The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 381

According to the practice, let the supervisor wear the pair before it doesn't work. Now it should be effective, with a holographic headset, bell, let the robot arm put the other things in the table.

Including a disc box (no button) that can be buckled on the belt, one pair can be buckled on the wrist, and also with a fluorescent digital bracelet.

These things don't seem to slit slits, as if they are integrated from the beginning, full of a sense of future science fiction.

The supervisor did not worry, and the slight beep was passed in the headphones, and then a series of smooth texts were displayed in holograms, and finally transformed into several key data appeared in the eyes.

In the upper left corner of the horizon, it is now green, and the display time is not limited to unlimited abnormal tendencies. In the upper right corner, there is a red and white strip, of which white strips are slightly longer than the red strip.

The place in the middle is a half-transparent light blue strip. It looks quite science fiction. The supervisor is not allowed to have anything, and it is naturally not hesitant.

"Oh? That, it is the company's experimental personal protection farm. For erosion, mental injury, physical damage has a good effect, but because it is too sharing damage type, it is very high, it is not suitable for carrying it. "

The supervisor stunned, looking down at his dress, since it is not suitable for carrying, what is it?

"You are a one-time protective device? If you have broken it, you can't return it. You must ask Double blessings .... However, your 'traits' basically protects you will not die, so please How many uses, I will monitor your abnormal tendency, don't worry! "

Self-seeking Du Fu said, you don't believe in what you have studied ... and why is it one-time, this kind of self-contained single soldier guard field is not all binding with gasping. ?

However, the bell booth, shrugged: "That is just a fairy tale and convenient setting in the game, how can there be so convenient in reality ~ It is like a future sister to sing a large-scale return to the company. , Just think that it is convenient to have it. "

"In short, please come on?"

Author message:

PS: Thank you Huaxi's reward ~

PS4: ...... Have a holiday, I also want to have a holiday ...

476. Just like it, the courage is the face!

If there is any effect, it has to be effectively effective in practice, and can be associated with the other party, but also to look at the executive individual, if it is wrong, the other party's feedback is very bad ...


The supervisor hesitated, looking down at the wrist, hiding the two braces in the sleeve, they are showing some information he can't understand, but this does not affect the use.

For other supervisors, he has a huge advantage, that is, when the situation is unreliable, you can start working from this day, that is, give him a correct mistake. opportunity.

After confirming that there is no problem, the so-called 'personal protective system' is also all activated, the supervisor went to the elevator waiting, but when the door closed, the supervisor was deeply understood, should not give the elevator command to a look very jumped. Take off.

Unlike the previous movement track, this time he feels that the elevator is like a roller washing machine, or there is no safety protector, the someric action is not so big, but just let him go back and forth.

Even so, the supervisor still felt a strong discomfort, or the things I have eaten today, it is estimated that he is now going to spit the elevator now ... Waiting for it, think about it, really spit, is still unlucky or Yourself.

Strong to endure, the supervisor hits in the elevator, and even triggered a protective power farm, the elevator finally slammed down, and eventually issued a sound like the script.

At the moment when the elevator door opened, the supervisor immediately slammed out, even on the ground, two rolls were stopped, and the post-long lives - ah, finally live.

Packing up the mood, the supervisor is stunned in the hall of the central part: "Chris ... is not, the bell? Why are I now in the hall, not directly enter the lambent?"

"Well ... let me see, there is nothing, just something need to be tested, ok, now please concentrate, go to your right hand side, don't go down, otherwise I may run to the second district. ? My sister is not as good as I am as good as I. "

The supervisor shook his head, and took the orange guidance to the right side of the central part to the right side, when I saw the "downstairs stairs" of the bell, the unexpected discovery was really a stair ... I haven't seen it yet.

However, he did not go abroad, but arrived in the receiving promenade after the access control of the two sectors.

Ming Yellow light shines throughout the corridor, look at it, no more clean air, can also see the wall of the promenade, what is the use of the intricate pipeline, the executiveway did not understand.

But in understanding it, it will not make the work easily, so the supervisor is just shake his head, and the passing of the air is full of dust ... No, it should be said to be [O-05-61], slightly paused meeting.

It has been very slight in the door, and it seems to have a burning voice, and there is a wonderful attraction, it seems that you want the supervisor to do something, such as wearing, or put on.

Strive to resist this attraction, the supervisor immediately turned to the "white devil] to the accommodation room, until he left, if there is no attractive to slow down, there is no entanglement.

Maybe this means that in fact, the 'thing' is not malicious?

The supervisor is unknown because he is now standing in the door of the "White Devil], from the outside, I can't hear what happened inner, or what the other party is doing, I only feel that there is a little cold.

I hardally breathe a few times, the supervisor closed my eyes, let my live mood calm down, then press the inner heart to make his hands and feet panic, reach the liquid crystal panel on the console.

Then suddenly turned back, because it was just, it seems to look at him behind, but actually didn't, it feels strange.



Heartball, mirror, water, the meaning of the psychology has been flat to almost floating, but the supervisor wants to keep close to its mentality, when seeing [White Devil], it has almost collapsed.

The green abnormal tendency on the lifted display threatens to become a bright yellow, and then become red, although the time still has no countdown, but this means that the supervisor is close to the abnormality, which has very strong disturbance.

When the other party was noticed, a magical array of magic arrands in his hand came, and then quickly stood straight, and some sorry will be hooked behind.

"Ah? Hello, today is also a practice to talk to me, or say ... Let's do experiments that can trigger my magic active?"

It seems that it is already the appearance of the early high school students, [White Devil] is very polite question, let the supervisor intended to be guilty of guilty.

What is said, if you understand the individual's personal understanding, maybe she has never left the accommodation room today, even after the work has never experienced a few times, directly ask her why murder is not very good?

The supervisor thought about it, he did not move forward after the yellow line: "Well ... Although it is reasonable, we should talk about your past experience, but that is the matter that employees need to do. Self-introduction I am the supervisor of this company, the responsibility is to transfer the behavior of the employees and command them to complete a variety of work. "

[White Devil] Be a bit: "That is, are you the company's mind? I am very glad to meet you, my name is the Naji Ye, the occupation is ... , that, what should I say ... "

She hesitated for a while, then suddenly shot: "Ah, yes, the seniors have said to me, now I am not an ordinary middle school student, the career is the magic girl, the purpose is to combat those who want to capture people's life. thing."

Then I added a sentence: "And, the intention makes the city become unusual, people who are talking, as long as they are contrary to justice, let them recognize their mistakes."

At the same time, she waved the long stick in her hand, and she was very excited, as if her sin is her daily. This active look, indeed similar to this age of little girl.

If it is not a supervisor to collect a lot of action logic, maybe it will be a friendly, hateful, infecting everyone with his own efforts and positive attitude. Let them know the right to change, the 'magic girl' who struggles with peace and peace.

Author message:

Ps: ... Today, there is something, so it's late, make up the update ...

PS4: ... and, in accordance with the practice of the practice ... Ah, uncovering the pot ...

477. Only rely on words, it is unable to save everyone!

I have finished the words you have to say, the supervisor decided to go around the topic first: "Maintain justice ... But, justice also points to many aspects, this is too complicated, the county is not mentioned. You usually fight crime, How did you do it? "

Nairong is a little bit: "Use magic? Believe one, please don't think this is a little child's fantasy, the magic is really existing, but only some of the special talents can drive."

So, she raised her hands in the hands of the hand, and the supervisor was carefully observed. It was almost the same time, the difference is that this thing does not seem to make a sound.

"This is made through 'odd point' technology, a very advanced 'trainee' driver, as long as there is it, I can drive the magic according to the special characteristics, reach a variety of incredible results. "

"For example, the sheck, flying, used to ease the treatment of injuries, is through practice and learning, the skills of the final master."

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