal record, the supervisor saw that the staff will break through their own atrium, want to make Unwise behavior.

This exception will attract the staff ... but what is the purpose of doing and unknown. However, the worst, that is, the employee is killed, and where can I go wrong?

I will not add a pair of legs after I can't eat people, and then I am greedy, then I will take other people.

Think about it, that thing is so big, the light is running, it will be half-dead because the body is not coordinated ... think about it.

When the brain tonic is scrolling on the ground, the supervisor will fill a bite on the side, and then be laughed by the pictures they imagined ... I hope this is not because of the long-term snail life.

In short, the information that is currently collectible is so much, and it is not very clear about it in this temporary, it is better to put energy in [F-01-84].

After all, today, it is necessary to make an abnormally observation. If you don't play the spirit, you may have to follow the gay of the three knives, and you will have more blood flow on the ground.

At that time, you must have a handsome posture, or you will definitely be slammed into the title of the hook.

...... Well, but what is the meaning with her?

Pick up the "F-01-84] work report, the supervisor seriously thinking that it is because of the recent pressure, so that there is a problem, the problem, and the smallest and thick multi-fold.

As a Kaph-level abnormality, [F-01-84] The biggest problem is not 'it has more danger' ... strictly, as long as you work, she is nothing to do with other Kaph levels.

Easy to manage, easy to deal, collect information is also very easy, in addition to the low output energy, only one breakthrough is not good after, the murder is faster, it is worried.

The supervisor frowned over half, then looked up to the computer monitor: "Christina, are you?"

"What is your problem?"

"I have passed this unusual ... um, various indicators, but I can't find a report. Simply, why this exception is ... Hey."

The supervisor scratched his head and fell back and flicked several times. After confirming that he didn't see it wrong, he looked to Christina.

"There is no abnormal weapon / jewelry, just have an abnormal armor? This is not too reasonable ... Let's be a very attacking anomalies."

At the same time, the supervisor will show the files in front of Christina, and to weigh the doubts.

Author message:

PS: Thank you for your pray for X3 ~

PS4: ...... The diet is irregular, starting stomach pain, life (Wang Tian

435. When you come to you, you will show your ability!

After about dozens of seconds, Cristina's voice slowly passed into the ear of the supervisor.

She is still not ill, I said in accordance with my own pace: "Not all anomalies can develop an abnormal armed. If the tool is subject to the tool, it will not give you any arms or weapons."

"The R & D department is not universal, and does not exist. Nature can also be applied to company technology. Unless you can take out active insights, or get things that exist in the other party, maybe things will change."

She was slightly paused for a while, it seems that after handling other things, she continued: "I don't have any hope for this, because I am Ai, I only believe in logic and accurate regulation. I don't believe your luck."

In other words, it is to believe that someone else's luck is?

The supervisor sighed, closed the document: "Ok, just like this. So when can I choose the final observation of today? This picture has a little longer."

"When you fade, the company is taking the problem that you have left, please wait patiently. This process takes some time, you can do some other things to wait for the next job."

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