The supervisor does not die from owing his mouth

The supervisor is not dying from the Yinger Chapter 383

When I rushed, I had to work hard to watch the body, the 'there is no rod, the words that Naiye said, is very much, because she did not use the horror shelling.

In addition, it is not that case, the supervisor is low to escape a star bomb that rubs the head, then the foot is wrong, the whole person sways the side of the swing, a few rays just pass, no supervisor .

However, the secretly Ma Ma's stars have no way, and the supervisor is tightly looked at the single guard field that has already been seen. With a very high speed, the hall of the central part is a hall, and the upper area of ​​the ring is displayed. In front of me, he quickly pulled down the circular small box on the belt.

I have lost it less than one second. It continues to spray smoke, and what is the burnt smell, the supervisor is completely doing you to think about what this is burn on his waist.

The [White Devil] is incredible, and I want to take my own weapons from him, the supervisor is in the heart, and directly step on the railings, leap.

One district below is a lounge in a district, there is also a huge, unidentified statue. If you don't make a mistake, it should be not very high -


The head of the moment that jumped down was regretted. This highly looked at the fifty hunters, three assassins. And most importantly, he has no way to adjust his fallen gesture like it is the legend of those legends.

Ok, he is not a person struggling.

A bunch of bright light quickly shrouded in the supervisor, so that the speed of his drops immediately slowed down until it was slowly landed, he reacted, this is a bell in helping - the heart of '' '' '' The head didn't return, and immediately ran up.

I don't want to think, definitely [White Devil] is also chasing it, she is now very clear now, rushing back to her weapon from the supervisor, even the arm of the supervisor above, there is no relationship.

Therefore, the supervisor has not stopped, and the brain is constantly thinking about what to do - and then find that the front of the central part of the second district is slowly coming.

Author message:

PS: Thank Pasi @ ~ Thank you Pari @ 1688! And, thank you first of the world's first tungstel! thank you very much!

PS4: ...... The distance is distributed, and there is also ... nine days, I am dying -

479. Things suddenly run in the direction of unfamiliarity -

Although the bell has already said, he took over Christina's work. Then the work of the part of the part is handed over to the sister, but the supervisor has never thought about it, which will cause her to walk in the two departments.

When you are chasing [White Devil], the ghost knows that she will be handed over, and although the department supervisor will not be hurt (this is true), but the supervisor can not dare to drop it lightly.

Is it impossible?

So he didn't hesitate to slow down, rush to the 'sister', one turned, then kneeling down, take her waist, stand up before the other party reacted, just like a face-to-face pocket She gave it.

Then I continued to turn around, until this time, 'my sister' turned, let my face exposed from the messy hair, and the influence of the supervisor run: "This is not in line with the regulations, as a department The supervisor, you can't reason you with the behavior of the accommodation room. "

The left hand took her, holding the "white devil], the right hand, the head of the supervisor, keeping down the building, by the way, the way to avoid more stars and beams, do not look at the wall panels of the channel and the lines in the inside. How much influence, the supervisor directly rushed into the lower hall in the second area.

The largest difference between the second district and one district is that whether the upper or lower is, it has been old and old, not to make the Sao hop from above, just as the 'sister' is as big as an old board. If the supervisor does pay attention to her, it feels that it is a personal, and it will even suspect that actually 'sister' is only self-discipline robot.

"Your understanding is incorrect, I am human. And, now I haven't arrived rid of the key issue now, you are going to deal with it."

The average person is running everywhere, at least speaks to a problem, but 'sister' is not, she is only in accordance with the regulations, there is no discomfort.

"I, cough ... How to deal with, I don't know, I will catch the rod and I will raise the rod ... Wait, wait, I don't really run it now ..."

The supervisor slammed a brake, stopped in the second district hall, then put down the 'sister', holding the neck of Nairong: "Things should not be the case, you don't want this ?!"

After chasing, it is condensed a new magic array, ready to kill the supervisor [White Devil] because he does not stop according to the common sense.

Naturally staring at the long stick, the competent is not her primary goal.

However, the supervisor held the rope: "Now, the answer is only one."

He directly took the weapon to the next pressure, while lifting the knee, two parties together, using the power to break a power to look quite weak to him.

With a crisp crack, the supervisor only felt a light in his hand, this weapon looked at the unbelievable, but even in his hands interrupted as two sections.


Can you fix the temporarily, no matter whether the behavior of the supervisor makes the opponent's anger, she completely gave up using those small trows, who did not expect the speed, straight to the head of the supervisor.

The supervisor quickly gave it to the two knots to the air, and then felt that he flew by a truck, the whole body's bones were smashed.

Dramatic pain makes him see that [White Devil] I grabbed the hurdle on the air left and right.

Subsequently, the neck is hit in your hand, aiming at the supervisor that is slipping on the ground, just like throwing a javelin, it is generally throwing out, accurately, the leading abdomen of the supervisor, and nail him on the ground.

Then fall to the ground, go to the head of the supervisor, hold a piece of the stick, a fine and gorgeous magic array, intended to put him here.

Due to excessive blood loss, the supervisor is a cold intention to pull out the sticks on the belly, but in vain, he is helpless, pain, pain, pain, habit, numb.

And in this feeling, it is better to be tossed on the training shelf. He even thoughts think about the next time you start working.

Strive to open your eyes, through the rotating magic array, and the stream of cherry, the supervisor saw the [White Devil], it seems to have anything to flash.

At that moment, the supervisor feels that his consciousness seems to be stripped. The whole person is like soaking in the stream of cherry. In the blurred illusion, the supervisor seems to have seen many pictures of their own unclear, but it is too unstable. So did he didn't see anything.

When he came back, he had handed a broken pole, and the strength of the savings in the gorgeous magic array was about to be sprayed, and in the magical array, it was a semi-dead.

When the machine was interrupted, the supervisor raised his hand to heaven, and the savings of the sauce of the saute were suddenly taken out, and the entire company was turned off, even if it did not cause any injury to the building, the supervisor also secretly shocked, This kind of quantity is sprayed on the face, even the 'armed anomalies' can't hold, more people who are weak.

After the supervisor, 'sister' suddenly came over, under the record of the sakura, she still didn't panic, and unplugged the head end of the leader, and dragged him slowly leaving.

It is like it is like a clear field.

Continued flooding in the exhausted feelings of the body eventually stopped, he gasped half of the ground, and finally closed his eyes, and the consciousness slowly sinks, and a surprise shout came from afar.

"This is my body! This little girl is my thing, what is your life! Dare to hinder me to exercise justice ?!"

In the flow of cherry, the supervisor clearly saw that the black material slowly condensed, she looked almost the same, but the supervisor was reacted, this probably her 'abnormal Features'.

"No, you are not just right, and the murder of the murderer interfere with her thinking, the way, the way, I didn't see your justice."

The awareness of the agency is constantly coming from the other party. The supervisor is not from the 'reach the hand. "It is also called justice in the front of him. The arrogance is still almost.

"I am justice, the office is all just, this little girl is just my biography tool, can exercise justice on my behalf, it is her existence - your intentions occupy the slag of others, it is evil! "

For this kind of thing, the supervisor wondered for a while, and suddenly laughed.

He suddenly watched: "Shut up! I want to be a beautiful girl!"

Author message:

PS: Thank Qin Wei's reward ~ Thanks to the rain of rain! thank you very much!

PS4: ... I want to transform invincible stream - but not

480. So, he thought of a wonderful idea ...

The competent is very little known for the 'trait', only knows that it can use, will produce effect, there is limit and lower limit, and will become more powerful as frequent use and development.

And the development of excessive development will tend to abnormally ... but this mouth sounds shouts the guy who is justice ', it is true for the first time - the special product can also form a self-person style?

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